IT Assessment, Leadership Hire for Business Services

Service Area: Human Capital

Client Type: Business Services Company

Service Provider Type: Spend Assessment Firm and Executive Search Firm

Industry: Professional Services

The Need
Assessing IT Spend, Leadership Needs

A business services company providing legal compliance services required support in optimizing its IT strategy. With an annual IT spend in the millions of dollars, a proprietary tech stack and limited leadership, the company needed an assessment of its current IT infrastructure and a strategic IT leader to align the department with the broader company strategy.

The Challenge
Legacy Systems, Lack of IT Leadership

The company had a robust front and back-end technology platform but lacked a strong IT leader capable of managing the team and modernizing the infrastructure. The private equity firm backing the company sought BluWave’s help to assess the IT spend, systems and processes and to identify the right leadership to guide the technology function into a modern era.

How BluWave Helped
Connecting with IT Consultants, Executive Search Firms

Within 24 hours, BluWave connected the private equity firm with an IT assessment firm to evaluate the company’s infrastructure and a search firm to recruit the new CIO. The IT consultants provided an in-depth analysis of the company’s systems, processes and technology spend, while the executive search firm identified the right candidate to lead the company’s IT strategy under private equity ownership.

The Result
Optimized IT Strategy, Leadership

The assessment gave the investors and leadership team a critical understanding of the company’s IT infrastructure and needs. The new CIO brought in was instrumental in streamlining the IT department, aligning it with the company’s broader goals and modernizing its platforms.


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