In The Know: Executive Search

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, we discuss why leading PE firms are choosing to engage specialized executive search firms over larger generalist recruiting firms.

Learn more by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with a specialized recruiter or any other type of third party? Contact us here. You can also learn more about the specific ways we drive value for PE firms by connecting them to the exact-fit resources they need by reading our case studies.

In The Know: Interim Executives

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, one of our Managing Consultants, Keenan Kolinsky, talks about one of the ways private equity firms are responding to The Great Resignation – Interim Executives. He shares why the need for interim executives is rising in private equity, how they can be used, and why they are beneficial especially to PE firms.

Interested in learning more about interim executives, how our clients have utilized them, and how we help? Check out our Interim Executives Hub to find case studies, scorecards, and more.

You can also learn more from Keenan in the video below.

Interested in connecting with an interim executive? Contact us here or click the “start a project” button above. We would be happy to promptly begin assisting you.




In The Know: Combatting Pricing Woes

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, one of our Private Equity Consultants, Ryan Perkins, talks about the significant upswing COVID caused in the price of inputs. He shares two approaches companies can take in order to solve for this challenge, the negative impacts of each approach, and how BluWave can help in these scenarios.

Ryan gives an example of how we recently helped a high volume CPG business update their pricing across their product set, stay competitive with their eCommerce counterparts, and grow margins across their portfolio.

You can read another example of how we’ve helped a client with pricing strategy in this case study.

Learn more in the below video.

Do you need to get connected to a pricing analysis consultant or any other third-party resource? Be sure to click the “Start a Project” button above, or contact us here and we would be happy to get started in assisting you.

In The Know: The Need for Go-To-Market Resources

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE fund clients. In our most recent installment, our consulting manager, Scott Bellinger, talks about why we have seen an increase in go-to-market & growth strategy needs and how we are supporting clients with those. He shares that growth strategy is continuously increasing, with GTM being the third most used Value Creation use case in 2021, according to the BluWave Value Creation Index.

One of the most common ways we are helping clients with growth strategy needs is by connecting PE funds and their portfolio companies to senior advisors and consultants that can help them expand their reach outside of their current established market.

You can read another example of how we’ve helped a client with a go-to-market need in this case study.

Learn more in the below video.

Do you need to get connected to a GTM or growth strategy resource? Be sure to click the “Start a Project” button above, or contact us here and we would be happy to get started in assisting you.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing A Company for Sale

After a nearly 20-year career in private equity, I’ve learned to appreciate that it takes just as much work to effectively sell a company as it does to excellently buy a company. It’s also easy to slip up or not pay enough attention to vital steps that could profoundly change the final price upon sale.

Sellers make a number of common mistakes during sale processes, including a lack of advance preparation, not knowing key questions about themselves, and not appropriately resourcing the business to concurrently run operations and support a sale process.  Each of these mistakes causes sellers to lose credibility and slow down their process, which, in turn, increases real and perceived risk, and inevitably kills value.

To help get better outcomes, here are the three most common mistakes we see made when selling your business and how to fix them:


Lack of Preparation

As a private equity investor, we made it our business to optimize the sale process. We would talk virtually every month about the right time to sell various businesses.  When we finally decided it was the right time to sell, we, of course, wanted to be in the market within six weeks of our decision.  Even with professional sellers of businesses like PE investors, this decision is often followed by all sorts of scrambling by investors, portfolio company teams, investment bankers, lawyers, and related support professionals to get ready for sale.  For family-held or entrepreneurially-held businesses with fewer resources and less experience selling companies, this process is multiple times more chaotic.

Don’t try to squeeze months of work into six weeks: preparing for sale should start well in advance of the sale process.  Taking some time in advance will enable you to run an aggressive process while also effectively running your business at the same time.

We recently held a management forum for a top private equity find and their managers, during which we discussed best practices for planning for sale.  The key takeaway was preparing for sale should start years in advance, ideally the day the first wire from investors clears, so you can hit the market at any moment when the time is right.


Not knowing yourself before you’re asked

Time and time again on the buyside, I’ve asked fundamental questions that should have been known by the sellers, but weren’t.  When we asked these questions, the process had to slow down as their team hustled to find the answers.  These slow-downs give everyone in the process time to rethink assumptions and value.

Make sure you know the following key items before you start an M&A process because you’ll most likely be asked these right at the time you can least afford to pause your process:

  • The size and growth rate of your direct markets
  • Your company’s market share in their addressable markets and how it compares to competitors
  • Volume, revenue, and profitability by customer and product over a trailing 3-year period

Once you know these elements, incorporate them into a detailed financial model that projects your performance over the next five years (make sure you also have monthly projections for the next two years). If you do this, you’ll build credibility with buyers and disarm much of the skepticism that naturally occurs during sales processes.

Also, try your best to predict what buyers will be asking during the sale process.  Have open conversations with your investors, executives, and investment bankers to understand your strengths and weaknesses. Save yourself from having to scramble to produce appropriate reports and information in the heat of the sale process. Having a general idea of what buyers are looking for and preemptively having answers to those questions, disseminating the information to those who need to know, and confirming overall readiness will ensure that buyers feel confident and comfortable when meeting with you and your team.

Truly best-in-class companies bring in third parties to pre-opine on the state and opportunities of the business.  Spend a little money on pre-due diligence, including sell-side quality of earnings reports, tax diligence, market studies, and IT.  The cost is minor as it compares the value of the company, and these third-party stamps of approval from credible advisors will give your buyers confidence that the company is what it is and not see (or go looking for) ghosts during the sprint to the finish line.


Under-Resourcing with Interim Staff

The single biggest mistake I saw time and again during my private equity career was understaffing the sale process.  It’s nearly impossible to both aggressively run a sale process and proactively run your company.

Most sellers’ intuition is to put the bulk of the workload on their investment bankers’ shoulders.  Your investment bankers can help, but you are not paying them to be your accountants, lawyers, market strategists, and data entry specialists.  You hire top investment bankers to intimately know the buyers, appropriately frame the opportunity, and manage a process to optimize valuations.  Don’t distract them by getting them bogged down in the weeds.  Let them focus on the job you hired them for and they’ll deliver outstanding results.

Every business undergoing a sale process should bring in some level of interim staff (ranging from interim controllers to interim CFOs) to either help with the production of analyses and data requests or help manage day-to-day operations.  This is a relatively small expense compared to the sums that will be gained by running a fast and credible process.  If you don’t resource appropriately, something usually has to give: either your sale process, your operating results, or both.

We work daily to help top private equity firms, and their portfolio companies and proactively-managed independent companies more effectively assess opportunities and build value.  It’s hard to know who is good: we make it our business to be the expert of experts.

Find out how we can help you during due diligence, value creation, or the sale process!

Video: Dealing With Service Providers at Capacity

As the world begins to rapidly reopen from the pandemic, businesses have begun to run full steam ahead to catch up for lost time. This massive acceleration in business has left many go-to service providers in the PE industry at capacity due to the sudden surge in demand, leaving many firms wondering where to go next.

In situations like this, hundreds of the leading PE firms have come flocking to us, knowing that we can provide them with alternative providers through our extensive Intelligent Network.

Our Intelligent Network boasts the characteristics of both having a deep bench of PE-grade service providers and single shingle consultants.

In times like this, our broad list of resource partners allows us to keep a pulse on different providers’ availability, leaving firms with more time to focus on other initiatives while we determine what providers are available for them.

Additionally, our PE-grade single shingle providers empower our clients to find the same quality services they are accustomed to with their go-to providers, but for a much better value.

In the video below, former PE Partner and Bluwave Founder and CEO, Sean Mooney, shares his top three tips on what to do when your go-to resources are at capacity.

If we can help you connect with alternative providers during this capacity shortage, or help you with any other need, please contact us at and we will be happy to connect with you right away.



How to Build A Resilient Company in Changing Times

Do you have a resilient company? Does it navigate shifting tides easily, or do your leaders and teams struggle with every minor disruption? What makes certain people better equipped to roll with the punches? 

According to bestselling author and ADP Researcher Marcus Buckingham: “people don’t fear change, they fear the unknown.” To use a timely example, if your company is attempting to rush back to “normal” (going into a physical office, business travel, etc.) he suggests having a concrete plan that offers visibility to senior leadership and their teams as to exactly what this will look like.  

Simply put, it’s not enough to send a company-wide email that says: “Okay folks, starting Monday, business as usual!” 

Furthermore, according to his recent study on building resilient teams: Only 17% of the workforce feels “highly resilient.” Clearly, company leaders across business types, industries, and geographies have a tremendous amount of work to do in the area of building a resilient company. 

Another interesting finding of note is the correlation between experiencing constant change and resilience. The data show that workers who experience five or more changes at work are 13.2x more likely to be resilient. 

To help make the findings actionable, Buckingham breaks down the workforce into three categories: (1) senior leaders(2) team leaders, and (3) self. For each bucket, he offers tips for how to help build resilience more effectively, based on questions posed to each group. These include things like vivid foresight and visible follow-throughanticipatory communication and psychological safety; and a sense of agency along with doing work we love 

If you’re a company leader, I highly recommend checking out the full study, or his related article What Really Makes Us Resilient in Harvard Business Review. (Bonus: Take his “Gift of Standout” assessment for free here.) 

Why Diversity is Key to Productivity and Innovation

BluWave has worked with hundreds of companies across a variety of industries ranging from manufacturing and consumer goods to information technology and healthcare. Despite the differences that exist between them, one thing remains constant: for today’s companies, innovation and diversity are inseparable. There is no bigger obstacle to the introduction and refinement of new ideas than groupthink, which is why the most creative companies are the ones that encourage robust discussion and debate from multiple perspectives. Diversity is not just a matter of recruiting employees with different backgrounds – it is an ethos that your company should seek to cultivate at every level.

How Diversity Can Be An Engine Of Productivity

Diversity is not just a goal companies should pursue for its own sake – it is a way to pressure test ideas and come up with novel and effective solutions to problems. This is why it should come as no surprise that diverse and inclusive work environments often lead to higher performance. For example, a 2018 Boston Consulting Group study found that “increasing the diversity of leadership teams leads to more and better innovation and improved financial performance.” Meanwhile, according to Deloitte, companies with inclusive cultures are twice as likely to meet or exceed financial targets.

Certain forms of diversity can lead to a reduction in negative outcomes for companies as well – a report from MSCI ESG Research found “fewer instances of governance-related controversies such as cases of bribery, corruption, fraud and shareholder battles” with boards that included women. However, while eliminating bias and increasing representation are essential to the health of a company, these are ways to address a more fundamental issue: diversity of thought.

When companies prioritize diversity of thought, they do not just become more innovative – they are also better able to identify and hedge against risk. Companies that value diversity of thought have access to a broader range of viewpoints and insights, and they make employees feel like stakeholders whose contributions are welcomed and appreciated. In turn, these employees are empowered to offer their perspectives without reservation and speak freely to managers about problems that need to be addressed.

Challenges To Diversity & Inclusion

A commitment to diversity and inclusion begins with equitable hiring practices, but this is an area that has always been rife with bias and discrimination. For example, studies in Sex Roles and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences have found that female, black, and LatinX candidates were viewed as less competent and hirable than their peers. There is also evidence that women think they need to be more qualified than men do when applying for the same positions.

There are many ways to address these inequities in the hiring process. First, determine exactly what you are looking for in a candidate and consistently measure potential hires against a specific set of criteria. This can reduce the bias associated with subjective in-person interviews and identify a larger pool of qualified applicants. Second, develop lists of pre-vetted candidates (this is what BluWave provides to our clients) so you know everyone under consideration already meets your requirements, regardless of race, gender, etc. And third, consider hiring employees on a project-to-project basis (what I call the agile workforce). This will naturally bring a broader range of perspectives to the company because it means new employees are being hired on a regular basis.

Diversity in all its forms is becoming a top priority for companies in many different industries. To compete, the first step is building your hiring strategy around the discovery and recruitment of candidates who meet your needs and bring unique skills and experience to the table.

Promoting Diversity In All Its Forms

Companies are increasingly prioritizing diversity across a broad range of categories. As we discussed above, this does not just mean increasing demographic representation – it also means creating an inclusive culture that facilitates open dialogue and cooperation at every level of the company. Real diversity and inclusion require companies to listen to employees, take their contributions seriously, and amplify the widest range of voices possible. There are many forms of diversity – from racial to geographic to socioeconomic – and companies should celebrate and learn from all of them.

According to Gallup, one of the reasons one-third of employees feel disengaged at work is the perception that their viewpoints and concerns are not taken seriously. The survey found that just 30 percent of American employees strongly agree that their opinions seem to count at work. This should be a disconcerting fact to any company that values the diversity of thought – the majority of employees feel like their contributions are being dismissed, which will make them less inclined to offer suggestions and point out problems when they arise.

This is the opposite of inclusion, but companies can change course by actively seeking feedback via the voice of the employee platforms (which can highlight instances of bias or discrimination), encouraging managers to be receptive to all points of view, and breaking down silos that can separate departments and teams from one another.

Diversity is a word that pops up on corporate websites and in training handbooks often, but company leaders often have a superficial commitment to making their workplaces more diverse. But this status quo is rapidly changing as companies increasingly recognize that an emphasis on diversity does not just make the world a fairer place – it also leads to happier, more innovative, and more productive workforces that will have a greater economic impact.


The original version of this article appeared in People Talk.

Elements of Value Scorecard Revealed

What makes a what are the elements of value for a company?

Its people? Definitely.

Its products? Absolutely.

Its patents? Very likely.

But these are the obvious, high-level answers for anyone with a rudimentary understanding of how business (and the economy) works. But it’s the more nuanced elements of value that can make or break a company, particularly during vulnerable times—like an economic downturn or a barrage of new market entrants.

Whether your company is investor-backed, customer-supported, or a combination of both, investors have a significant amount of knowledge about the core elements of value for any business beyond the usual suspects. In part, this is because they are in the “business of growth”—and growth only happens when the products and services being sold have value and can hold value in their specific market.

In a recent CEOWORLD Magazine article, our founder and CEO Sean Mooney offered eight core elements of value that any company can benefit from when prioritized, based on his 20-plus years of experience in private equity. How does your company measure up?

8 core elements of value

Based on his experience, both from the investor and company founder side, he notes: “By taking the perspective of outside investors, business leaders will identify more opportunities, reduce the risk profile of their company, and drive accelerated value creation over time.”

Check out the full article in CEOWORLD Magazine for details on each core element of value.

The 5 Key Ingredients To Building A Thriving Business

During my 20 years in private equity in New York, I learned quite a few lessons about what makes a thriving business and its people tick — for better or for worse. Some are driven by dollars and cents; some are motivated by a people-first philosophy that puts human beings at the center of decision-making. Many fall somewhere in between.

When I decided to spin out of the private equity world and start a company, I quickly realized how important it was to articulate my own philosophy. Otherwise, how could I lead others in any direction with a clear purpose?

Fortunately, my entrepreneurial craze turned out to be the right move, and four years later — with patience, grit, and an amazing team — we’ve exponentially grown and now serve more than 500 of the world’s top private equity firms. I believe this is in part due to a handful of “ingredients” — all of which reinforce one another and somehow ensure that we are getting back what we put in. Follow this recipe and your business will likely be the better for it:

Ingredient No. 1: Do good with good.

This is probably about as simple as it gets. I call it the “Karma School of Business”: Do good things with and for good people, and the world tends to take care of itself. It’s not necessarily the fastest path to Rome, but in my experience, this approach yields the highest percentage chance of long-term success.

The Karma School of Business principle is at the center of my company’s work, where we connect business leaders with service providers to help create a successful environment for both parties. We actively test the service providers we invite into our network for this mindset, and I consider it one of the key reasons why we have grown so quickly.

Ingredient No. 2: Work and learn hard.

Secretary Colin Powell said it well: “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” I built my career in an industry filled with many of the smartest people in the world. I most definitely was not the smartest person in most of the rooms I shared with peers. The thing that differentiated me was that I worked exceptionally hard, asked lots of questions, and sought answers from those who had already figured out the thing I needed to know.

The lesson here: Don’t recreate the wheel. Instead, ask a lot of questions, take time to learn how things operate, and then work tenaciously to make it happen.

Ingredient No. 3: Use the word ‘no.’

In our business, it’s our job to connect private equity firms with specialized third parties (e.g., boutique advisors, independent consultants, interim executives, etc.). If a resource isn’t the perfect fit, we tell them. “No” is always the best answer.

This is often hard to do, particularly if you think someone is otherwise smart, effective, and likable. But this doesn’t always mean they are the right person for the job. The trick is learning to say “No” in a self-aware and gracious way. I take a lot of time to explain how life is too short to put yourself in a bad position. To throw another quote in the mix, according to Warren Buffet, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” Your customers will thank you for saying “No” when it’s not the right situation and will remember you when it is.

The caveat to this ingredient: Do not be anti-everything. “No” can be the easiest thing in the world to say. But if you’re not being thoughtful, you can become paralyzed in the face of otherwise confidently manageable risk. Good people know the difference between an errant “no” and one that is applied with introspection and purpose.

Ingredient No. 4: Prioritize growth.

Whether you’re committed to personal growth or the growth of the business, this ingredient is vital to the health and longevity of any thriving business. The ability to learn, be agile, and always on your toes is often the difference between success and failure.

My dad had many wise sayings when I was a kid. One relevant one that comes to mind is, “The second you start to feel like you’ve figured the world out, you’re already falling behind.” Investing time and energy into constantly advancing knowledge and skills (for yourself, your employees, and your customers) will benefit you and your business in spades.

Word to the wise: Growth-oriented organizations are far more likely to retain their best employees. Your best people will eventually leave if they feel bored or stagnant.

Ingredient No. 5: Adopt a winning mindset.

When push comes to shove, at the end of the day, ingredients one through four are foundational for success. However, you still need to have a winning mindset to create a thriving business that matters. It’s imperative that you work to win for your customers, win for your stakeholders and win for your company and yourself.

To be clear, I’m not talking about a “winner takes all” mentality, where someone else is always losing. Healthy relationships are not transactional. They should be built around core commitments that are important and lead to the success of both parties.

A winning mindset means that you’re always looking for ways to ensure that both you and your peers end up ahead.


The 5 Key Ingredients To Building A Thriving Business originally appeared on

3 Ways to Increase Your Company’s Value

After nearly 20 years in private equity, I appreciate how hard it is to build and grow businesses in a constrained environment.  Nothing is easy, but most things are possible with the right people and resources.

Top private equity funds regularly ask us about ideas to help drive growth and reduce costs.  Here are a few growth, organizational development, and cost reduction strategies that can be applied to build your business and drive value creation:

Reach 1,000s of customers at a click of a button:  Digital marketing is the most underused tool in the middle market: every business should be doing at least the basics (particularly in underutilized B2B markets).  This starts with good data (you should think of this as a business asset), requires market segmented content, and systems capabilities. It’s really hard, and expensive, to internally be good across SEO, paid search, content, email, PPC ads, etc.  You should outsource this to a middle market agency who will do this better and at lower cost than you can.  Committed digital marketing programs can lift revenues by more than 20%.

Rent “A” Players:  Sometimes it’s better to rent 10% of a bunch of A’s rather than own 100% of the B or C you can afford in your budget: the future of work is now (just ask some of the best younger workforce members who won’t work full time).  There are great variable resources that you can use across the functional areas of your organization to more optimally inform strategies and execute on your plans.  Use them.  Plus, if it is a one-time project, you often can get an add-back for it, enabling you to present stronger numbers when it comes time to sell your business.

Your costs are rising, you should be fighting it more: In the current world climate, all sorts of input costs are on the rise, from metal to plastics to fuel. Most companies (including very large ones), don’t have the internal expertise or the free resources to understand and aggressively combat today’s volatility. Bring in a specialized procurement group that lives and breathes in these markets to reduce costs, diversify supply chains, and/or hedge risks. While you’re at it, go after your indirect spend. If you’re not ready for a procurement group, at the very least you should be using plug and play Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs). Expect some push back as the savings can be embarrassing and/or preemptively tap into rainy day savings buckets. However, when you apply a valuation multiple to the savings you’ll achieve, these tools are no-brainers.

Finding the superior groups isn’t easy. BluWave seamlessly connects you with the best vetted and private equity tested practitioners that specialize in your areas of need and fit your budget. We also make it remarkably easy on you: we don’t charge you anything to use our service.

Start talking with us about your needs today. Help is a call or email away.