List-Build Expert Needed To Grow Portco Contacts

Service Area: List Builds

Client Type: Upper-Middle Market Private Equity Firm

Service Provider Type: Business Process Outsourcing Firm

Industry: Life Sciences & Pharmaceuticals

Life Sciences & Pharmaceuticals List Building Expert

A PE-firm’s portcos were wasting precious time manually building lists by going from website to website and scraping LinkedIn. They needed an experienced third-party resource that could create a contact map with shared customers across multiple businesses.

Grow Portco Contacts

Multiple portcos were using different systems to work with many of the same customers in the life sciences industry. The PE firm wanted to not only identify overlap and consolidate efforts, but expand their database faster.

How BluWave Helped
The Business Builders’ Network

After a Vice President at the PE firm emailed us, we immediately got on a call to scope the specific outsourcing need. Armed with a better understanding of the situation, we provided for the client multiple industry-specific BPO shops that specialize in list builds.

Connected a best-fit service provider

The firm quickly identified the best fit among the short-list of options we presented, and engaged them to build and consolidate their contacts across multiple portcos.

The service provider did great work. We will be using them again if something comes up. Ten out of 10 quality and service.

-Vice President, PE Firm

How To Extract Data from ERP Systems

What is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software streamlines business processes by coordinating data flow across an organization. It provides a single source of truth and optimizes operations.

They are used to manage everyday business activities such as finance functions, compliance, risk management, retail, supply chain and HR.

HR Diligence

How To Extract Data from ERP Systems

Integrate API Endpoints

One way to extract data from ERP systems is by connecting your database to an API management platform.

From there, you can define and test your API endpoints with an external tool.

Lastly, you will integrate the API endpoints in order to get the data from the ERP system.

Use Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Tools

Another way is by connecting your ETL tool to your ERP system’s database.

Once connected, you must tell the program what information you want to pull out before converting it into a format other systems can use.

Then you can put all that converted data into a database.

READ MORE: What are the Different Data Warehouse Types?

Get Help with ERP Systems

As you might have gathered from the overview above, managing Enterprise Resource Planning data is no easy task.

That’s why so many PE firms seek help for their portcos in this area. Private and public companies often seek outside support, too.

Here are the primary hurdles we hear about on scoping calls where a client needs help extracting data from their ERP:

  1. Lack of internal expertise: This is a common challenge when extracting data from enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Outsourcing to a third-party service provider offers access to domain experts with the knowledge and skills to efficiently extract data.
  2. Time constraints: Outsourcing offers a faster turnaround and allows companies to focus on core business functions rather than data extraction, which can be a time-consuming process.
  3. Complexity: Extracting data can be complex, especially if the data is spread across different modules or systems. Experienced service providers who specialize in data extraction can provide a more efficient solution and ensure that the information is accurate and reliable.
  4. Cost: Investing in the necessary hardware and software to extract data from an ERP system can be expensive. By outsourcing the project, companies only pay for the services they need.
  5. Need for specialized tools: Companies may not have access to the necessary specialized tools and software. These same tools will be part of a third-party service provider’s day-to-day toolkit.
  6. Data accuracy concerns: Extracting data from an ERP system requires a high level of accuracy to ensure that the data is reliable and can be used for reporting or analysis. If you leave this to chance, you may end up making important decisions based on faulty data.
  7. Need for customized data extraction: Companies may require customized data extraction from their ERP system, which may not be possible with existing in-house resources. Outsourcing to a third-party provider can provide customized solutions that meet the specific needs of the company.
  8. Compliance and regulatory requirements: The data extraction may be subject to specific regulations or industry standards. Companies may not have the in-house expertise to ensure that the process meets these standards, and can benefit from the provider’s knowledge of industry-specific regulations and standards. This helps minimize the risk of regulatory violations, legal penalties and reputation damage.
  9. Scalability: As a company grows, the amount of data generated by an ERP system may increase, and the data extraction process can become more unwieldy. There may become a point when companies don’t have the resources to handle the volume of data generated by their ERP system. Third-party providers can offer scalable solutions that can handle larger data volumes and provide ongoing support as the company grows.

If you’re ready to extract data from your ERP system, we’re here to connect you with a niche-specific, expertly vetted service provider.

We know the resource you need for your specific situation before we ever jump on a scoping call, and we’ll introduce you to two or three best-fit solutions in less than one business day.

Contact us now to meet BluWave-grade solutions to your biggest technology challenges.

Operating Partners Forum: Bank Collapses, Technology Best Practices

How has the current economic situation – i.e. the 2023 bank collapses – affected collaboration between operating partners, portfolio support and deal teams? What are private equity firms’ latest technology best practices around data & analytics, cybersecurity and AI?

These were the hot topics in the latest BluWave-hosted PE Operating Partners’ forum March 21.

Jeff Steinhorn of Gridiron Capital LLCAnthony Di Leva of Marlin Equity Partners, and Pejman Pourmousa of Sumeru Equity Partners joined our own Rena Frackt Zimmerman as panelists for the virtual event.

SIGN UP for the next Operating Partners Forum

Here are some highlights of what was discussed.

Interim CHRO
Continue reading “Operating Partners Forum: Bank Collapses, Technology Best Practices”

Centralized Data Management: Business Intelligence & Analytics

What is Centralized Data in Business?

Centralized data in business analytics involves consolidating information from across an organization into a single system for easier analysis.

“This aspect of business intelligence and analytics is important because it gives companies visibility into KPIs at a high level,” says Brandon John, BluWave’s Service Provider Relationship Manager.

The consolidation usually happens in something called a data warehouse.

Read More:What Are the Different Data Warehouse Types?

Business intelligence practices like centralization are becoming more and more important to businesses, whether that mean private equity, portcos or private and public companies.

According to our most recent quarterly report, we saw “broad-scale adoption of data quality and visualization endeavors and emergent efforts in higher level analytics and AI.”

Let’s take a closer look at what data centralization can do for your business.

Read More: What is Business Intelligence Automation?

Benefits of Data Centralization

Increased Visibility and Transparency

Centralized data provides a single source of truth so leadership can make faster, more accurate business decisions.

Early Detection of Issues

Centralized data allows businesses to identify problems sooner before they become bigger issues.

More Consistency

Different departments often have the same definitions and metrics for things like active users and sales. By centralizing data, you can eliminate confusion at the leadership level.

Holistic View of Customer Journey

Centralized data from marketing, sales and customer service systems provide a complete picture of the customer experience.

Advanced Capabilities

It is easier to analyze data and find insights when all of the relevant data is in one place. Businesses can more easily see correlations across different data sets.

Increased Efficiency

Employees don’t have to spend time aggregating data from different systems. Everything is available in a single source.

Improved Trust

There is confidence that the data and reports are accurate and consistent since there is only one version of the truth.

Continue reading “Centralized Data Management: Business Intelligence & Analytics”

In the Know: Essential, Accessible Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is no longer something only the biggest, wealthiest companies can afford.

Not only are these services within reach for businesses of all sizes – from enterprise organizations to lower middle market companies – but they’re also essential.

Learn about common improvement areas all businesses can implement to accelerate digital transformation efforts.

  • Business leaders, including operations partners at private equity firms, C-level executives and functional leads are evaluating the digital capabilities and infrastructure in their companies to identify areas for improvement
  • Simple improvements to workflows or procedures can significantly trim manual tasks and optimize human capital during economic uncertainty
  • “No-regret” moves such as the following can accelerate change in a targeted, cost-effective way:
    • Adopting cloud and SaaS solutions
    • Improving cybersecurity
    • Enhancing website capabilities with tools like chatbots
    • Automating order processing and inventory management
Continue reading “In the Know: Essential, Accessible Digital Transformation”

Human Capital Forum: C-Suite Talent, Increasing Retention

How do you identify top C-suite talent? And what’s the best way to improve culture and retention for existing employees?

These were among the most popular topics in the latest BluWave-hosted Human Capital forum March 9.

Megan Ryan Kanefsky of J.F. Lehman & Company, Kristin Brown Patrick of New State Capital Partners and Abby Wilson of Transom Capital Group joined our own Rena Frackt Zimmerman as panelists for the virtual event.

SIGN UP for the next Human Capital Forum

Here are some highlights of what was discussed.

Identifying Top C-Suite Talent

The panelists discussed the importance of creating scorecard assessments for all executive positions to test technical aptitude.

Incorporating objective criteria, such as personality assessments, can also be helpful. For example, when hiring a CFO, the process might involve screening for cultural fit, sending an assessment that models financial statements with errors and conducting behavioral interviews with key stakeholders.

To ensure success, it’s essential to communicate effectively with candidates and get alignment on what you’re looking for from the onset. Putting in the work upfront can help build a high-performing executive team that drives company growth and success.

SIGN UP for the next Human Capital Forum

Assessing Talent to Value

Hiring deeper within the organization – beyond the C-suite – also came up. The panelists said that one important aspect of the hiring process is using data to evaluate talent.

Objective criteria like cognitive abilities and behavioral fit for the role can help companies focus on hiring for aptitude and growth potential rather than just credentials. Encouraging a mindset of thinking outside the box can also help identify junior talent with a strong aptitude to learn and grow.

While it may take longer to find smarter and better hires, these candidates are more likely to stay and contribute to the growth and success of the company.

Improving Retention and Culture

Creating a positive and engaging work culture – vital to retaining top talent – was the third and final topic the panelists discussed.

One way to encourage employee buy-in and create a sense of ownership is to offer profit interests to all employees, not just top executives. This can motivate team members as they feel invested in the success of the company. Leadership programs for middle managers and director-level employees can also have a significant impact on retention rates.

Regular standing events create a sense of loyalty to the organization, too. For example, weekly lunches or bi-weekly events can encourage collaboration and give different levels of the organization opportunities to interact. This can foster a sense of community and help create a more positive work environment.

Simple acts of recognition and gratitude can also go a long way toward building a more positive culture, the panelists said.

SIGN UP for the next Human Capital Forum

This event was conducted with the Chatham House Rule in place.

Pricing Consultants: Hire an Expert

What Do Pricing Consultants Do?

Pricing consultants help businesses maximize profits based on researching trends, competitors, customer behavior and more. The goal is to maintain high demand and revenue generation without sacrificing quality, loyalty or perception.

Setting the right price for a product or service is a key factor in maximizing profit margin. It can unlock substantial additional revenue when done correctly.

In fact, demand for pricing strategy resources continues to increase in this high-inflation economy. It’s often among the most-sought resources in the BluWave network.

If you want to hire a pricing expert, here’s what you should look for during your evaluation.

READ MORE: How To Raise Prices Strategically with Sales Team Buy-In

Set Price

How consultants set prices depends on many factors, such as the type of product or service, market conditions, customer segments and business goals. That’s why it’s so important to hire someone who will take the time to intimately understand your organization and its competitors.

By choosing the “right price,” these consultants help maximize a business’s ROI by protecting profit margins while maximizing revenue and demand.

Pricing consultants may use a number of different high-level strategies: cost-plus pricing; value-based pricing; dynamic pricing; promotional pricing; penetration pricing; skimming pricing.

Pricing, however, is not a one-time exercise. They must be constantly assessed and adjusted based on performance. Consultants work closely with their clients to understand their objectives and constraints and develop a pricing strategy that supports them.

They help businesses choose the “right price” that aligns with the overall business strategy, marketing plan and sales goals to achieve maximum ROI.

Pricing Market Research

When choosing a pricing consultant, finding someone who thoroughly researches the market before making recommendations is essential. Pricing consultants use various methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, experiments, data analysis, and more to gain customer and market insights. This establishes a solid foundation for an effective strategy.

In addition to customer and market insights, pricing consultants also consider production, distribution and other operational costs to develop a strategy that ensures profitability.

Pricing consultants also analyze competitors’ strategies to identify opportunities and potential threats. This analysis includes not only their product or service prices, but also their promotions, discounts and other tactics.

To measure price sensitivity, consultants may use techniques such as conjoint analysis or price elasticity testing. This helps them determine how price changes may affect customer demand. They also use digital tools such as web analytics, social listening and sentiment analysis to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences.

All this market research can help validate a new product or service, identify customer value drivers, measure price sensitivity, segment customers by willingness to pay, benchmark competitors’ prices and more.

Target Pricing Strategy

After conducting market research and analyzing customer insights, pricing consultants typically use a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis to create a pricing strategy that meets their clients’ goals. This includes:

  • Segmenting customers: Based on their willingness to pay, customer segments are created to help determine the optimal pricing strategy. This involves identifying the different types of customers, their preferences and their willingness to pay for a particular product or service.
  • Identifying value drivers: Consultants work with their clients to identify the key value drivers for their products or services. This involves understanding what features or benefits are most important to customers and how they affect their willingness to pay.
  • Developing pricing structures: After identifying customer segments and value drivers, consultants develop pricing structures that align with their clients’ business goals. This may involve creating different pricing tiers or packages that offer different levels of benefits or features.
  • Conducting sensitivity analysis: For an optimal pricing strategy, consultants conduct sensitivity analysis to understand how changes in pricing may affect demand and revenue.
  • Developing measurement tools: Pricing consultants also develop measurement tools to monitor the performance of the pricing strategy over time. This includes setting up metrics and analytics to track sales, revenue, profit margins and customer satisfaction.

By using a combination of market research, quantitative analysis, and pricing strategies, pricing consultants help businesses maximize ROI and growth.

READ MORE: Industrial Pricing: Strategies for Manufacturing Businesses

Customer Analysis

To better understand customer behavior and preferences, pricing consultants use a range of techniques to gather insights:

  • Key decision factors: One of the first steps in understanding a customer base is defining what motivates them. This involves identifying the main drivers of customer behavior, such as price, quality, brand reputation or convenience.
    Research techniques such as surveys, focus groups and data analysis can all be used to understand what influences purchasing decisions.
  • Willingness to pay: This concept helps businesses determine the optimal price point for their products or services.
    Essentially, willingness to pay is a measure of how much customers are willing to spend on a particular product or service based on factors such as perceived value, quality and market competition.
  • Preferences: Customer needs vary from market to market. For example, pricing consultants may work to reduce churn for a SaaS organization by understanding customers’ needs, what they value and how they make choices. Success is measured by an increase in adoption and revenue.
  • Offer options: Offering choices with good-better-best options and bundles that meet varying needs, use cases and budgets can reveal a lot about a customer. KPIs here include customer adoption and employing Give-Gets to protect price/value alignment.
  • Perception of discounts: It’s also important to understand how customers perceive discounts and how they influence purchasing decisions. This information is also used to inform pricing strategies that maximize revenue while maintaining loyalty.

A pricing expert will know when and how to use each of these tactics to develop the deepest understanding of the customer base for your particular industry.

READ MORE: Hire an Interim CFO

Some businesses never realize the potential of their products or services because they’re not charging the right price.

By blindly setting prices without conducting proper diligence, you’re leaving money on the table. Depending on the size of your business, this could mean millions of dollars.

Fortunately, there’s a roster of expertly vetted price consultants ready for you to hire from within the BluWave Business Builders’ Network.

We have thoroughly evaluated each and every pricing resource that’s been invited into our network so that you can move forward with confidence. These niche-specific resources have invaluable experience helping companies like yours optimize prices.

Whether you’re a PE firm working with a portco, or a private or public company that wants to accelerate revenue growth, we already have the right service provider for you.

Contact our research and operations team to get connected with two or three best-fit options in less than one business day.

Interim CEO for Manufacturing Company Seeking Permanent Replacement

Service Area: Interim CEO

Client Type: Upper-Middle Market Private Equity Firm

Service Provider Type: Interim Executive with Manufacturing Expertise

Industry: Manufacturing – Glass

Interim CEO

Struggling to get the right CEO in place for its portco, the PE firm needed a stopgap while it prepared an internal candidate to take over as its long-term chief executive officer.

Underperforming Portco

A glass company with a great product line couldn’t keep up with consumer demand. After years of underperformance throughout the holding period, the PE firm was underwater on its investment. Having broken covenants with its bank while battling labor and equipment issues, the team was desperate for a quick turnaround.

They identified a strong internal candidate to take over in the long run, but he needed some guidance to grow into the role. To help him get up to speed, they needed an interim CEO who could serve as a mentor while refining operations at multiple plants across the U.S.

How BluWave Helped
The Business Builders’ Network

The BluWave Vetted™ Business Builders’ Network features a deep bench of hand-selected interim executives, ready to step into a new role on short notice. We immediately contacted the best and brightest leadership talent in the manufacturing industry from within our network and presented a short list of candidates that same week.

The team’s top choice was identified just one day after the initial scoping call, and the interim CEO stepped into the role shortly after. We maintained contact with both the temporary executive as well as the PE firm throughout the entire engagement – and beyond – to ensure the relationship was fruitful.

The veteran executive righted the ship during a six-month stint, buying the PE firm time to name a full-time CEO

The career interim executive hit the ground running and brought stability to the portco. In the meantime, the private equity firm identified and groomed its permanent replacement from within.

The interim executive we provided from our PE-grade network stepped in and mentored the presumptive leader to prepare them to take the reins. At the end of the six-month engagement, the transition was complete and the full-time CEO remains in place to this day as the company continues to grow. Now the PE firm can focus on winding down its holding period and preparing the manufacturing company for sale.


Companies conduct voice of customer (VoC) studies to better understand how people interact with their product or service.

While there are many techniques to gather this information, the objective is largely the same: Ensure the customer is being heard and served as best as possible.

READ MORE: What Makes a Commercial Due Diligence Firm ‘Specialized’?

Private equity firms, portfolio companies, and private and public companies can all benefit from a strong voice of customer framework.

“Voice of the customer is extremely important to businesses because it allows companies to have visibility into where they are performing highly and where they are not,” says Brandon John, BluWave’s service provider relationship manager. “By hearing exactly how their customers feel about their brand, they can allocate the appropriate resources to improve some identified areas.”

Let’s talk about some of the advantages organizations can gain with the information gathered in VoC research.


Benefits of VoC

There are several advantages to conducting a voice-of-customer survey. It come as no surprise, then, that it’s been top-of-mind for our clients for years.

“VoC projects are always going to be something PE firms prioritize with their portcos,” John says. “We receive steady demand in this space and have since BluWave was founded.”

READ MORE: Voice of Customer Process: Methodologies for Better Service

Deeper Customer Understanding

Rather than merely gathering feedback, VoC research helps companies reimagine their products and services to surpass customers’ needs by gaining an intricate understanding of who they are and what they want.

This includes how and when they use the product, as well as why they’re more (or less) likely to choose it over a competitor.

Improved Loyalty and Retention

Listening to customers and resolving their concerns establishes trust and loyalty, decreasing attrition and boosting customer lifetime value.

A client is more likely to stick with a brand that it feels has its best interests in mind.

Better Business Decisions

Actionable insights gleaned from customer input can steer key business choices around product roadmaps, marketing campaigns, pricing strategies and service models.

Increased Bottom Line

An unparalleled customer experience not only spurs growth, but also a competitive edge. One study showed that companies with strong VoC programs boast 10X more annual revenue growth.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Catering to customers’ needs and wants forges lasting connections. It not only enhances the existing customer experience, but makes it more likely to acquire new ones as you get a better grasp on your target market.

This can have a compound effect as a happy customer is also more likely to recommend your brand or service to friends, families, colleagues and industry peers.

Employee Retention

This might come as a surprise, but your own employees can also benefit from VoC studies. That’s because it gives them a stronger connection to the customer by putting themselves in their shoes. The more aligned the employees are with the clients, the more satisfied they tend to be, thus limiting turnover.

Voice of the Customer Best Practices

Use Multiple Channels

To comprehensively capture the opinions of your customers, you should employ multiple avenues for feedback, including surveys, social media, reviews, emails and phone calls.

By using a variety of channels to gather input, companies can gain a multifaceted understanding of client needs and desires that fuels business decisions, improved experiences and financial gains.

Choose Timing Wisely

The timing of requests for customer feedback can significantly impact the quality and amount of responses. Businesses should choose a moment that is relevant, convenient and respectful for clients, such as after a purchase, service interaction or milestone.

Businesses that are considerate in their requests for input are more likely to receive thoughtful, actionable responses that can drive key business decisions and improved outcomes.

READ MORE: What is Commercial Due Diligence?

Act Quickly

The best moment to act on feedback received is as soon as possible. While you want to be diligent about understanding and applying what customers tell you, times is of the essence.

This is especially important when it comes to fixing problems, resolving negative feedback and staying ahead of competitors.


To gain business insights, companies should analyze customer feedback and group clients by factors like demographics or habits. Tailoring actions to different groups helps build loyalty and boost revenue.

It also establishes trust, decreases attrition and increases lifetime value by making each experience as tailored as possible.

READ MORE: 5 Steps to an Effective Voice of Customer (VoC) Strategy

Ask Clear Questions

The quality of your feedback depends largely on the quality of your questions. You should ask clear, concise and specific questions that are easy to understand and answer. You should also avoid leading, biased or ambiguous questions that can skew your results.

The value of customer input hinges greatly on the quality of the questions posed. Aim for clear, crisp and targeted inquiries that are easy to comprehend and respond to. Avoid being suggestive, biased or obscure lines of questioning that can skew results.

Your goal is to learn what customers think about your business, not try to convince them of something.

Acknowledge Feedback

One of the most important VoC best practices is to acknowledge your customers’ feedback and show them that you appreciate their time and opinions. There’s never been more competition for our time, so the fact that someone is willing to participate in your study means they probably have strong feelings.

Follow up with a thank-you message, sharing how their feedback will be used or even offering a reward (see below).

Share Findings Internally

To turn feedback into action, you need to share your findings with the relevant stakeholders in your organization. You should communicate the key insights, recommendations and action plans to your employees, managers and leaders. You should also encourage collaboration and accountability across different teams and departments.

Benchmark Against Your Industry

To measure your performance and progress against your competitors and industry standards, you should benchmark your VoC metrics against external data sources. You can use industry reports, surveys or benchmarks to compare your customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy levels with others in your field.

Test and Optimize

VoC best practices are dynamic, not static. You should constantly refine your program to ensure that it is effective, efficient and aligned with your overall business goals.

This can be done with A/B testing, analytics or feedback loops to evaluate and improve your VoC methods, tools and strategies.

Involve Key Stakeholders

To ensure that your VoC program has the support and resources it needs to succeed, you should involve key stakeholders from the start.

Identify decision-makers, influencers and beneficiaries of your program and engage them in defining the goals, scope and outcomes of your efforts.

Offer Participation Incentives

To increase your response rates and motivate your customers to share their feedback , you can offer participation incentives such as discounts, coupons, freebies or loyalty points.

Choose incentives that are relevant, attractive and proportional to the effort required from your customers.

READ MORE: Understanding Voice of Customer: Metrics, KPIs, Analytics

The expert service providers in the BluWave network know the importance of understanding your customers.

We constantly vet and re-vet the best third-party resources for this exact need, no matter what your customer type or industry.

“We have a solid bench of VoC providers in the BluWave network,” says John, who interacts with these third-party resources on a daily basis. “However, it is important to have the right group, for the right need, at the right time.”

Contact our research and operations team and walk us through your VoC needs. In less than one business day, we’ll introduce you to two or three exact-match options.

“Like all service toolboxes in the BluWave network, the VoC toolbox is always rapidly expanding,” John adds.

Once you make a selection, we’ll hold the service provider accountable from start to finish as they bring their voice of customer expertise to your specific situation.

VP Priorities: Add-On Acquisitions, Portfolio Value Creation

How are private equity firms confronting slower deal flow in 2023? And why is portfolio value creation activity so high?

These were among the hot topics in the latest BluWave-hosted VP forum March 7.

Patrick Murray of Compass Group Equity Partners, Sam Yang of Gauge Capital and Larry Flanagan of Great Range Capital teamed up for the virtual event.

Interested in attending a future forum event? Email

Here are some highlights of what was discussed.

leadership coaching

Add-On Acquisitions

We’re seeing nearly all-time-high interest in add-on acquisitions due to slower deal flow and platform acquisitions demanding higher multiples.

Add-ons present an opportunity to consolidate market position and average down all-in platform multiples. To ensure successful add-on integration processes, PE firms are:

  • Focusing on the people side to ensure cultural alignment pre-close and drive buy-in and excitement post-close.
  • Helping management stand up internal teams and building out playbooks so that company leadership can natively run integration processes. The firm will stay involved at a strategic level and drop in to provide tactical support when needed.

Portfolio Value Creation

More than 80 percent of projects flowing through the BluWave ecosystem are related to portfolio value creation initiatives, an all-time high.

This reflects lighter deal flow as well as how the industry is “running toward the storm” and turning challenges into opportunities. PE firms are effectively driving portfolio value creation by:

  • Working with management, especially founder owners, to educate them on the PE process during the diligence phase. This helps build buy-in so that management feels it has ownership in the value creation plan post-acquisition.
  • Standing up a robust go-to-market strategy. Many founder-owned companies are product-focused but do not have the resources or expertise to build a true sales and marketing function. Firms are bringing in CROs or CSOs to develop strategies, set pricing and jumpstart marketing efforts.
  • Institutionalizing knowledge within the firm so that it doesn’t sit at one deal or portco. Firms are building playbooks across the areas of people, communication, strategy and operations so that they can take a systematized approach to value creation at each company.

This event was conducted with the Chatham House Rule in place.