Karma School

Episode 065

Private Equity Spotlight: From Assembly Line to Investment Line with John Stewart

In this episode of the "Karma School of Business Podcast," host Sean Mooney interviews John Stewart, founder and managing partner of MiddleGround Capital. They explore John's unconventional journey from a college dropout and night shift worker at Toyota to leading a private equity firm that champions operational excellence and entrepreneurial spirit.

Episode Highlights: 1:24 - John's unconventional journey from Toyota to private equity. 4:22 - How operational expertise inspired MiddleGround Capital's vision. 6:52 - Applying lean manufacturing principles to private equity. 9:12 - MiddleGround's unique value creation approach. 16:40 - Overcoming challenges in building MiddleGround Capital. 23:44 - John's advice for aspiring entrepreneurs. 29:04 - John recommends "Building a Second Brain" for efficiency.

For more information on MiddleGround Capital, go to https://middleground.com/ For more information on John Stewart, go to https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnstewartky To purchase John's book, go to https://www.amazon.com/Toyota-Kaizen-Continuum-Practical-Implementing/dp/1439846049 For more information on BluWave and this podcast, go to https://www.bluwave.net/podcasts/

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