In The Know: Inflation’s Impact on Private Equity

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE fund clients. In our most recent installment, our consulting manager, Keenan Kolinsky, talks about the impacts of inflation he is hearing across our clients. We are hearing this manifest in two primary ways:


  1. A surge in leveraging specialized pricing experts to help adjust portfolio company pricing structures
  2. The increased need for sourcing and procurement resources to identify and secure cost-effective supplier and logistics relationships

To learn more, watch the video below.

Interested in learning more about the cases Keenan mentioned, view them here.

ESG: 3 Proactive steps your PE firm should be taking

ESG has grown in importance and prominence amongst the investing community in the past few months. After a year and a half of unprecedented times, investors have found that they can help cause positive change by placing a focus on ESG. Additionally, investors have found that ESG criteria often points to improved long-term returns, with roughly 53% of institutional investors agreeing that companies with better ESG track records generate better investment returns. 

With the importance of ESG rising in terms of investment evaluation across the board, we are hearing from our more than 500 private equity firm clients that questions on ESG policies and reporting are increasingly coming from LPs. Before you start raising your next fund, here are three steps you can take to start being proactive in being able to answer any questions that may come.

1) Develop policies at the fund level. 

If you don’t have them already, the best place to start with ESG is to develop policies at the fund level. These policies can serve as a guiding light for how actions can be taken throughout the firm, down into portco investing, to help advance ESG efforts. 

Our clients have leveraged third-party ESG experts to help them develop and implement ESG strategies for the first time. 

2) Conduct diligence on your deals. 

ESG diligence should now be part of the routine diligence process when assessing any target. However, ESG criteria varies by industry and is extremely trade-specific, so it is most valuable to have an outside resource do this work for you. In fact, we saw this trend occur so much in Q3, that ESG diligence crept into the top 10 of the BluWave Private Equity Due Diligence Index for the first time ever.  

Additionally, third-party ESG diligence resources have tools and scorecards they use to audit companies against SASB standards, allowing for an easy way for you to measure your target company against other companies in the same field.

3) Monitor progress against ESG targets at both the fund & portco level. 

 LPs are no longer just going to look for ESG policies to be in place, they are going to look to see if action is being taken against these policies. The best way to prove this is by having metrics that show progress, and we have third-party resources in our network that will help you build in ways to track them over time. 

At the portco level, these resources will allow you to collect and visualize your ESG data, making the impact of your efforts easy to understand, demonstrate to LPs, and analyze.  These resources will also allow you to implement software tools that will make tracking and monitoring your efforts more automated.


No matter your ESG need, we have the resources to help you streamline your efforts and prove your action. Contact us to schedule a scoping call, we’d be happy to hop on the phone and quickly get started in providing you with the solutions you need.  

Posted in ESG

An Expert Interview with EconTalk Host and Hoover Institution Research Fellow Russ Roberts

Russ Roberts is not your typical economist. As the longtime host of the podcast EconTalk, the John and Jean De Nault Research Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, and a collection of economics-related books to his name, it would be easy to throw him into a traditional category. But, as the current President of Shalem University in Jerusalem recently told me: “My perspective on economics is constantly evolving as I learn more about what it is to be a human.”

Roberts also holds the title as a three-time teacher of the year and has taught at George Mason University, Washington University in St. Louis (where he was the founding director of what is now the Center for Experiential Learning), the University of Rochester, Stanford University, and the University of California, Los Angeles. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago and his undergraduate degree in economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

It is from this vantage point that I recently spoke with Roberts from his office in Israel about everything from his success as a podcast host and author, to his thoughts on the private equity industry, the construct of scarcity, and why expertise is necessary—but often challenging to vet. 

Sean Mooney: How would you describe your brand of economics, and how has it evolved over the last decade? 

Russ Roberts: I trained at the University of Chicago but became increasingly interested in the Austrian School—a heterodox school of economic thought. But I always found the most interesting questions were not about economics; rather they were more in the realm of philosophy, history, and social trends.

When I launched my podcast (EconTalk) I interviewed traditional economists on standard issues of economics– the trade deficit with China, bitcoin versus traditional currency, and the causes of the financial crisis. But over the years (and I started doing EconTalk in 2006), I got interested in other questions: Why are so many people in despair? What does it mean to be American? Why is there no longer a consensus about our national narrative as Americans? Why are tribalism and populism on the rise?

Economics is not the central tool kit for figuring out those questions. Many economists are often blind to non-economic factors: they look only at things that can be measured. But it can’t end there. The questions I ask are also questions of identity, role of community, and how to live with differences of opinion: the things that I believe are increasingly important.

SM: Why do you think that EconTalk has been so successful for so long? What’s your secret?

RR: Success is definitely hard to measure with something like a podcast. I’ve definitely learned a lot, and I get nice emails from listeners who are grateful. So, that certainly feels like success. On a personal level, as a 15-year long host, I have become a better listener and less of an “interrupter.” This is a wonderful life skill. And that means I give my guests, even those I disagree with, more of a chance to make their case and for me to engage with their viewpoint respectfully and civilly. I’m interested in conversations, not debate. This is a very powerful difference: conversation is about a shared exploration by two people, not just who’s right. When I created more room for my guests by doing more listening, I think EconTalk became a much better program. Lastly, I have learned to say “I don’t know.” It allows someone the opportunity to educate me—to let them be the expert.

SM: From your perspective, what is the biggest misconception about capitalism?

RR: Along the lines of what I alluded to above, the misconception people often have that wealth is a zero-sum gain—wealth must be taken from someone else. With just a little thought, you can realize that wealth is not a zero-sum game. Look at the standard of living today versus one hundred years ago: did we take the wealth from, Mars? Almost everyone got wealthier over time. Through technology, innovation, and processes, the standard of living has gotten better without making everyone worse off. Not at someone else’s expense.

Of course, there are always exceptions and bad players. The free market allows us to de-personalize the goods or services we are buying, and ultimately rewards the best X who is doing Y. We don’t have to like Jeff Bezos’ personal decisions, but we can still appreciate what he’s built and how it enhances our lives. One of the great gifts of a market economy is that you don’t have to peer into someone’s soul.

SM: We are living in a time of scarcity—in terms of the supply chain, the workforce, etc. How did we get here? When do you think this will shift and why?

RR: The concept of scarcity is an enormous challenge to economics and my way of thinking. I wrote The Price of Everything and It’s a Wonderful Loaf about the role that prices play in terms of order. Here is the quick take: Usually shortages are a sign of price controls, and usually when people say “we don’t have enough workers” it means that the price they have to pay is too high to get the workers. Historically, there have only been shortages when raising prices is forbidden. This happened with gas controls in the 1950s.

The puzzle with today’s shortages is why don’t suppliers just raise prices? My presumption is that they are afraid of being judged as gougers either by their customers or by the government. Eventually, prices will increase, instead of the other option: not having products. It’s already starting to happen. This will help eliminate the pressure on the supply chain.

SM: You are continually in conversation with experts in their field (for EconTalk): why do you think expertise is important?

RR: For the average citizen, expertise is in disarray right now. There is a lot of confusion about how to know whether someone is truly an expert—is it because they write books, host a podcast, make a lot of money, are on TV? It’s challenging to figure out the real versus the pseudo-expert, but we don’t want to fall prey to this postmodern phenomenon where people think everyone is a liar.

For a business, the challenge has always been the tension between making a decision that is defensible versus making a decision that is correct. If you’re an executive at a growing company, and you hire a first-rate consulting firm to help solve your problem, you can always make the defensible argument. But, if it turns out they can’t answer the question or find a solution, then what do you do? That being said, I think the challenge for business leaders is to feel confident taking a chance with a smaller, specialized, partner (without the big brand name) that is likely better equipped to tackle your problem. 

SM: What is your definition of innovation? Where do we need more of it?

RR: Getting more from less, and achieving more with the same amount of resources. More simply put: we can make a process incrementally better, but what is even more desirable is making it better with the assistance of technology. A common example is the slide rule. Of course, we could make it incrementally better; but a calculator does a much better job with a fraction of the cost and much more accurately.

As a side note: I don’t think most people understand the pressure businesses are under to innovate, and why most founders don’t sleep well at night: they never know where competition is coming from. This is the essence of capitalism and what ultimately fuels growth and advancement.

In terms of the second part of the question, I think we need more innovation in the rules of the game: governance, how democracy works, etc. Antitrust law created for brick and mortar businesses is not helpful for thinking about big tech. In other words, we need innovative thinking about life as it exists in the digital realm, and how to evolve old systems in order to account for all of the changing dynamics.

SM: What is one piece of advice or knowledge you would share with those in leadership positions?

RR: Privilege your principles. If you want to make ethical decisions as a leader, and you’re worried about the existence of your business, it’s very tempting to do things that are not consistent with your principles. It’s always better to take an ego hit than violate your principles.

SM: Can you tell us anything about your next book?

RR: It’s called Wild Problems: A Guide To Making Decisions That Define Us. Generally speaking, I focus on the decisions we can’t necessarily measure or do a proper “cost-benefit analysis” about. Essentially, the book is an exploration of our sense of self, and how dignity and pride often outweigh the day-to-day effects of decisions we make. Today, we have so many choices and this leads to a lot of anxiety and stress. We want an app or data to help us make the best decisions, but that’s not the way everything works. If it was, life would be much more predictable, perhaps…but certainly less fun or interesting.

PE VP Forum Recap | December 2021

Every quarter we gather vice presidents in PE to discuss current industry topics and to offer these peers the chance to gather, share information, and decompress with one another. In our most recent event, we discussed many topics and have listed our top takeaways below.

These forums are invite-only and follow Chatham House Rules, so listed below are high-level takeaways only. Are you in private equity and interested in joining fellow PE VPs during our next PE VP Forum? Please contact us at

Increased Deal Competition 

  • Deal competition is at an all-time high, so firms are getting creative in how to best address this. Common themes across the ideas that were shared were:
    • Determine the best approach for your firm that allows you to quickly identify the best possible deals where you have unique insights.
    • Seek specialization from an investment strategy perspective.
    • Utilize help in the form of third-party advisors that have industry expertise and can assist in assessing the deal.

Deal Surge

  • There is currently an overabundance of deals in the market which means sellers are considering values like speed and partnership in addition to price. Look for opportunities to emphasize these values in order to differentiate yourself when you can’t differentiate on price.

Labor Dynamics

  • Firms are continually facing difficulties in attracting and retaining talent due to the pressurized market. Internally, one solution has been to offer associates more than one track for their advancement, and externally, firms are developing innovative solutions for longer than average portco exec hiring processes including beginning recruiting processes before the deal even closes.

We thoroughly enjoyed getting to gather with PE VPs to discuss these current industry hot topics. We’s be happy to connect you to the PE-grade, exact-fit, third-party resources to assist you in this tight market, just contact us here.

Learn more about how we can specifically help Deal Quarterbacks and access a toolkit that can help you do your job more efficiently here.

Why BluWave was built with deal quarterbacks in mind

As a deal quarterback in private equity, Sean Mooney often struggled with getting connected to the PE-grade, specialized resources he needed to drive differential success. Sean found himself spending lots of time searching for providers on google and calling friends in search of an exact-fit service provider. This made the diligence process time-consuming and stressful. It also left only a small amount of time for the other things that matter. In order to combat this pressing issue, Sean came up with the idea for BluWave. In fact, Sean created BluWave specifically with deal quarterbacks in mind and is someone who did the job himself. Now, BluWave helps deal quarterbacks get time back in their day and gives them confidence in the third-party resources that they are utilizing.

We are here to provide deal quarterbacks with the exact-fit, private equity grade service provider they need, exactly when they need them.

Learn more about how BluWave can help deal QBs specifically in both due diligence and value creation.

If you are a deal quarterback that struggles with due diligence or value creation, we would be happy to connect with you and provide for the need you have, just contact us here.

How BluWave facilitates due diligence for deal QBs

BluWave founder and CEO, Sean Mooney, recently shared his personal experiences as a private equity deal quarterback and how that led to him founding BluWave. Sean learned through his own experiences that due diligence for deal QBs is a flawed process. He found there are far too many generalist providers that don’t quite fit the bill for the specialized needs they are trying to solve. After spending far too much time during the vetting process, Sean realized there must be another way.

In this video, he highlights the difficulties he used to face in the due diligence process including:

  • The speed required to win deals as a private equity deal QB
  • Common struggles from his experience as a deal QB
  • The unique advantages BluWave offers

Sean references BluWave as the tool that could have helped him win as a deal QB. Now, BluWave helps over 550 of the top private equity firms in the world win every day, starting with the due diligence process. We facilitate due diligence for deal QBs by connecting them with the exact-fit, PE-grade resources they need exactly when they need them.

Do you share some of Sean’s frustrations with the diligence process? Contact us to get started.

How does BluWave help with value creation for deal QBs?

As a private equity deal QB, BluWave founder & CEO, Sean Mooney, faced challenges in the value creation process. He felt as though he was consistently getting generalist results from generalist providers. He also faced the pressure of knowing that one wrong move could follow him around for the rest of his career in private equity. After dealing with these challenges and working his way up to be a Partner at a PE firm, Sean decided to create the solution to the problems he always had by founding BluWave. The solution he envisioned gave deal QBs the exact provider they need at the exact time they need them. Providers who have a specialty in specific areas will be connected with the private equity deal QBs as soon as the need arises. This gives success with ease for private equity deal QBs who are lacking value creation with their service providers. That is exactly what BluWave has become today.

BluWave helps with value creation for deal QBs by providing them with:

Learn more about how BluWave helps with value creation for deal QBs. Contact us if you have a need we can help with.

November 2021 Roundup: BluWave Client Insights

BluWave works with over 500 PE funds from around the globe, connecting them with pre-vetted, best-in-class, third-party service providers across a variety of resource and functional areas. From information technology and manufacturing to healthcare, consumer goods, and beyond, our clients are expert business builders. In other words, they have their heads in the game and their hands on the pulse of news you can use.

Check out the latest, curated collection of reports, insights, and musings from a handful of our PE fund clients on some of PE’s recent hot topics including rising inflation, ESG, product development, and human capital.

Joe Zidle, Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist of the Private Wealth Solutions Group at Blackstone, shares insights into where investors should look for returns in an environment that will likely soon feature higher inflation, less policy support, and muted returns.

Read what Joe has to say >>>

In this short video, members of the Apax Partners team explain why “impact” is a distinct investment category, why it’s the natural next step for all PE firms, the importance of strong ESG credentials, and success stories from their own impact portfolio.

Watch the video >>>

Matthew Jacobs, Investment Director at Livingbridge, shares insights from his conversation with Mark Davison, former Chief Data Officer at Callcredit and current non-executive director at Mobysoft, about successful product development in software companies.

Learn tips from this interview >>>

While effective human capital strategy remains at the forefront of every business leader’s mind given The Great Resignation, John Broderick, Operating Partner at Argosy Private Equity, shares keys to building an engaging and high-performing culture that naturally drives the execution of strategy.

Read more >>>

We’d be happy to provide you with PE-grade third parties to help you with any of the above or with any other need you may have, just give us a shout. Additionally, view what some of our clients had to say last month here.

Critical ESG diligence provider with industry expertise

ESG diligence needed for a consumer products target

A PE firm VP came to us with a critical need for a provider that could perform ESG diligence on a target they had in the consumer products industry. With their 60 days of exclusivity about to begin, the firm needed a provider that could assess the target within that timeframe. The target’s products were environmentally related, the PE firm had little to no experience performing ESG diligence, and they didn’t know what specifically to be concerned about in this industry, so the PE firm critically needed an ESG expert with industry experience to perform the diligence for them in order to spotlight potential areas of concern.

BluWave has exact-fit diligence provider with industry experience

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade ESG diligence needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of providers that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria and then presented the client with two select pre-vetted diligence providers from our invitation-only Intelligent Network that fit their exact needs.

Firm connected with two PE-grade providers and selected ideal choice

Less than 24 hours after the initial scoping call, the PE firm was presented with two PE-grade providers that had experience in the target’s specific niche of the consumer products industry. The client was introduced to their ideal choice and they were able to quickly engage them in order to perform ESG diligence within their timeframe and budget. The service provider was able to use their industry and area expertise in order to derive the necessary insights the PE firm needed to make an informed decision on how to proceed.

Buyouts Magazine: More effective sourcing of service providers promises benefits

BluWave founder and CEO, Sean Mooney,  recently had the privilege of sitting down with Buyouts Magazine for a keynote interview in their Fund Services Special Report December issue. In the interview, he specifically highlighted the importance of proper use of service providers in private equity.

In this report, he covered the topics of:  

  1. Why private equity firms must use third-party service providers
  2. Why it is hard to use third parties successfully 
  3. The opportunity cost of not using third-party service providers
  4. How specialization is giving BluWave clients unique competitive edge in both due diligence and value creation 
  5. Trends we have noticed in the private equity industry given our unique vantage point of serving over 500 PE firms 

These topics made for a great interview about service providers in the private equity industry and how to use them effectively. If you would like to read the full interview on the Buyouts website, you can do so here. 

Additionally, if you would like to check out the full Buyouts Fund Services Special Report December issue, you can do so here. 

Are you in need of an immediate, exact-fit, PE-grade third party? We’d be happy to connect you to the one you need. 

Women in PE Forum Recap | November 2021

Every quarter we gather leading women in PE to discuss current industry topics and to offer intelligent women the chance to gather, share information, and decompress with one another. In our most recent event, we gathered to discuss key learnings from 2021 and goals for 2022. We have shared the themes we heard discussed across different areas below.

These forums are invite-only and follow Chatham House Rules, so listed below are high-level takeaways only. Are you in private equity and interested in joining fellow leading PE professionals during our next Women in PE Forum? Register for our upcoming Women in PE Forums here.

  • BD and origination: After a year of increased competition and a lack of in-person events, firms have had to find unique ways to offer LPs a good answer for “Why you?” A number of firms are moving to more specialization from an investment strategy perspective—potentially developing new theses and then marketing these changes. Some firms have also taken the approach of becoming more explicit with bankers as to the composition of their portfolio for the purpose of proactive add-on identification.  Many BD teams have optimized their external relationships with more regimented and organized outreach—and been unafraid to follow-up with persistence, even if that had not been needed in the past.
  • Investment teams: The theme of this year has been finding ways to optimize time. Deal teams are being more judicious with travel and are having remote meetings where possible in order to save time that has been spent on travel in the past. Deal teams are also working more closely with ops teams pre-close to ensure returns can be made as soon as the deal is signed.  Additionally, some firms have been unafraid to forego deals in the current heated environment until multiples return to a more normal level.
  • Operating teams: Talent and human capital continues to be a significant focus (both internally and externally) with funds and their portfolio companies. That said, this year has been very difficult to attract, engage and retain talent—prompting more discipline with the process and an increased emphasis on branding.
  • Personal: Remote work has been a blessing and a curse for many—allowing for more flexibility for, for example, working parents, but creating challenges in getting up to speed, especially for more junior people who are meant to learn via the apprenticeship model.  It seems the primary lesson in 2021 is grace—having grace for other people and also yourself.  This time period is inarguably difficult with the number of changes and challenges it has presented, so give others and yourself a break when you can!

We thoroughly enjoyed getting to gather with other leading women in PE to discuss learnings and takeaways from yet another unprecedented year. If there is anything we can help you with as you finish out the race to year-end, we’d be happy to quickly connect you to the exact-fit, PE-grade, third-party resources you need.

Interested in learning more about BluWave? Check out our Introduction to BluWave video to learn more about us and how we can help you. If you have an immediate need, contact us here and we will be happy to help you right away.

An Interview Pam Hendrickson from The Riverside Company

Pam Hendrickson is Vice Chair at the Riverside Company and a trailblazer in the world of finance and private equity. Growing up in Manhattan she was surrounded by the world of business. However, as a kid, opportunities in business also felt far away, as finance at the time was a landscape that was largely dominated by men. If you know Pam, she’s not someone who shies away from pursuing her dreams. She learned through determination, collaboration, and optimism that anything was possible.  Pam studied hard, worked evened harder, and, after graduating from Duke, followed by a degree from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management, entered the world of finance in New York City. She joined JP Morgan Chase, ultimately rising to Managing Director during a highly accomplished career spanning over two decades with the firm.

As her career progressed, Pam was ready for the next challenge and wanted to more directly help companies build and grow.  In 2006, she joined The Riverside Company as their COO. Once again, Pam thrived in one of the most intellectually stimulating and most challenging industries to succeed.  Today, Pam serves as The Riverside Company’s Vice Chairman, where she supervises some fund strategies and monitors and manages policy, political, and legislative risk for Riverside and its portfolio companies. All along the way, Pam has paved a path for subsequent generations of diverse professionals in finance and private equity, enabling opportunities for others to succeed and thrive as she has.

She was kind enough to carve out some time for us recently, and the interview was revealing in so many ways: from her inside-look into Washington (and perhaps why politicians aren’t all bad) to her approach to diversity. In an industry that’s squarely focused on monetary returns, her insights are priceless. Our collective hats should tip to this powerhouse who uses her voice for those who are often kept out of the conversation.

Sean Mooney: As the current Vice Chair of AIC, what are a few of the core initiatives you are taking on in terms of lobbying efforts for the PE industry?

Pam Hendrickson: My focus is on helping make sure that members of Congress and the Administration understand private equity’s positive role in local communities across the country.  Our industry employs over 11 million Americans, supports thousands of small businesses, and delivers strong pension returns for retirees. Fortunately, more people on the Hill now appreciate private equity and the tremendous value we add to the American economy.

I’m also working to explain the real-world consequences of some recent proposals in Congress that would change the tax treatment of carried interest capital gains. I’m especially interested in explaining how these proposals would harm the entrepreneurial ecosystem for women investors and entrepreneurs. The Ways and Means legislation would penalize investment firms by creating a potential tax penalty for adding new partners to existing investments. This would disproportionately expose women to nearly impossible barriers as they work to climb the corporate ladder at a time when firms are trying to advance diversity within their own leadership ranks.

Washington is trying to move very quickly: it’s like being in a baseball game but not knowing what inning you’re in. Oftentimes the intention of these proposals isn’t nefarious or ill-intended; rather, haste makes waste and politicians are drinking massive amounts of information from a firehose. One minute they are talking to someone like me, with a private equity agenda. The next minute, it’s someone from higher education, renewable energy, or critical infrastructure. Our job [as industry insiders and lobbyists] is to inform them about the realities and potential negative consequences in a non-incendiary way so they will actually listen; subsequently, we hope they make decisions based on the data-rich information we have provided. 

SM: How would you define the Riverside culture, and how does this impact your investment strategy?

PH: At Riverside, our mantra is very simple, rooted in the golden rule: treat others the way you would want to be treated. This way of approaching investments, problem-solving, conversation, basically everything, puts the onus back on the fund managers to ensure we are making decisions that we would also make for ourselves.

Here’s an example of how this cultural value is operationalized vis-a-vis our portfolio companies: Some years ago, we made an investment in an educational company founded by a former teacher who saw a gap in the curriculum for kids, especially those on the autism spectrum. She created an entirely new language based on symbols not on letters—and this system has gained traction and been widely adopted in special education circles.

After the acquisition, her daughter took over the CEO position; she had never been a CEO, but she was familiar with the company, having helped get it through its initial growth phase. Instead of treating her like someone who needed “schooling” from us, we approached it from more of a consultative standpoint. This is how I prefer to be treated when tackling something new. No one likes to be patronized. Instead, our role was being more of a sounding board— she was especially happy to have her private equity partners during the early days of the pandemic because they could provide both advice and capital. Today, that company continues to thrive, and she has exceeded our expectations. 

SM: Why does diversity at the highest levels of a company matter?

PH: My personal view is that diversity has more to do with various ways of thinking, experiences, and skills, rather than what someone looks like. How someone thinks about solving a problem has less to do with their gender or race, and more to do with their cultural attitudes and the background they bring to the table: education, where they grew up, how they managed challenges. A second-generation immigrant from Cuba who grew up in a single-parent household is going to have a different perspective than someone like me who grew up on Park Avenue in New York. This is a wonderful and necessary form of diversity—particularly if we have a shared interest in reaching a goal or outcome. What we miss with homogenous “group think” is likely why we’ve had recessions, wars, and insert any form of negative societal output. It’s just better business to have high-powered seats filled with versatile approaches to problem-solving.

How does this play out in the boardroom? We recently had an investment committee looking at a deal that sat squarely in the female products market segment. More than half of the people sitting at the table had never heard of this product and they didn’t understand what it did or why anyone would want it. So, they deferred to those of us in the room who understood the potential value of this product based on our experience—not simply on the numbers being presented on the slide deck.

SM: How has private equity changed over the last twenty years? If you were to sum it up in less than 10 words, what would you say?

PH: Funds used to make money on the buy. Not now.

The expanded version is: there used to be a time when multiples were low, and you could buy low and sell higher to generate great returns. Now companies are expensive to buy, so they have to grow quickly, and you can’t save your way to prosperity. This notion that PE “flips and strips” is just so far from the truth. Our whole objective is to get growth because we can’t increase value without top-line revenue going up and to the right.

SM: What is your hope for the future of PE? Where would you like to see it change, move, and transform?

PH: In general, one astonishing thing about PE is how little it has moved to technology. People in this industry still rely on Excel for tracking, measuring, and reporting. At Riverside, we have moved to upgraded technology because we are a volume shop, and we can’t afford to throw people at everything. But funds need to embrace technology. You’d think there would be more technology solutions that integrate, but they don’t.

For example: while there are some good systems for CRM, these don’t connect to a portfolio company’s reporting system that also needs to connect to how you report to LPs. It’s all fragmented and disjointed. All sorts of systems do financial reporting, but then the systems that show how you create value within the portfolio companies are entirely missing. As an industry, we need to move from manual processes to streamlined technology solutions. There’s an idea for an aspiring entrepreneur!

On a brighter note: I am delighted by the increased number of diverse owners of private equity funds. These investors will ensure access to capital to a broader and more diverse base of founders, thus attracting new, innovative companies into the mix.

SM: What keeps you going during the difficult moments when negativity abounds, circumstances look bleak, the world seems to be imploding. What’s your “secret?”

PH: I’m pretty lucky because I have a “high happiness” set point. When bad stuff happens, I just move on. I realize this isn’t the case for many, so I am very grateful to have been built like this—it likely is part of the reason I’ve been able to take so many risks and last in the investment world as long as I have. I remember in 7th grade the headmistress at my school saying something like: “You just happily bounce along. You need to have more angst about things, Pamela.” I remember thinking that was the most ridiculous thing I’d ever heard. I bounced off, and, from what I can tell, I was right to ignore her advice.