Video: Dealing With Service Providers at Capacity

As the world begins to rapidly reopen from the pandemic, businesses have begun to run full steam ahead to catch up for lost time. This massive acceleration in business has left many go-to service providers in the PE industry at capacity due to the sudden surge in demand, leaving many firms wondering where to go next.

In situations like this, hundreds of the leading PE firms have come flocking to us, knowing that we can provide them with alternative providers through our extensive Intelligent Network.

Our Intelligent Network boasts the characteristics of both having a deep bench of PE-grade service providers and single shingle consultants.

In times like this, our broad list of resource partners allows us to keep a pulse on different providers’ availability, leaving firms with more time to focus on other initiatives while we determine what providers are available for them.

Additionally, our PE-grade single shingle providers empower our clients to find the same quality services they are accustomed to with their go-to providers, but for a much better value.

In the video below, former PE Partner and Bluwave Founder and CEO, Sean Mooney, shares his top three tips on what to do when your go-to resources are at capacity.

If we can help you connect with alternative providers during this capacity shortage, or help you with any other need, please contact us at and we will be happy to connect with you right away.



Women in PE Event Recap

Every quarter we gather leading women in PE to discuss current industry topics and to offer smart women the chance to gather, share intel, and decompress with one another. In our most recent event, we discussed many topics and have listed our top takeaways below.

These forums are invite-only and follow Chatham House Rules, so listed below are high-level takeaways only. Are you in private equity and interested in joining fellow leading PE professionals during our next Women in PE Forum on September 15th? Please contact us at

Deal Flow 

  • Panelists and table participants agreed that the current flow of deals is historic in number, but reflective of years past, particularly past-recession and pre-tax changes.  Funds are constrained by tight timelines and increased competition, higher price multiples, pressured budgets, and true scarcity both from diligence providers and internal fund capacity.
  • Funds have addressed this by focusing on deals they can win or where they have a unique angle for a seller. Some are even contacting banks in advance of the process with a pre-deal offering.  When a “wanted” deal is identified, funds are full-court-pressing management team (including in-person meetings) and putting resources against it.  Relationships with diligence providers have become more important than ever due to capacity constraints.  When go-tos are not available, funds are taking the opportunity to try new providers identified through BluWave—connecting funds with specialized groups for a certain industry or geography.
  • Internal capacity constraints are real, as is junior professional burnout.  Funds are leaning into the softer side (happy hours, team outings, etc.) to curate a sense of team and community, helping juniors feel tied to their firm and preventing turnover.

Holding Periods and Potential Tax Change Impact

  • Funds are trying to balance the opportunity to sell at significant multiples in this market, weighing the balance of higher short-term IRRs versus greater multiples of money with longer hold periods. Additionally, potential tax changes loom, encouraging companies to sell before the potential becomes a reality.  BluWave is hearing from our contacts in DC that a changed capital gains rate will likely land at a lower rate than being proposed by the administration in the form of a compromise.
  • Few PE firms seem to be making firm-wide changes from a holding period perspective due to the impact of potential tax changes.  That said, tax changes are pushing private owners (in an unprecedented way) to look at selling, amplified by the pent-up demand from the delayed covid period. Even 20-30 yr old industrials companies are considering sale for the first time.

Other Industry-Wide Observations

  • Travel:  Flights are packed, and travel is generally more “pleasant” from a hospitality perspective—hotels being genuinely eager to please!  That said, travel itself is more difficult due to limited flights, making the options more limited and forcing prioritization exercises.  Annual meetings are split between remaining virtual (higher turnout) and in-person (more collaboration/relationship-development). The consensus on board meetings is that they will likely be ½ virtual and ½ in person.
  • In-office:  Offices are coming back, depending on the region, though all will be in the “new normal” mode by Labor Day.  In general, most firms seem to be at least partially virtual for the foreseeable future, and there is a trend toward a more casual dress code—notably involving more color!

We thoroughly enjoyed getting to gather with other leading women in PE to discuss these current industry hot topics.  Here at BluWave, we are specialized to help you find service providers when your go-tos are at capacity.

Never worked with us before? Check out our How To Vet BluWave video to learn more about us and how we can help. And if you have an immediate need, contact us here and we will be happy to help you right away.

Video: How To Vet BluWave

When you are evaluating external help to get you and your fund the resources you need, there are a number of questions you should ask, including:

  • What does your business focus on?
  • How many PE funds do you work with?
  • How many projects have you done with PE funds?
  • How do you know a service provider is PE-grade?
  • How long does it take to get results?
  • Why your business over any alternative options?

In this video, our team answers each of these questions. Watch to learn more!


May 2021 Roundup: Insights from Private Equity Clients

BluWave works with over 500 PE funds from around the globe, connecting them with pre-vetted, best-in-class, interim executives and small groups across a variety of resource and functional areas. From information technology and manufacturing to healthcare and consumer goods, our private equity clients are paving the way for “Industry 4.0.” In other words, they have their heads in the game and their hands on the pulse of news you can use.

Check out the latest, curated collection of reports, insights, and musings from a handful of our PE funds.

Baird Capital’s Dennis Hall Quoted in ‘Real Deals’ Piece on the Evolution of DD


Baird Capital’s Global Head of Portfolio Management Dennis Hall was tapped for his thoughts on the evolution of due diligence in a Real Deals article by Andros Payne. In the piece, Hall explains that to agree on and execute the path to value, leaders in due diligence must focus on “understanding the team and organization’s capability to execute.”


WomenHack: Helping Diverse People Get Hired In Tech

This past month on Parker Gale’s Private Equity Funcast, PG partner Kristina Heinze talked to Director of Global Events for WomenHack Lisa Hudson. In the episode, they discuss WomenHack’s approach to promoting gender equality in tech and helping people get hired at companies across 125+ cities around the world. Plus, find out more about Lisa’s experience working for companies and in roles across the globe.


Last month on the Middle Market Growth podcast, Sun Capital Partners Managing Director Dan Florian and Principal Stephen Cella w3r3 n to talk about Sun Capital’s strategy for investing in health care. They discuss how Sun Capital measures the effectiveness of initiatives designed to improve the patient experience, plus how they work with the management team of their dental client, ClearChoice.


From Siloed to Contextualized Operational Data – How Cognite is Driving the Digital Transformation of the World’s Largest and Most Vital Industries

Bridging the gap between business and operational data insights, Cognite uses machine learning to enable large amounts of information to be ingested and contextualized to be leveraged in a range of use cases. In this case study feature, TCV digs into how Cognite — one of TCV’s “potential franchise companies” is becoming the category leader by improving data’s accessibility and governance and shortening the time to value and scalability of high-ROI applications.


You can also find insights from more private equity clients in last month’s roundup here.

Private Equity Human Capital Executive Forum Event Recap

Every quarter we gather top human capital executives across leading private equity funds to discuss key topics that are top of mind. In our most recent event, we covered many topics. Below are our top takeaways.

These events are invite-only and follow Chatham House Rules, so this only touches on our high-level learnings. If you are interested in joining our next event, please contact us at

Return to Office: Though there was variance as to private equity funds approach how/if they will return to the office, Labor Day seems to be the flashpoint when most will begin their version of the “new normal.” In the meantime, office attendance seems to be voluntary, sometimes encouraged.

  • Some firms are using prolonged location flexibility as a recruiting tool for more junior employees, and others are trying a hybrid model, (all-firm Mondays, Deal Team A Tuesdays) to take advantage of the “organized serendipity” aspects of being physically in the same space.
  • Individuals are encouraged to share their “vaccine plan” but are generally not required to have it.
  • Questions arose around the attraction and retention of junior talent who prefer a flexible location plan—and how this may balance with the individual competitiveness in employees wanting to gain an advantage by being in person or preference with facetime.

Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion: Most firms are applying a more holistic approach when considering the diversity within the firm and portco structures, and some sort of diversity diligence and board reporting seems broadly applied.

  • Many firms are partnering with specialized recruiters or diversity-focused associations to maintain a diverse junior candidate pipeline.
  • To maintain a healthy pipeline of all junior candidates, some firms have introduced internship programs, or have made offers to investment banking candidates earlier in their careers.
  • A number of firms discussed using emerging public company standards for their portco boards.

Future of Work: There is broad acceptance that some things will likely remain different for the foreseeable future- either from a location flexibility perspective or a difference in frequency of business travel.

  • Firms are re-thinking what is required to be done in person (and in-office) and what can be done remotely in order to maximize time together.
  • Business travel will likely be less frequent in the near term (i.e. dial into the monthly board check-in) but more concentrated and purposeful when it happens (i.e. the portco visit will be bi-annually and will be an intense 3 days of plant tours and management meetings). Some firms are limiting travel to more senior individuals so as to reduce juniors’ time away from other essential tasks.
  • Many firms have targeted and continue to hone all employees’ digital acumen to optimize communication and collaboration across people and teams, regardless of whether they are in-person or virtual.
  • Virtual work has prompted a focus on the importance of personality assessment tools (like Hogan) to help team members understand each other better and to accelerate remote relationship building.

HR & talent are a key area of focus for us and our clients. In fact, in our Q1 2021 quarterly insights report, we found HR and talent remain private equity’s top area of focus, accounting for nearly 39% of all due diligence and value creation initiatives by PE in Q1 2021. Activity levels in HR and talent continue to grow over time, comparatively accounting for 32% of projects in Q1 2020 and 25% of projects in Q1 2019. Within this category, we are seeing significant investments by PE in ESG and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives.

You can find an overview of our quarterly findings here. To view the full deck, which includes detailed projects by functional area, as well as league tables, reach out to us at A team member would be happy to share our full findings with you and tailor our insights to be most relevant to you and your fund.

April 2021 Roundup: BluWave Private Equity Client Insights

BluWave works with over 500 private equity funds from around the globe, connecting them with pre-vetted, best-in-class, interim executives and small groups across a variety of resource and functional areas. From information technology and manufacturing to healthcare and consumer goods, our clients are paving the way for “Industry 4.0.” In other words, they have their heads in the game and their hands on the pulse of news you can use.

Check out the latest, curated collection of reports, insights, and musings from a handful of our PE funds…


ParkerGale Private Equity Fund


In this podcast episode from ParkerGale’s “Private Equity Funcast,” Partner Jim Milbury is joined by Ted Bililies, Managing Partner at AlixPartners, to share the results of the Sixth Annual Private Equity Leadership Survey. The pair discuss value creation, human capital, due diligence, and leadership in the wake of a tumultuous year.



TCV Private Equity Fund


“Change and complexity can provide for significant opportunities for leading software vendors.” In this deep dive case study, TCV examines how AxiomSL, a leading provider of cloud-enabled software for governance, risk, and compliance regulatory reporting solutions to the financial services industry, found growth in the global financial crisis. Their secret? Adapt quickly and focus on talent strategy.



Heartwood Partners Private Equity Fund


“While you might think you’ve picked a great time to launch your fundraising, it’s not so easy to sync up your timing with prospective LPs’ forward calendars.” In this deeply retrospective blog post, partners at Parker Gale revisit their lessons learned from their experience raising their first fund. Plus, they share insight into the landing and maintaining relationships with Limited Partners.



MiddleGround Capital Private Equity Fund

This one is a throwback! This time last year, MiddleGround Capital published their manufacturing-focused webinar to help companies understand how PE can help support infrastructure. In the video, MiddleGround partners John Stewart and Scot Duncan are joined by Thomas and Industrial Exchange to discuss what private equity is and how it can work with manufacturing companies and we press on through the coronavirus pandemic.



You can also find last month’s roundup here.

BluWave’s Proprietary Insights Report Shows Private Equity Industry Making Significant Investments In Growth And Development

Private equity Intelligent Network finds 70% of PE activity was focused on value creation initiatives during the first quarter of 2021

NASHVILLE — BluWave, a private equity-focused Intelligent Network, today released new data on how private equity funds and their portfolio companies are allocating resources as the economy turns a corner. The results of the report demonstrate that during Q1 2021 the majority of company leaders prioritized investing in growth and people-oriented specialized groups that could accelerate performance during the economic recovery underway. Value creation activities have increased from 56 percent in Q4 2020 to 70 percent in Q1 2021.

“While the economy seems to be moving in a positive, steady direction, not all companies are recovering at the same rate,” says BluWave founder and CEO, Sean Mooney. “We are seeing the private equity industry making investments to ensure the rising tide is lifting all boats.”

BluWave’s proprietary insights report includes data from thousands of projects initiated by the PE industry. Key findings include:

  • HR and talent remain private equity’s top area of focus, accounting for nearly 39% of all due diligence and value creation initiatives by PE in Q1 2021. Activity levels in HR and talent continue to grow over time, comparatively accounting for 32% of projects in Q1 2020 and 25% of projects in Q1 2019. Within this category, we are seeing significant investments by PE in ESG and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives.
  • Market strategy advisory was PE’s top activity in due diligence during Q1 2021, accounting for nearly 38% of projects. This compares to 24% of activity in Q4 2020. Market strategy advisory is a common, time-tested practice in the PE industry, leveraging insights to inform growth opportunities for new investments. This shift in Q1 2021 signals significant and growing investment activity by private equity across the U.S. and global economies.
  • HR and talent accounted for nearly 45% of PE value creation activities during Q1 2021. This compares to 40% in Q1 2020 and 30% in Q1 2019. The PE industry is taking broad action to bring in people with the right skills to grow and develop companies as Covid begins to recede in the U.S. and a new normal is emerging. BluWave is also seeing strong ongoing investments in operations, sales and marketing, and technology capabilities for portfolio companies.

Adds Katie Marchetti, managing director of BluWave: “We anticipate continued strong investments in value creation in 2021 and are seeing a surge of new investment activities underway as a significant number of business owners seek capital from the private equity industry.”

Interview With Forrester’s CMO Executive Partner Sheryl Pattek

As Forrester’s Executive Partner serving CMOs and Chief Experience Officers, partner, Sheryl Pattek regularly works with senior-level marketing executives to advance their major initiatives, with a special focus on creating customer-obsessed strategies that drive business growth. She has been named “CMO Whisperer” and “One of 18 People in Marketing You May Not Know, but Should,” as well as “one of the thirty most influential women in marketing technology.” Prior to joining Forrester, Sheryl spent over 30 years leading global marketing organizations for both Fortune 500 and early-stage companies in the logistics, transportation, software, software-as-a-service (SaaS), technology, and telecommunications industries.

Are you impressed yet?

Candidly, as a career marketer, she is both inspirational and intimidating at the same time; but gratefully acknowledges she is continually learning and transforming just like the rest of us. When I requested an interview recently, she graciously accepted and dropped knowledge in areas ranging from how to measure marketing success to why interim CMOs are more important now than ever.

Kyle Johnson: Why is due diligence in digital marketing important?

Sheryl Pattek: When you are doing M&A it is imperative to dig in to see what is really there, versus what you are being told on the surface. As today’s consumers and business buyers prefer to engage in digital channels, it is important to understand the tech stack and get a picture of what products are currently used to manage overall customer engagement. It’s also extremely important to know what the data looks like (is it “clean” data or does it need extrapolation) and who owns the data. To create a connected customer experience in today’s digital environment both a strong tech stack and robust data are critical. Customers will accelerate decision-making if they have a good experience, and if not they will “vote with their feet” (and go right out the door) as the saying goes. So, digging into both areas to ensure they are solid is vital to achieving the value a specific M&A is looking for.

KJ: How do you measure the ability of a company’s marketing function?

SP: In terms of its ability to drive growth, the first thing I look at is the business plan and the marketing plan to determine if they are aligned. In a B2B environment, marketing is seen as a driver of growth, owning part of the pipeline and new customer acquisition, in addition, to cross-sell and upsell opportunities. So, alignment between the business and marketing plan ensures that the marketing team will deliver or exceed expectations. Next, I look at the KPIs to see if they map to business outcomes: I want to know the length of time it takes for a customer to make a buying decision, how many “touches” until someone buys, what the ROI looks like, and if they are doing attribution in a way that is actionable. Once I understand the baseline, I try to assess whether or not the existing marketing team has the core capabilities in place to implement go-to-market plans, customer acquisition strategies, or continuous improvement processes. Beyond that, do they have the ability to make data-based decisions and a 360-degree understanding of their customer base.

KJ: Is interim/fractional CMO a thing? Are you seeing this trend post-Covid?

SP: It is definitely a thing and a model that is growing quickly for several reasons. For midsize companies, the interim model is an efficient way of covering a tremendous amount of ground in a short period of time. Typically, as you likely know, it takes at least four to five months to find a full-time marketing executive. Then, once they are on-boarded, understand the business, and start having an impact, you are talking at least six to nine months. Even then, you don’t really know if you have the right fit.

The fractional model allows you to hit the ground running with very specific deliverables in a short period of time. It enables you to then iterate quickly. If you are midsize to a smaller company, you may have a marketing organization of doers in place. An interim CMO can quickly provide strategy and some leadership to kickstart results and accelerate growth. Then, you’d have the flexibility to bring in a fractional CMO episodically, as needed.

KJ: Any insight for hiring a fractional CMO?

SP: If you’re a CEO looking for interim talent, my number one suggestion is to not do it on your own. By tapping into experienced, robust networks, you can find a resource that fits culturally, skills-wise, industry knowledge-wise, and many times even geographically. The typical CEO is not going to have a deep well of interim experts at their disposal.

KJ: What is marketing’s role in creating value for a company?

SP: First and foremost, building and driving a growth engine. Second, bringing customer understanding to the c-suite so decisions are made from the outside in. Third, typically marketing is thought of as owning the company brand. But I prefer to think about the value marketing creates as going beyond just the brand. It’s marketing’s role to link together the brand’s value, the customer’s experience, and employee’s experience to provide the necessary underpinnings of the growth engine.

KJ: Last but not least, what is one marketing trend you’re seeing emerge in 2021.

SM: There are quite a few, but the one companies need to adjust for now is related to data privacy and the changes being made with regard to third-party cookies. These sweeping changes underscore the importance of first-party data. In short, companies who own their own data will win.

March 2021 Roundup: BluWave Client Insights

BluWave works with over 500 PE funds from around the globe, connecting them with pre-vetted, best-in-class, interim executives and small groups across a variety of resource and functional areas. From information technology and manufacturing to healthcare and consumer goods, our clients are paving the way for “Industry 4.0.” In other words, they have their heads in the game and their hands on the pulse of news you can use.

Check out the latest, curated collection of reports, insights, and musings from a handful of our PE funds…


Demand is increasing for automation technology solutions in warehouses and distribution points. Baird lays out “a set of advanced, fully integrated solutions that deploy differentiated technology to support supply chain executives as they tackle these challenges.” These include warehouse management software, machine-to-machine technology, real-time tracking, robotics, and interoperability. Despite progress made in this area, “there is still much work to be done in the face of accelerating demand drivers.”



As the global economy recovers from the 2020 fluctuations, Heartwood Partners lays out key areas that they observed successfully generated value “within our investments in addition to the straightforward improvement of growing sales and profitability.” Among the list are: broadening or adding key functional management, reducing concentrations, enhancing throughput and capacity, improving customer service, upgrading IT systems, and developing succession plans.



“While you might think you’ve picked a great time to launch your fundraising, it’s not so easy to sync up your timing with prospective LPs’ forward calendars.” In this deeply retrospective blog post, partners at Parker Gale revisit their lessons learned from their experience raising their first fund. Plus, they share insight into landing and maintaining relationships with Limited Partners.



We can learn a lot by watching the failures and successes of some of the world’s most profitable companies. Netflix is one such example. In this case study analysis, TCV examines the journey of the company from its origination to its recapitalization to its current value. As TCV puts it, Netlix’s “drive to market leadership includes plot twists and cliffhangers as surprising as those in the company’s original films and TV shows.”


Q1 2021 Private Equity Insights Overview

Working with over 500 of the world’s top private equity firms gives us insight into what the industry is focusing on. Every quarter our team analyzes the projects we work on with our PE fund clients to get a bird’s eye view of the market. We analyze behaviors across the large variety of clients that we work with on a daily basis and synthesize the data into a comprehensive private equity industry report. You can access the valuable data in this report such as the following:

diligence vs value creation 2021

If you would like to get a copy of the report, reach out directly to your BluWave contact or our team at and we’ll be happy to assist.


Elements of Value Scorecard Revealed

What makes a what are the elements of value for a company?

Its people? Definitely.

Its products? Absolutely.

Its patents? Very likely.

But these are the obvious, high-level answers for anyone with a rudimentary understanding of how business (and the economy) works. But it’s the more nuanced elements of value that can make or break a company, particularly during vulnerable times—like an economic downturn or a barrage of new market entrants.

Whether your company is investor-backed, customer-supported, or a combination of both, investors have a significant amount of knowledge about the core elements of value for any business beyond the usual suspects. In part, this is because they are in the “business of growth”—and growth only happens when the products and services being sold have value and can hold value in their specific market.

In a recent CEOWORLD Magazine article, our founder and CEO Sean Mooney offered eight core elements of value that any company can benefit from when prioritized, based on his 20-plus years of experience in private equity. How does your company measure up?

8 core elements of value

Based on his experience, both from the investor and company founder side, he notes: “By taking the perspective of outside investors, business leaders will identify more opportunities, reduce the risk profile of their company, and drive accelerated value creation over time.”

Check out the full article in CEOWORLD Magazine for details on each core element of value.