Women in PE Forum Recap | November 2021

Every quarter we gather leading women in PE to discuss current industry topics and to offer intelligent women the chance to gather, share information, and decompress with one another. In our most recent event, we gathered to discuss key learnings from 2021 and goals for 2022. We have shared the themes we heard discussed across different areas below.

These forums are invite-only and follow Chatham House Rules, so listed below are high-level takeaways only. Are you in private equity and interested in joining fellow leading PE professionals during our next Women in PE Forum? Register for our upcoming Women in PE Forums here.

  • BD and origination: After a year of increased competition and a lack of in-person events, firms have had to find unique ways to offer LPs a good answer for “Why you?” A number of firms are moving to more specialization from an investment strategy perspective—potentially developing new theses and then marketing these changes. Some firms have also taken the approach of becoming more explicit with bankers as to the composition of their portfolio for the purpose of proactive add-on identification.  Many BD teams have optimized their external relationships with more regimented and organized outreach—and been unafraid to follow-up with persistence, even if that had not been needed in the past.
  • Investment teams: The theme of this year has been finding ways to optimize time. Deal teams are being more judicious with travel and are having remote meetings where possible in order to save time that has been spent on travel in the past. Deal teams are also working more closely with ops teams pre-close to ensure returns can be made as soon as the deal is signed.  Additionally, some firms have been unafraid to forego deals in the current heated environment until multiples return to a more normal level.
  • Operating teams: Talent and human capital continues to be a significant focus (both internally and externally) with funds and their portfolio companies. That said, this year has been very difficult to attract, engage and retain talent—prompting more discipline with the process and an increased emphasis on branding.
  • Personal: Remote work has been a blessing and a curse for many—allowing for more flexibility for, for example, working parents, but creating challenges in getting up to speed, especially for more junior people who are meant to learn via the apprenticeship model.  It seems the primary lesson in 2021 is grace—having grace for other people and also yourself.  This time period is inarguably difficult with the number of changes and challenges it has presented, so give others and yourself a break when you can!

We thoroughly enjoyed getting to gather with other leading women in PE to discuss learnings and takeaways from yet another unprecedented year. If there is anything we can help you with as you finish out the race to year-end, we’d be happy to quickly connect you to the exact-fit, PE-grade, third-party resources you need.

Interested in learning more about BluWave? Check out our Introduction to BluWave video to learn more about us and how we can help you. If you have an immediate need, contact us here and we will be happy to help you right away.

An Interview Pam Hendrickson from The Riverside Company

Pam Hendrickson is Vice Chair at the Riverside Company and a trailblazer in the world of finance and private equity. Growing up in Manhattan she was surrounded by the world of business. However, as a kid, opportunities in business also felt far away, as finance at the time was a landscape that was largely dominated by men. If you know Pam, she’s not someone who shies away from pursuing her dreams. She learned through determination, collaboration, and optimism that anything was possible.  Pam studied hard, worked evened harder, and, after graduating from Duke, followed by a degree from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, entered the world of finance in New York City. She joined JP Morgan Chase, ultimately rising to Managing Director during a highly accomplished career spanning over two decades with the firm.

As her career progressed, Pam was ready for the next challenge and wanted to more directly help companies build and grow.  In 2006, she joined The Riverside Company as their COO. Once again, Pam thrived in one of the most intellectually stimulating and most challenging industries to succeed.  Today, Pam serves as The Riverside Company’s Vice Chairman, where she supervises some fund strategies and monitors and manages policy, political, and legislative risk for Riverside and its portfolio companies. All along the way, Pam has paved a path for subsequent generations of diverse professionals in finance and private equity, enabling opportunities for others to succeed and thrive as she has.

She was kind enough to carve out some time for us recently, and the interview was revealing in so many ways: from her inside-look into Washington (and perhaps why politicians aren’t all bad) to her approach to diversity. In an industry that’s squarely focused on monetary returns, her insights are priceless. Our collective hats should tip to this powerhouse who uses her voice for those who are often kept out of the conversation.

Sean Mooney: As the current Vice Chair of AIC, what are a few of the core initiatives you are taking on in terms of lobbying efforts for the PE industry?

Pam Hendrickson: My focus is on helping make sure that members of Congress and the Administration understand private equity’s positive role in local communities across the country.  Our industry employs over 11 million Americans, supports thousands of small businesses, and delivers strong pension returns for retirees. Fortunately, more people on the Hill now appreciate private equity and the tremendous value we add to the American economy.

I’m also working to explain the real-world consequences of some recent proposals in Congress that would change the tax treatment of carried interest capital gains. I’m especially interested in explaining how these proposals would harm the entrepreneurial ecosystem for women investors and entrepreneurs. The Ways and Means legislation would penalize investment firms by creating a potential tax penalty for adding new partners to existing investments. This would disproportionately expose women to nearly impossible barriers as they work to climb the corporate ladder at a time when firms are trying to advance diversity within their own leadership ranks.

Washington is trying to move very quickly: it’s like being in a baseball game but not knowing what inning you’re in. Oftentimes the intention of these proposals isn’t nefarious or ill-intended; rather, haste makes waste and politicians are drinking massive amounts of information from a firehose. One minute they are talking to someone like me, with a private equity agenda. The next minute, it’s someone from higher education, renewable energy, or critical infrastructure. Our job [as industry insiders and lobbyists] is to inform them about the realities and potential negative consequences in a non-incendiary way so they will actually listen; subsequently, we hope they make decisions based on the data-rich information we have provided. 

SM: How would you define the Riverside culture, and how does this impact your investment strategy?

PH: At Riverside, our mantra is very simple, rooted in the golden rule: treat others the way you would want to be treated. This way of approaching investments, problem-solving, conversation, basically everything, puts the onus back on the fund managers to ensure we are making decisions that we would also make for ourselves.

Here’s an example of how this cultural value is operationalized vis-a-vis our portfolio companies: Some years ago, we made an investment in an educational company founded by a former teacher who saw a gap in the curriculum for kids, especially those on the autism spectrum. She created an entirely new language based on symbols not on letters—and this system has gained traction and been widely adopted in special education circles.

After the acquisition, her daughter took over the CEO position; she had never been a CEO, but she was familiar with the company, having helped get it through its initial growth phase. Instead of treating her like someone who needed “schooling” from us, we approached it from more of a consultative standpoint. This is how I prefer to be treated when tackling something new. No one likes to be patronized. Instead, our role was being more of a sounding board— she was especially happy to have her private equity partners during the early days of the pandemic because they could provide both advice and capital. Today, that company continues to thrive, and she has exceeded our expectations. 

SM: Why does diversity at the highest levels of a company matter?

PH: My personal view is that diversity has more to do with various ways of thinking, experiences, and skills, rather than what someone looks like. How someone thinks about solving a problem has less to do with their gender or race, and more to do with their cultural attitudes and the background they bring to the table: education, where they grew up, how they managed challenges. A second-generation immigrant from Cuba who grew up in a single-parent household is going to have a different perspective than someone like me who grew up on Park Avenue in New York. This is a wonderful and necessary form of diversity—particularly if we have a shared interest in reaching a goal or outcome. What we miss with homogenous “group think” is likely why we’ve had recessions, wars, and insert any form of negative societal output. It’s just better business to have high-powered seats filled with versatile approaches to problem-solving.

How does this play out in the boardroom? We recently had an investment committee looking at a deal that sat squarely in the female products market segment. More than half of the people sitting at the table had never heard of this product and they didn’t understand what it did or why anyone would want it. So, they deferred to those of us in the room who understood the potential value of this product based on our experience—not simply on the numbers being presented on the slide deck.

SM: How has private equity changed over the last twenty years? If you were to sum it up in less than 10 words, what would you say?

PH: Funds used to make money on the buy. Not now.

The expanded version is: there used to be a time when multiples were low, and you could buy low and sell higher to generate great returns. Now companies are expensive to buy, so they have to grow quickly, and you can’t save your way to prosperity. This notion that PE “flips and strips” is just so far from the truth. Our whole objective is to get growth because we can’t increase value without top-line revenue going up and to the right.

SM: What is your hope for the future of PE? Where would you like to see it change, move, and transform?

PH: In general, one astonishing thing about PE is how little it has moved to technology. People in this industry still rely on Excel for tracking, measuring, and reporting. At Riverside, we have moved to upgraded technology because we are a volume shop, and we can’t afford to throw people at everything. But funds need to embrace technology. You’d think there would be more technology solutions that integrate, but they don’t.

For example: while there are some good systems for CRM, these don’t connect to a portfolio company’s reporting system that also needs to connect to how you report to LPs. It’s all fragmented and disjointed. All sorts of systems do financial reporting, but then the systems that show how you create value within the portfolio companies are entirely missing. As an industry, we need to move from manual processes to streamlined technology solutions. There’s an idea for an aspiring entrepreneur!

On a brighter note: I am delighted by the increased number of diverse owners of private equity funds. These investors will ensure access to capital to a broader and more diverse base of founders, thus attracting new, innovative companies into the mix.

SM: What keeps you going during the difficult moments when negativity abounds, circumstances look bleak, the world seems to be imploding. What’s your “secret?”

PH: I’m pretty lucky because I have a “high happiness” set point. When bad stuff happens, I just move on. I realize this isn’t the case for many, so I am very grateful to have been built like this—it likely is part of the reason I’ve been able to take so many risks and last in the investment world as long as I have. I remember in 7th grade the headmistress at my school saying something like: “You just happily bounce along. You need to have more angst about things, Pamela.” I remember thinking that was the most ridiculous thing I’d ever heard. I bounced off, and, from what I can tell, I was right to ignore her advice.

How we did it: Critical need for interim controller to successfully support portco in sale process

Ready to sell one of their portfolio companies, a PE fund came to us urgently needing an interim controller that could help support their portco throughout the sale process. Knowing that there would be an influx of requests during the sale process, they were looking for an independent prep-for-sale resource that could help manage these requests as well as the book closing. We scoped their specific need to learn that their specific criteria were that the individual had gone through a PE sales process before, had healthcare technology industry experience, and was available for the next 3 to 6 months until the sale was closed.

Leveraging our technology, data, and human ingenuity to quickly sift through our deep pools of independent interim controllers that uniquely meet the private equity standard, we connected the client with an exact-fit, pre-vetted interim controller from our invitation-only Intelligent Network within 48 hours. The PE fund engaged with the consultant and was able to confidently begin the sale prep process while also providing the portco with the support they needed to prepare all the items needed for a successful sale.

Read the full case study.

If we can provide you with a PE-grade, pre-vetted, exact-fit prep-for sale resource, or any other third-party provider, please contact us. Interested in learning about more interim financial resources we provide? Check out our interim CFO hub.

October 2021 Roundup: BluWave Client Insights

BluWave works with over 500 PE funds from around the globe, connecting them with pre-vetted, best-in-class, third-party service providers across a variety of resource and functional areas. From information technology and manufacturing to healthcare, consumer goods, and beyond, our clients are expert business builders. In other words, they have their heads in the game and their hands on the pulse of news you can use.  

Check out the latest, curated collection of reports, insights, and musings from a handful of our PE fund clients. This month’s musings cover everything from deal sourcing to ESG, and all things human capital. 

Dyana Baurley, Vice President, and Christen Paras, Managing Director, of Middleground Capital were interviewed this month for PEI Buyout’s Deal Sourcing in the Mid-Market issue. In the interview, Dyana and Christine share Middleground’s unique approach to deal sourcing, how they integrate technology into the deal sourcing process, how ESG plays a role, the importance of branding in the process, and more. 

Read the full interview >>> 

On this episode of the Private Equity Funcast, Jimmy Holloran and Paul Stansik share lessons they’ve learned from working inside the portfolio over the past 2 years. They cover their learnings and tips on how to get the most out of your next team offsite, commonalities in great management training, how to make hiring and performance management more human, and how to foster cultures that last. 

Listen to the podcast >>> 

KKR-blog-octLast month in our roundup, we shared KKR’s ESG report, to share with you their thoughts on the importance of ESG and we have seen the importance and relevance of ESG continue to grow as our Q3 PE Insights report showed ESG diligence crack into the top 10 of diligence activity for the first time ever. This KKR blog shares the impact private equity can have when focused on ESG, as it shares the story of a small family-owned business KKR backed and how they are tackling the problem of sustainability in the e-commerce industry. 

Read more >>> 


As companies continue to battle The Great Resignation, the attraction and retention of human capital have remained a top priority across funds and portcosleading to many companies changing their employee benefit plans. In this interview with Lovell Minnick Partner Brad Armstrong, he shares his observations on how “changes in employee benefits are impacting investment and M&A activity”. 

Read more >>> 

You can find last month’s roundup here. 

An Interview with Sun Capital Partners’ Managing Director, Matthew Garff

Within the first few minutes of my conversation with Matthew Garff, two things became crystal clear: He fundamentally believes in what’s possible and he approaches potential problems with radical honesty. This is a personal as well as professional attitude and has served him well throughout the course of his three decades career.

While the last two years have often felt like a mission impossible, Garff and the team at Sun Capital Partners (perhaps the name of the firm says it all?) remained a bright light for their portfolio companies, traversing uncharted territory and ultimately coming out ahead—mostly due to their investment strategy of focusing energy and resources on industries they know well, and a commitment to the people side of their founder and/or family-owned businesses. In his words: “Human capital is the most valuable asset in most companies, and people enable what’s possible. They are what ultimately make it successful.”

From working with founder-owned companies and prioritizing the Chief HR role to assessing acquisition targets through operational due diligence, in this interview, Garff reveals insights into how he thinks about the future of private equity and why that narrative needs a reboot. I couldn’t have said it better myself! Spoiler alert: although he spent several years of his career acquiring golf courses, his son is the real expert on the sport now.

Sean Mooney: Why is the due diligence process so vital to the acquisition or add-on process when assessing a company’s potential?

Matthew Garff: When we acquire a business, the company often needs help understanding what’s possible—far beyond what has already been accomplished. Generally speaking, with founder or family-owned businesses, they have had their heads down for a long time, grinding it out; so, when they engage with us our first objective is to try to uncover (or help management reach) the “possible.” The due diligence process allows us to understand where the business could be performing three to five years from now.

A good example is our portfolio company National Tree. It was a second-generation, family-owned business and a market leader in selling seasonal home decor through online marketplaces like Amazon and Wayfair. They had over a decade of experience working with these online marketplaces built a market leadership position in their niche products, which we learned through diligence would continue to grow. We also recognized their capabilities in sourcing and dropshipping products. With these core strengths, we saw an opportunity to leverage these skills and expand into tertiary markets, which National Tree is now doing.

As a result of our findings, and our roadmap for achieving what’s possible, in the last two years the company has experienced tremendous progress—they have added executive team members, instituted new operational systems and disciplines, and opened the door to add-on opportunities that will expand product categories and accelerate growth.

A nod to BluWave here: you helped us with FP&A resources that worked with us for several months after closing. This was an integral part of what we are now seeing in terms of National Tree’s expansion and continued market leadership.

SM: How is the process different when working with a founder- or family-owned business?

MG: I’d say the major difference is ensuring that there is a smooth transition from a cultural perspective. Typically, these founders and family owners are very attached to the business and even though they want to evolve and grow—which is why they partner with Sun Capital—they are seeing a lot of change happen to what they built, and that can be difficult. We collaborate with them on the “Shared Vision Plan” to ensure we are aligned in every way on the strategic direction and that they are on board with the changes.

SM: What are some of the obstacles the industry is facing?

MG: The industry is really healthy and the capital and know-how from PE is very constructive.  However, too often I hear the pervading narrative that “PE is a destructive force in business through leveraging businesses.” The biggest obstacle we currently face is a negative perception of the industry, touted by those who have a public voice but choose to focus on the failed companies which were owned by private equity. The truth is, many private equity investments provide wealth creation for families, fuel innovation, and enable the economic growth engine.

I always say that these detractors offer a view of PE that’s akin to someone from another country visiting Los Angeles for the first time on the one day of the year when it actually rains. Then, they go back to their friends and say: “Ha! I knew it. Los Angeles isn’t sunny, it rains every day!”

SM: What are some of the factors driving the momentum in the industry?

MG: In general, buyers are now more specialized by industry, and this makes them more informed. At our firm, we adopted the “focused industry” approach many years ago, and as a result, we are more refined in our thinking and decisions. This is good for sellers because they can find an investor-partner who understands the nuances of their particular business and industry.

I’ll use National Tree again, to give a clear-cut example of how this specialized approach benefits both parties. Currently, I spend most of my time in consumer and digital commerce. When National Tree had a rough patch with Wayfair, I picked up the phone and called my relationship at Wayfair. Within days, the problem was solved. In short: specialization supports the momentum we are now seeing industry-wide.

SM: How do you think about human capital when it comes to acquiring and managing portfolio companies?

MG: I believe human capital is one of the most valuable assets of any successful company. End of story. Several years ago, we wanted to increase the attention our portfolio companies were giving to human capital. As a solution, we put in place a strategy to have our portfolio companies hire a Chief HR Officer—a role that drives strategic thinking, fundamental change through processes, and design efficiencies. This person’s role is to think strategically about the business, then marry that strategic thinking with decision-making around human capital. He or she understands long-term objectives and implements a hiring strategy to meet these objectives. It was a game-changer for our companies and enabled us to swiftly drive change and make money for the shareholders.

If we are considering a company for acquisition, one of the key components of “HR diligence” is seeing if they have this role filled. If they do, it signals they are proactive versus reactive. Unfortunately, most companies are extremely reactive, but we’ve come to understand that having a Chief HR Officer is a core part of the business strategy. It’s not always easy to fill this role, because HR is too often put in a reactive role. But the HR function needs to be elevated to someone who can ask questions like: “Is there a hiring strategy and plan for who we hire six months to a year from now.”

SM: Many companies are going through hiring and recruiting challenges. How is Sun Capital helping support your portcos to this end, and what are some of the suggested solutions?

MG: We have long understood that strong cultures lead to strong performance. As a regular practice, we conduct surveys at our companies and measure the results. This is the only way to improve on it. When we are looking at companies to buy, or even when we visit our portfolio companies, culture is a key focus because it can make the difference in terms of hiring and retaining top talent; and having the most capable, skilled employees leads to better performance.

As an example, I was visiting a prospective company a few weeks ago, and as we walked the warehouse the employees were eagerly coming up to our tour guide, a company executive. They were saying hello, high-fiving, and seeking his attention. It became immediately clear that the company had a strong culture, and when we did some more digging we found that turnover was low and profitability high. This strong, healthy culture we witnessed first-hand also translated to strong performance.

While recruiting is certainly more of a heavy lift right now, I always remind our portfolio company leaders that employees need to understand the vision, and they need to know everyone—including managers and executives—are rowing in the same direction. When an employee feels like “our mission statement is ‘X’ but no one seems to follow it” this undermines culture, and can have negative consequences (not to mention high costs).

As a slight aside, the founders and Co-CEOs of Sun Capital have developed our company culture around the concept of radical honesty. In short, having honest conversations and being encouraged to voice our opinions is a core part of our DNA. This means everyone, from every level of our organization, is given the opportunity to be heard.

SM: Are there any industries that are being overlooked by PE firms right now? If so, why do you think that is?

MG: Successful investors often exhibit the quality of being open-minded and avoiding the temptation of the crowd, because the crowd is not always correct. For example, at present “brick and mortar” businesses are viewed as unfavorable, and in some cases, this is deserved. But many retailers that have strong underlying businesses will stand the test of time.

We recently acquired a mattress retailer called Mancini’s Sleepworld. For the last few years, the conventional thinking has been that online mattress retailers like Casper would push traditional retailers out of business. As it turns out, the opposite has been true; Casper now has physical stores, because customers actually want to “try before they buy.” By the way, Mancini’s is doing great and we expect this trend to continue.

Sun Capital has been a successful early adopter in other industries that may seem out of favor. Fortunately, this has allowed us to exit at higher multiples than we entered in areas like HVAC, produce, and contract manufacturing. While we do spend ample time deliberating the merits of a business based on industry trends, we try to stay open-minded based on a variety of other factors and be aware of what we see happening at a personal, local, and community level.

SM: Given all your past investment focus on golf courses do you have a favorite?

MG: If I’m being radically honest (I knew that would come back to bite me), I’m not a good golfer, and I really don’t get on the course much anymore. However, my 16-year-old son is an avid golfer, so when he asks me to join I generally take him up on the offer—it’s often the only time I get to spend with him. We recently spent a day at Rancho Park in Westwood (Los Angeles, CA), and apparently, it has the most traffic of any golf course in America. I was obviously thrilled with so many onlookers, given my current trend of 120+ strokes.

Event Recap: PEI Ops Partner Forum: What makes a great PE talent partner?

Last week, we had the pleasure of participating on the “what makes a great PE talent partner?” panel at the PEI Operating Partners Forum in New York. The panel was comprised of human capital leaders – including, Merche del Valle of Grain Management, Alice Mann of Blue Wolf Capital Partners, Ashley Day, a former Chief Talent Officer, and Michelle Nasir of Arsenal Capital Partners.

It was great to be in person with over 200 leading PE ops partners and to have a discussion with those that are talent-focused about what their jobs look like, now that talent operating partners make up 34% of all operating partners, versus the 3% that comprised the PEI ops partner forum 3 years ago.

We have seen the increase in human capital importance firsthand, with our proprietary data showing human capital initiatives increasing to 39% of PE activity this quarter compared to 17% in Q1 2018.

In addition to the increase of importance that has been placed on human capital initiatives in PE, data has shown that they have also become wide-ranging, covering everything from interim leadership to exec assessment diligence.

Given this context going into the panel on what makes a great PE talent partner, the below are some of the topline takeaways:

  • Talent roles vary widely across funds:
    • When talking to other panelists, we discovered that some of their talent roles are more internally focused on HR within the PE firm itself, and some are exclusively externally focused on portco executives only. It was also discovered that roles vary additionally by how and when they get involved.
  • Working with the deal team:
    • The panelists all agreed there have been changes in the amount of time available to fully execute on all of the responsibilities that may have fallen on talent in the past. They said that with this change, funds need to be more regimented and prioritized in terms of how and where they spend their talent team’s time.  In terms of executive assessments, interestingly—some assessments have become less comprehensive.  BUT, funds have also become more creative with deploying assessments given the tight market. Many are giving offers that are contingent on assessments and background checks going well.
    • For work with deal teams—the primary takeaway is that the earlier involvement, the better.  Roles amongst our panelists truly varied as to when they got tapped and for how comprehensive a remit, i.e. “do this assessment” vs “ride along on the deal execution to help us spot red flags.”
  • Pressurized market:
    • Funds have become more regimented due to Covid.  They have discovered efficiencies in the process that were developed during the times when everyone was remote and are now helping funds keep up in a highly pressurized market. These playbooks and scorecards have been developed for both internal hiring and monitoring the health of various portcos from a human capital perspective, i.e. turnover, depth of exec bench, etc.

If your firm needs human capital help, we can help make the job easier by connecting you with exact-fit interim executives, HR diligence providers, executive assessment providers, and more. Contact us here if we can be of help and check out our Interim CFO Hub to learn more about how interim executives can benefit you.

Merger Integrations: How BluWave Helps

In our latest BluWave Studios video, Keenan Kolinsky, a BluWave Consulting Manager outlines ways BluWave supports clients looking for third-party merger integration expertise:

  1. Scope out the type and level of support that the client is looking for.
  2. Match client with select exact-fit providers in our network based on criteria, budget, timing, and more.
  3. Connect clients with extra merger integration support such as pre-merger synergy assessments and TSA support.

Watch the video to learn more.

Interested in learning more about merger integration support and how we can help? Visit the Merger Integration Hub.

How we did it: Critical ops performance & improvement consultant to increase warehouse efficiency

A PE fund managing partner came to us with a critical need for an operational performance and improvement consultant that could evaluate and redesign the existing layout in one of their manufacturing portcos’ warehouses. Since acquiring the portco, the PE fund had discovered that there were foregone profits due to the lack of logistical reason that had gone into organizing the warehouse. They immediately needed a lean six sigma type consultant to come in and optimize the layout, process, and flow of the warehouse in order to increase operational efficiencies. We quickly worked to understand the key criteria of their need and then leveraged our data and human ingenuity to match them with two select, exact-fit, pre-vetted healthcare services senior advisors from our invitation-only Intelligent Network. The client selected their ideal choice and the PE fund was able to confidently engage the individual to drive operational performance and improvement by increasing warehouse efficiency.

Read the full case study.

We have a deep bench of ops performance and improvement consultants with a wide array of industry experience and skillsets. We would be happy to quickly connect you with the exact-fit ops performance and improvement consultant or any other service provider you need. Contact us here and our team will begin helping you within 24 hours.

Dual Commercial Due Diligence, GTM Provider Vitally Needed

PE Firm needs commercial due diligence and GTM strategist for construction target

A PE firm managing director came to us with a critical need for a commercial due diligence and GTM strategy provider for a target they had in the construction industry. Since identifying this target, they were looking for a group that could quickly perform diligence to determine if the market was strong enough for investment, and then promptly post-close help them develop a GTM strategy. Close to obtaining exclusivity, the PE firm was looking to find a provider with experience in the construction materials space that could move quickly once exclusivity was gained and stay engaged to create value post-close.

BluWave identifies provider to meet exact needs

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade commercial due diligence and GTM needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of providers that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria and then connected the client with three select pre-vetted providers from our invitation-only Intelligent Network that fit their exact needs.

Firm engages with ideal provider to confidently move forward with investment

Less than 24 hours after the initial scoping call, the PE firm was introduced to three PE-grade providers that specialized in commercial due diligence and GTM strategy with experience in the construction materials industry. The client selected their ideal choice, and the PE firm was able to confidently engage this provider without wasting time or costs. They were able to leverage their insights to move forward with the investment and then utilize the same provider to quickly begin creating value in the new portco by developing a GTM strategy.

Operational diligence provider urgent for VMS target

Firm needs operational diligence for target VMS manufacturing company

A PE firm principal came to us with a critical need for operational diligence on a target they had in the vitamins, minerals, and supplements (VMS) manufacturing space. A week into the diligence process after signing an LOI, the firm needed someone to answer their question on how the target could increase throughput given their issues with on-time delivery, backlog, and capsulation of their powders. They urgently needed an ops diligence provider with experience in the VMS space that could identify areas for operational improvement during their 45 days of exclusivity on the target.

Using our extensive network, BluWave identifies top PE-grade providers

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade operational diligence needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of operational diligence independent consultants and boutique firms that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria and then introduced the client to two select pre-vetted operational diligence consulting groups from our invitation-only Intelligent Network that fit their exact needs.

Firm properly assesses target company using selected provider

Within 24 hours of the initial scoping call, the PE firm was introduced to two PE-grade ops diligence providers with extensive experience in the VMS space. The client selected their ideal choice. The PE firm was able to confidently engage the provider without wasting time or cost and ultimately identify ways for the target to improve their throughput. The firm was so pleased with the provider’s operational performance and improvement recommendations that they engaged them again post-close to implement them.

Critical ops performance & improvement consultant to increase warehouse efficiency

Managing partner needs operational performance and improvement consultant for warehouse redesign

A PE firm managing partner came to us with a critical need for an operational performance and improvement consultant that could evaluate and redesign the existing layout in one of their manufacturing portcos’ warehouses. Since acquiring the portco, the PE firm had discovered that there were foregone profits due to the lack of logistical reason that had gone into organizing the warehouse. They immediately needed a lean six sigma type consultant to come in and optimize the layout, process, and flow of the warehouse in order to increase operational efficiencies.

BluWave identifies two exact-fit providers from pre-vetted network

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade operational performance and improvement needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of ops performance and improvement groups and independents that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria and then connected the client with two select, exact-fit, pre-vetted operational performance and improvement consultants from our invitation-only Intelligent Network.

Client engages provider to drive operational excellence in portco

Within 24 hours of the initial scoping call, the PE firm and portfolio company were introduced to two PE-grade ops performance and improvement consultants that specialized in optimizing efficiencies in small assembly-oriented manufacturing companies. The client selected their ideal choice and the PE firm was able to confidently engage the individual to drive operational performance and improvement by increasing warehouse efficiency.

Immediate senior advisor with technical expertise

Firm critically needs senior advisor with software industry knowledge

A PE firm principal came to us with a critical need for a senior advisor that could provide them with industry insight on a target they had in the application security sector of the software industry. Before moving forward with an investment, the firm needed someone with technical industry expertise that could frame the competitive landscape for them, how the target was positioned against competitors, and apply this to the market opportunity. They urgently needed a mid-to higher level advisor with technical sector expertise that could answer their questions within 7 to 10 days.

BluWave quickly connects firm to advisor with industry expertise

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade senior advisor needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of senior advisors across an array of industries that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria and then connected the client with the select pre-vetted senior advisor from our invitation-only Intelligent Network that fit their exact needs.

Firm engages advisor to gain valuable industry insight

Within 24 hours of the initial scoping call, the PE firm was introduced to a select PE-grade senior advisor that had deep experience working in the application security industry and was now doing consulting in the space. The PE firm was able to confidently engage the advisor and gain the necessary industry insights they needed from someone with technical expertise in order to make an informed decision on whether or not to move forward with the investment.