In the Know: Make Confident Investments with Commercial Due Diligence

In an increasingly competitive private equity landscape, mastering commercial due diligence is integral to success. It offers a clear picture of potential investments, allowing firms to mitigate risks and assess value more accurately.

Our latest In the Know video explores how specialized service providers can help enhance your commercial due diligence process.

Partnering with a specialized provider offers comprehensive industry, customer and competitive analysis, extending beyond what a generalist group can provide. They offer:

  • Specialized expertise for informed decision-making
  • Detailed examination of market dynamics
  • Effective risk evaluation and mitigation strategies
  • Assistance in fair company valuation
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In the Know: How to Tackle Merger Integration

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, Scott Bellinger, BluWave Consulting Manager, shares some of the top reasons our clients bring in merger integration groups and the benefits they gain from them. Learn more by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with the PE-grade, specialized merger integration providers you need? Contact us here to quickly get started.

Video transcript:

According to data from the BluWave Activity Index, third-party merger integration specialists are consistently one of the top 10 service providers that private equity firms look to for support. Add-on acquisitions are standard operating procedure in private equity, and leading firms rely on expert third parties to seamlessly execute any integration. Here are some of the top reasons PE firms bring in merger integration specialists and the benefits they see from engaging these groups.

When integrating two companies, the goal is always for 1+1 to be greater than 2, however, if not integrated properly, a new add-on investment can quickly go south.  PE firms who trust their integrations to expert third parties can guarantee that the integration will be executed properly, resulting in an outcome greater than 2. Additionally, by trusting their integrations to third parties, they are able to rest assured that their companies will be fully integrated – something that strategic buyers are looking for more often. Plus, if the integration is occurring in a founder-led business, a third-party expert is essential given that most founder-led businesses rarely have the talent in-house to effectively integrate both businesses.

The benefits of utilizing these experts go far beyond achieving an outcome greater than 2. For one, these groups can excellently integrate companies quickly – our pros can perform an integration from start to finish in as few as 120 days. Plus, some of our innovative groups can provide additional services complementary to strictly executing your merger integration, such as conducting a pre-merger synergy assessment to help you better understand potential cost-savings beforehand.

We would be happy to connect you with the PE-grade third-party merger integration expert that is exactly suited for your needs, just give us a shout at

In the Know: Proactive Due Diligence Practices

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, Keenan Kolinsky, BluWave Consulting Manager, shares some of the proactive due diligence practices we see PE firms take that separate the more innovative private equity firms from the others. Learn more by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with PE-grade specialized due diligence providers for your next need? Contact us here to quickly get connected to the ones you need.

Video transcript:

Due diligence is a critical piece in the private equity deal cycle, and we equip hundreds of leading private equity firms with the right PE-grade diligence providers they need – and when they need them. Performing thousands of projects every year, we gain a unique perspective to some of the more proactive and innovative approaches to the diligence process, and I want to share two such approaches we’ve seen that are separating some of the more proactive private equity firms from the others.

Number one, using the right diligence providers for the right deals. Many private equity firms have a go-to list of commercial, IT, and operations diligence providers they leverage for nearly every deal. However, each deal’s different and may require a different slate of providers to get the most out of each unique diligence phase, or diligence stream, depending on a variety of factors such as the target’s industry, the deal size, target technology or operational nuances, timing, and more. Many of our proactive private equity clients realize these nuances, and we support them by connecting them with the diligence providers whose functional capabilities, expertise, and experience account for these factors – uniquely positioning them to deliver excellence on that deal. This allows private equity firms to gain better insights with more speed and certainty, which, in turn, optimizes the entire diligence process for the respective deal. In private equity, one size does not fit all.

Number two, expanding the functional breadth and depth of diligence. Times are changing, and it’s more important than ever to get diligence right and to gain the necessary actionable insights, not only to make a more informed investment decision, but also to begin equipping the value creation plan. Especially in today’s market, value creation doesn’t and can’t end with only commercial, technology, and operational levers.As such, many of our proactive private equity clients are institutionalizing increasingly common diligence streams such as HR, digital, data, and ESG diligence to inform both investment decisions and value creation plans. We continuously map the market for PE-grade diligence providers across various functional areas, industries, price points and more so that you don’t have to.

If you or your teams are using the same slate of diligence providers for every deal, it may be time for a refresh. As you start to consider your slate of diligence providers for your next deal, give us a shout at and let us connect you with the right diligence providers for the right deal.

In the Know: How to Action BI & Analytics Experts

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, Jeremy Yoder, a BluWave Strategic Account Executive, shares how to action BI & Analytics experts, detailing the different use cases firms and other proactive companies have for bringing in data & analytics experts. Learn more by watching the video below.

Get connected to a BI & Analytics Expert.

Video transcript:

In our increasingly digital world, business intelligence and analytics is a growing input factor for companies to measure their level of growth and for private equity firms to evaluate the success of their portcos. PE firms come to BluWave with needs for data and analytics specialists who can help drive effectiveness and efficiency within their portfolio companies. Here are just a few of the most common use cases we see for why a firm brings in data and analytics specialists.

Number one, developing more measurable metrics at the portco level. The first step to making data-driven decisions is having the right metrics and reporting measures in place. Many companies are lacking this when their first PE sponsor comes into the picture, so our clients equip their new portcos with specialists who can help companies build a solid metrics and reporting foundation. This gives the PE firm visibility into how their portcos are tracking against those set goals.

Number two, data diligence. For companies with large sets of data on products and customers like companies in the B2C sector, there is often hidden value hiding within these datasets if they aren’t being analyzed. When companies aren’t actioning the data available to them, leading PE firms bring in specialists to uncover what stones are being left unturned and help glean risks and actionable opportunities from the data that already exists.

Number three, cleaning and assessing data. The most forward-thinking PE firms are using specialists to clean and assess their portcos data so that they can improve the precision of their evaluations and more deeply inform the health of their organizations. We have a deep bench of business intelligence and analytics providers at the ready for a variety of niche needs. To get connected to the PE-grade,exact-fit provider you need, contact us at

In the Know: The Importance of Interim CFOs

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from the hundreds of PE firms we work with. In our most recent installment, Erez Schnaittacher, BluWave vice president of client coverage, shares the importance of interim CFOs and why they are a vital resource all PE firms should be taking advantage of. Learn more by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with interim CFOs? Contact us here to quickly get connected to the exact-fit interim CFO you need.

Video transcript:

The CFO role is one of the most critical seats in a business. The position plays a key role in ensuring that a business is strong and if PE-backed, that the investment is successful. Because this seat is vital to a company’s success, it is important that it is not left open, and is also filled by someone who possesses the right skillset to execute on the demands that come with being a CFO.

To ensure that both of these are always the case, PE firms often turn towards interim CFOs. At BluWave, we equip our private equity firm clients with interim CFOs for various due diligence, value creation, and prep-for-sale needs. Here are some of the most common use cases for bringing in interim CFOs:

Number one, unanticipated departures. When CFOs unexpectedly resign, it can leave a company’s finance function in chaos. We help PE firms combat this by providing them with exact-fit interim CFOs who can quickly step in, fill the shoes of the role, and keep the ship steady while the search for a permanent placement kicks off.

Number two, longer than normal hiring processes. Even when a CFO seat is expected to be vacant within a certain timeframe, sourcing a candidate to step in at the exact time you need them to can be challenging. With hiring processes taking longer than normal, interim CFOs can help bridge the gap, giving you extra time to ensure you hire the best-fit person for the job.

Number three, professionalizing new portcos’ finance functions. We are supporting many PE firms as soon as a deal closes, by supplying them with interim CFOs. These firms are bringing in these individuals to help new portcos’ finance functions understand what it means to be PE-grade, and help them get the right monthly performance packages in place to ensure that the PE firm is getting the info it needs.

And finally, number four, prep for sale processes. Our clients bring in interim CFOs to respond to diligence requests, assess data, and pull reports prior to a sale. By bringing in an extra set of hands to take care of the extra workload that comes with a sale process, FTEs are freed up to maintain focus on keeping the daily routines going, without causing a delay on the sale process. The modern-day M&A process is fast and furious, valuations decline the second you have to hit the pause button, making it crucial to keep the momentum.

Interim CFOs are one of the most versatile and useful resources available to private equity firms. Hundreds of leading firms come to us with their interim CFOs because of our ability to know before they need, hone in on individuals that meet their specific, unique criteria, and quickly connect them to the select few that are exact-fit.

If we can support your interim CFO needs, please contact us at

In the Know: Due Diligence for Better Deals

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients in our “In the Know” series. In our most recent installment, Consulting Manager, Scott Bellinger, covers due diligence for better deals – sharing the top due diligence resources we equip clients with and why firms come to us with their needs.

Learn more about how we equip PE firms with the exact-fit commercial due diligenceIT diligence, and operational diligence providers they need exactly when they need them.

Interested in learning more about how we can support your diligence needs? Learn more in our Due Diligence hub.

Video transcript:

In the past few weeks, The BluWave Activity Index has shown that due diligence activity is picking up as we quickly approach Q4. Heightened deal activity means that it’s more vital than ever to ensure you’re utilizing diligence providers that can equip you with the unique insights you need to inform a wise investment decision. We quickly connect PE firms to specialized diligence providers that they need so that they don’t have to waste time vetting providers by availability, budget, and industry expertise. Here are some of the top diligence resources we are connecting our PE firm clients with.

First, commercial due diligence. Commercial diligence has become standard operating procedure for all of private equity, not just the large cap firms. With deal stakes high, investing in commercial due diligence upfront is vital. To maximize the output of commercial due diligence efforts. We connect firms with specialized providers by industry who already know the market. This allows them to dig in deeper, faster, and equip them with market and company insights generalist providers are not capable of.

Next is IT due diligence. Nowadays, every business has cybersecurity concerns. An unknown, as well as unaddressed cyber risk, can wreak havoc on an investment down the road. Proactive PE firms of all sizes are choosing to invest in IT due diligence efforts upfront so that they can preemptively address problems and challenges that could occur in the future. As the technology landscape constantly changes, so do the diligence providers in the space. In order to combat this for our clients, BluWave continuously maps the market in order to always be on the forefront of knowing what providers are best suited for what PE firms need at any given time.

And finally, operational diligence. Gone are the days where small process improvements in a portfolio company led to high returns. Now it is all about transformation. Ops due diligence providers go into a target company during the LOI phase to review their processes and begin identifying opportunities for growth so that you can hit the ground running on a well-developed value creation plan immediately post-close. We connect our clients with industry-specific providers they need so that they can gain the nuanced insight that can transform a company only industry veterans would glean. At BluWave, we are here to connect you with exact-fit, PE-grade diligence resources you need at the exact time you need them. If we can provide you with the resources you need to bolster your due diligence process, or if we can support any other third-party needs that you may have. Contact us at

In the Know: Organizational Design & Effectiveness

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, Private Equity Consultant, Ryan Perkins, shares why the inflation-driven recession has caused firms to prioritize bringing in organizational design & effectiveness resources, and what types of those resources are being utilized the most.

Learn more by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with interim CHROs, HR-focused consulting firms, or org design consultants? Contact us now to get quickly connected to the exact-fit, PE-grade resources you need.


Video transcript:

The inflation-driven economic downturn has created a complex environment, causing private equity firms to take unique action, balancing right-sizing before the storm with retaining and recruiting key personnel. With human capital being a strong input for ensuring success through this downturn, PE firms are bringing in specialized third-party resources to resolve organizational design and effectiveness needs. Here are a few specific resources that we’ve seen our clients engaging on.

Number one, Interim CHROs. Bringing in experienced interim CHROs with deep industry knowledge is a great way to ensure the human capital needs of your portcos are in steady, expert hands. An effective interim CHRO can steer the HR ship during a recession, ensuring your portco will have the right people in place to get through the downturn and position your portco for growth moving forward.

Number two, HR-focused consulting firms. Specialty firms are a great tool that private equity firms utilize to gain expertise on corporate structure and talent output, without adding personnel directly into a portco. Consulting firms that have experience working with private equity-backed companies can be extremely advantageous when making decisions around comp and benefits, staffing needs, restructuring projects, and expansion requirements during an economic slump.

And number three, organizational effectiveness consultants. Process optimization is essential to keeping up with the pace needed to thrive in times of uncertainty. Organizational effectiveness consultants ensure that processes within your portcos will help them run towards the storm by evaluating them as they currently exist, and suggest any required changes according to their industry expertise.

For private equity firms, uncertain economic times should be treated as times of opportunity. Ensuring the organizational design and effectiveness of your portfolio companies can be the difference between generating momentum versus treading water in a recession. At BluWave, we have the private equity-grade resources to position your portcos for growth, no matter the economic landscape. For information on how to get connected with best-in-class, organizational design and effectiveness groups, or any other third parties you may need, contact us today at




In the Know: Positioning for Growth in a Recession

We’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients as we combat ongoing recessionary and inflationary pressures. One of our Private Equity Strategic Account Executives, Cydney Dicken, talks about why and how leading PE firms are taking action to increase their portfolio’s equity value during these uncertain times.

Learn more about what PE firms are doing as they prepare to run towards the storm by watching the video below.

Interested in addressing competitive opportunities, optimizing profitability, or recruiting and retaining the right talent? Contact us here. You can also learn more about the specific ways we drive value for PE firms by connecting them to the exact-fit resources they need by reading our case studies.




In The Know: Executive Search

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, we discuss why leading PE firms are choosing to engage specialized executive search firms over larger generalist recruiting firms.

Learn more by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with a specialized recruiter or any other type of third party? Contact us here. You can also learn more about the specific ways we drive value for PE firms by connecting them to the exact-fit resources they need by reading our case studies.

In The Know: Procurement

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, one of our Managing Consultants, Scott Bellinger, talks about how leading PE firms are utilizing third parties to manage procurement issues that have been brought on due to inflation and supply chain issues roaring out of control.

Learn more about the unique ways in which PE firms are utilizing third-party procurement groups by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with a third-party procurement group or any other type of third party? Contact us here. You can also learn more about the specific ways we drive value for PE firms by connecting them to the exact-fit resources they need by reading our case studies.

In The Know: Interim Executives

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, one of our Managing Consultants, Keenan Kolinsky, talks about one of the ways private equity firms are responding to The Great Resignation – Interim Executives. He shares why the need for interim executives is rising in private equity, how they can be used, and why they are beneficial especially to PE firms.

Interested in learning more about interim executives, how our clients have utilized them, and how we help? Check out our Interim Executives Hub to find case studies, scorecards, and more.

You can also learn more from Keenan in the video below.

Interested in connecting with an interim executive? Contact us here or click the “start a project” button above. We would be happy to promptly begin assisting you.




In The Know: Combatting Pricing Woes

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, one of our Private Equity Consultants, Ryan Perkins, talks about the significant upswing COVID caused in the price of inputs. He shares two approaches companies can take in order to solve for this challenge, the negative impacts of each approach, and how BluWave can help in these scenarios.

Ryan gives an example of how we recently helped a high volume CPG business update their pricing across their product set, stay competitive with their eCommerce counterparts, and grow margins across their portfolio.

You can read another example of how we’ve helped a client with pricing strategy in this case study.

Learn more in the below video.

Do you need to get connected to a pricing analysis consultant or any other third-party resource? Be sure to click the “Start a Project” button above, or contact us here and we would be happy to get started in assisting you.