Interim CFO with Expertise in Commodities, Hedging for Manufacturing PortCo

Industry: Manufacturing

Service Area: Human Capital – Interim Leadership

Client Type: Portfolio Company – Food Ingredients Facility

Service Provider Type: Interim CFO

The Need
Expertise in Financial Management and Hedging

The CFO was leaving a B2B food ingredients portfolio company. The business, with significant operations in commodities and hedging, needed an interim CFO who could navigate the complexities of their financial landscape. This included managing large-scale hedging operations, understanding the impact of hedging on P&L and ensuring covenant calculations were accurate.

The Challenge
Hands-On CFO with Industry Expertise

The company’s operations were intricate, with 85 percent of their capacity for 2023 already booked and hedged. This created a significant exposure on their books, making expertise in commodities and hedging non-negotiable. Additionally, the ideal candidate would be someone who had experience in a private equity environment, understood liquidity and 13-week cash flow, and was more finance-oriented than purely accounting-focused.

How BluWave Helped
Short List of Industry Finance Experts

BluWave leveraged its extensive network to identify a short list of interim CFOs who not only had the required expertise in commodities and hedging but also had a track record in PE environments. The portco and its PE firm selected a candidate with more than three decades of experience, including roles in financial leadership and a deep understanding of the agri-commodity space. Their hands-on approach and willingness to be on-site, even if it meant frequent travel, made them an ideal fit.

The Result
Recipe for Sweet Success

With the interim CFO on board, the company maintained seamless financial operations, ensuring that their hedging strategies were effectively managed and that their financial reporting remained accurate. The temporary executive’s expertise allowed the CEO to focus on other critical aspects of the business, confident that their financial operations were in capable hands.

Transforming Big Data into Actionable Insights for Legal Services

Industry: Professional Services

Service Area: Technology

Client Type: Portfolio Company – B2B Legal Services

Service Provider Type: Business Intelligence, Analytics and AI Firm

The Need
Efficient Analytics for Transaction Lode

A portfolio company in the B2B legal services sector reached out with a specific challenge. They had an Excel dataset with three tabs, each containing 1 million rows of transaction data. Their objective was to create cohort analyses and slice and dice this vast amount of information. Given Excel’s limitations, they needed a more robust solution.

The Challenge
Large Datasets and Tight Deadlines

The company, which offers online legal services to SMB customers, had recently accessed a large transaction database that was cumbersome to manage in Excel. They needed to make use of the new data trove for an upcoming project on a short timeframe. Their previous go-to firm, which used Tableau for data visualization, was unavailable for immediate assistance.

How BluWave Helped
The Right Big Data Connections, Fast

Understanding the urgency and the scale of the data challenge, BluWave tapped into its network to identify a boutique business intelligence, analytics and AI firm with the expertise to handle large datasets efficiently. The selected firm was lauded for its ability to work at “deal speed,” ensuring that projects were completed promptly without compromising on quality.

The Result
Seamless Integration, Insightful Analysis

With the expertise of the selected service provider, the portfolio company successfully integrated their vast transaction data into a more manageable and analyzable format. The firm not only set up the database for easy manipulation but also provided rigorous analysis, offering valuable insights that were highly appreciated by the company’s management team during diligence. The entire process, from initial setup to detailed analysis, was completed within the tight deadlines, ensuring the company was equipped for its key upcoming project deadline.

Their analysis was rigorous, and a company’s management team found their work to be insightful during diligence. They operate at deal speed and frequently work late at night and over weekends to ensure clients receive quality work product on time. I’d highly recommend their services.

-Vice President at PE Firm

Matt Cole’s Route to SBJ Capital ‘A Bit Circuitous’

Matt Cole recently joined the Karma School of Business podcast to talk private equity. The managing director at SBJ Capital spoke with host Sean Mooney about data-based decisions, how he got his start in PE and much more.

Here are some of the top takeaways from their conversation.

3 Takeaways from Matt

1. An Unconventional Route to PE

When asked about his path to the world of private equity, Cole said his journey was atypical.

“Mine is a bit circuitous,” he said. “I feel like it’s a more well-trodden path now and people have to take certain steps and so forth and that was definitely not the case for me.”

Starting in investment banking, Cole transitioned into operations, focusing on understanding the intricacies of making a company successful. His entry into private equity was more opportunistic, stemming from a relationship with a colleague.

He emphasized the importance of his diverse experiences: “It was the right combination of experience that I had to bring banking and operating set of experiences to PE.”

2. Value Creation with a Human Touch

Value creation is at the heart of SBJ Capital’s approach. Matt emphasizes the importance of working closely with family and founder-owned businesses and understanding their unique challenges and opportunities.

“These are family- and founder-owned businesses. They are not looking for someone with necessarily the shiny bulge bracket Wall Street resume to come in and tell them what the next opportunity is with their company,” Cole said. “I think it makes a big difference both in actual experience to be able to say we’ve walked in your shoes and in demeanor and approach for how we present ourselves to these companies and we call them partner companies for a reason.”

For SBJ, value creation revolves around professionalization and accelerating growth. Cole, however, is quick to point out that they approach this with respect and understanding.

“We’ll never come in pretending to know more about that business after a few-month diligence period than the people that have been there for extended periods of time or started that business themselves.”

3. Data and Decision-Making

Cole also stressed the importance of being prepared and adaptable. He highlighted the significance of data in driving business decisions and the potential of emerging technologies like AI.

“Part of the value creation story that I didn’t touch on as much before is the use of data and how are you using data? How are you implementing systems?”

Mooney added the importance of sharing information within a company, especially in founder-owned businesses.

“A lot of times the senior member of the teams don’t even know the revenue of the business or certainly don’t know the full P&L or the balance sheet or the income statement,” he said.

Cole’s transition from investment banking to operations and his adeptness at navigating the complex terrains of the business world make his episode well worth a listen.

When you’re done checking out his episode, head to the main BluWave podcast page for more conversations with business leaders.

Scott Becker of McGuireWoods: Insights from the Mind Behind Becker’s Healthcare

When Scott Becker speaks, the healthcare and private equity sectors listen. As a partner with McGuireWoods and the founder and publisher of Becker’s Healthcare and Becker’s Hospital Review, Scott’s insights are invaluable. Recently, he shared his journey and perspectives on the Karma School of Business podcast, hosted by Sean Mooney.

3 Takeaways from Scott

1. The Evolution of Becker’s Healthcare

“I started it literally 30 plus years ago,” Becker began, “trying to develop a reputation as somebody who knew the business and legal issues around, at that point, surgery centers, better than anybody else.”

This drive was not just about establishing a brand but about creating a niche in a saturated market. Scott’s vision for Becker’s Healthcare was rooted in his legal background and his desire to provide thought leadership in the healthcare sector.

Over the years, the focus of Becker’s Healthcare expanded. While it was initially centered around surgery centers, it now revolves around hospitals, health systems and health IT, among other areas. This evolution showcases Scott’s adaptability and his keen sense for market needs.

2. Recognizing and Capitalizing on Opportunities

“A lot of it is not brilliant. It’s following what’s working and doubling down on it as a constant business imperative,” Scott emphasized.

This approach is not about reinventing the wheel but about recognizing what’s effective and enhancing it. Scott’s success is a testament to his ability to identify emerging trends and strategically position himself and his ventures to benefit from them.

Mooney, echoing this sentiment, added, “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you need to find a new room.”

3. Challenges and Trends in Healthcare

Scott delved deep into the current landscape of healthcare, highlighting several significant trends: “Challenges with margins, labor shortages, especially in the physician and nursing sectors, and the increasing involvement of various players in the healthcare space.”

These challenges are not isolated but are interconnected, shaping the future of healthcare. For instance, as healthcare sites increase, there’s a projected shortage in certain specialties, like anesthesiologists. This, in turn, affects patient care, with many unable to access their doctors promptly, leading to a resurgence in ER visits.

Scott’s insights provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities in the healthcare sector, offering a roadmap for professionals navigating this complicated domain.

READ MORE: Specialized Healthcare Recruiters

Becker’s keen insights offer a deep dive into the intricacies of healthcare and private equity. His journey from attorney to entrepreneur and his ability to recognize and seize opportunities make him a voice worth listening to in the industry.

When you’re done checking out his episode, head to the main BluWave podcast page for more conversations with business leaders.

Controller with Leadership Skills for Resilient Growth

Service Area: Human Capital

Client Type: Portfolio Company

Service Provider Type: Controller Recruitment

Industry: Professional Services

The Need
Fortifying Financial Leadership for Growth

Amid the drive for strengthened financial stewardship, an portfolio company embarked on a vital mission to secure an adept controller. This strategic hire would steer a tech-enabled business services firm towards reinvigorating its standing, targeting more than $100 million revenue and just below $10 million EBITDA in the post-pandemic landscape.

The Challenge
Balancing Transition and Empowerment

The resignation of the former controller in early 2021 prompted a transitional phase. The assistant controller stepped into the role temporarily, yet the company sought an accomplished, permanent figure to lead the financial team. This transition signified an opportunity to establish a dynamic financial strategy, positioning the firm for resurgence in a post-pandemic economy.

How BluWave Helped
Niche Recruiter Delivers

For the crucial controller recruitment, BluWave introduced a skilled recruiter specializing in financial talent acquisition. With a notable history of placing finance and accounting professionals and a deep understanding of the target market’s dynamics, the third-party service provider was primed for this task.

The Result
Next-Level Financial Strategy

The adept recruiter, renowned for her acumen in the local target market, launched into action. Backed by extensive experience in financial leadership placements, she skillfully aligned the client’s requisites with her expertise. As the recruitment journey unfolded, the promise of renewed financial stewardship and growth resonated, paving the way for revitalized operations, elevated financial resilience and sustained progress.

Visionary Growth CEO for Philanthropic Advisory

Service Area: Executive Search

Client Type: Middle-Market Private Equity Firm

Service Provider Type: Specialized Recruiters

Industry: Professional Services

The Need
Pioneering Profit-Focused Leadership

A prominent middle-market private equity firm recognized the importance of hiring a CEO with an exceptional ability to drive profit-focused growth within a professional services company. With a strong foundation in social impact, the client’s portfolio company, a leading provider of philanthropic advisory services, sought an operator capable of steering the organization to new heights.

The Challenge
Nurturing Vision with Profitability

The portfolio company, generating approximately $80 million in annual revenue, engaged in philanthropic advisory services, outsourced accounting for nonprofits and fiscal sponsorship. While successful in the social sector, the company needed a transformative leader to expand its profitability. The challenge lay in identifying a CEO experienced in both professional services and private equity, who could manage and own the P&L, while also leading a team that often comprised millennial staff.

How BluWave Helped
Exclusive PE-Vetted CEO Search

BluWave tapped its network of meticulously vetted executive recruitment firms with a PE focus for a targeted CEO search. The specialized recruiter the PE firm chose from the short list aimed to identify a visionary leader with experience in professional services, private equity and successful P&L management.

The Result
A Visionary CEO for Profitable Expansion

The chosen search firm presented a CEO with expertise extended across professional services and private equity. This visionary leader’s background encompassed transforming businesses within the professional services realm, backed by private equity experience. With a proven ability to own and manage P&L, the new CEO had the insight to boost the portfolio company’s annual revenue. This strategic placement not only addressed the immediate need for an operator but also positioned the company for accelerated growth within the philanthropic advisory landscape.