Insights from the world of private equity, strategic consulting, and business intelligence.

ESG: 3 Proactive steps your PE firm should be taking

ESG has grown in importance and prominence amongst the investing community in the past few months. After a year and a half of unprecedented times, investors have found that they can help cause positive change by placing a focus on ESG. Additionally, investors have found that ESG criteria often points to improved long-term returns, with roughly 53% of institutional investors agreeing that companies with better ESG […]

PE Firms
Due Diligence

Event Recap: PEI Ops Partner Forum: What makes a great PE talent partner?

Last week, we had the pleasure of participating on the “what makes a great PE talent partner?” panel at the PEI Operating Partners Forum in New York. The panel was comprised of human capital leaders – including, Merche del Valle of Grain Management, Alice Mann of Blue Wolf Capital Partners, Ashley Day, a former Chief […]

PE Firms

How we did it: Critical ops performance & improvement consultant to increase warehouse efficiency

A PE fund managing partner came to us with a critical need for an operational performance and improvement consultant that could evaluate and redesign the existing layout in one of their manufacturing portcos’ warehouses. Since acquiring the portco, the PE fund had discovered that there were foregone profits due to the lack of logistical reason […]

PE Firms
Value Creation

An Expert Interview with RecruitingDaily’s William Tincup

Arlington, Texas-based William Tincup is currently the President and Editor-at-Large of RecruitingDaily, one of the leading content publishers and conference organizers in the HR and “People” space. He stands firmly at the intersection of HR and technology and wears multiple hats as a seasoned writer, speaker, advisor, and consultant to hundreds of companies. His latest creative endeavor is […]

PE Firms

How we did it: Immediate strategy session facilitator

A PE fund principal came to us with an immediate need for a strategy session facilitator for their software portfolio company. Having recently acquired the business, the fund wanted to quickly get the portco into strategy sessions so that they could start defining long-term goals. Needing structure for these sessions, they were looking for a […]

PE Firms
Value Creation

How we did it: LMM VP with critical need for ERP selection advisor

A PE fund came to us with a critical need for an ERP selection consultant for their portco in the manufacturing industry. Since acquiring the portco, they knew that the company’s older ERP system would need to be replaced. Knowing that the selection and implementation would be a lengthy process, they were urgently seeking a […]

PE Firms
Value Creation

Using Lean Six Sigma to optimize teams

In a recent article for CEOWorld Magazine, BluWave founder and CEO Sean Mooney shared how his love for the beautiful, streamlined, and seemingly perfect Ferrari sports cars that constantly improved with each model led to his love for the concept of Lean Six Sigma. He saw a similar sense of beauty in the ideas of […]

PE Firms
Value Creation

How we did it: Pricing strategy expert needed to drive demand for consumer products portco

A PE firm came to us with a critical need for a pricing strategy expert to maximize revenue at one of their consumer products portfolio companies. Since competing against big-box retailers, the portco realized their need to set pricing that clearly conveyed the value of their offerings to their price-conscious and value-driven consumers. We quickly […]

PE Firms
Value Creation

Video: Dealing With Service Providers at Capacity

As the world begins to rapidly reopen from the pandemic, businesses have begun to run full steam ahead to catch up for lost time. This massive acceleration in business has left many go-to service providers in the PE industry at capacity due to the sudden surge in demand, leaving many firms wondering where to go […]

PE Firms
Value Creation

Private Equity Interview with LaSalle Capital partner & COO Kelly Cornelis

As the daughter of a retired sportscaster, Kelly Cornelis had little knowledge of the finance world growing up on the outskirts of Chicago. She entered college at Notre Dame as an English major and stayed there until her sophomore year—when one of her professors noticed her proclivity for math and suggested she enroll in some […]

PE Firms

Why Diversity is Key to Productivity and Innovation

BluWave has worked with hundreds of companies across a variety of industries ranging from manufacturing and consumer goods to information technology and healthcare. Despite the differences that exist between them, one thing remains constant: for today’s companies, innovation and diversity are inseparable. There is no bigger obstacle to the introduction and refinement of new ideas […]

PE Firms

How We Did It: Healthcare Turnaround and Performance Improvement Case Study

A multi-site healthcare provider portco was in need of turnaround expertise to help improve their growth-stalled performance. Moving quickly, we worked to thoroughly understand the client’s specific turnaround needs. Tapping into our Intelligent Network, we were able to match the client with a resource who fit their exact requirements (including geographic location) and was able to efficiently start moving […]

PE Firms
Value Creation


Case Studies