Vital Procurement Consulting Group for Supply Chain Issues

Manufacturing company in need of procurement consulting group

A food & beverage manufacturing company needed a procurement consulting group that could generate input cost savings. Having been recently acquired they needed a resource to develop and implement a sophisticated purchasing and procurement strategy for them. With COVID and inflation leading to supply chain issues and fluctuating prices on their raw materials, they urgently needed a procurement expert with experience in this specific section of the food and beverage raw materials market that could dig into the numbers and create a tactical plan.

BluWave identifies exact-fit provider meeting company-specific criteria

The client reached out to BluWave and within several hours, we interviewed the company to understand the details & nuances of their need. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of best-in-class procurement consulting groups. Mapping the specifics of the company’s need to our network of third-party resources, we identified an exact-fit procurement consulting group for the client.

Company selects procurement consulting group, combatting supply chain issues

Quickly after the initial scoping call, we introduced the company to the exact-fit, pre-vetted service provider from our Intelligent Network that we had identified met their exacting criteria. The client confidently engaged the provider and they quickly helped the client get their procurement strategy on track while also cutting unnecessary costs in the supply chain.

Imperative Sales Force Effectiveness and GTM Strategy Needed

PE firm urgently needs to assess effectiveness of sales team at healthcare portco

A middle-market PE firm Partner came to us with a prompt need to assess the existing sales team and go-to-market strategy at one of their portfolio companies that provides medical equipment and asset management services to the healthcare industry. The founder-owned portco was struggling with a high turnover rate and urgently needed to examine how to get the right sales team members in place. They were also in need of a new GTM strategy that they could execute once they had the right team in place. Having previously completed Voice of Customer (VoC) work, portco leadership was ready to take the next step.

BluWave identifies PE-grade consulting firms specific to the firm’s needs

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade sales effectiveness and GTM strategy needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of sales and GTM strategists that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria, and then connected the client with the select pre-vetted consulting firms from our invitation-only Business Builder’s Network that fit their exacting needs.

Firm engages with presented provider and moves forward to improve portco strategy

Within the same day of reaching out, the PE firm was introduced to a specialized sales effectiveness & training firm with additional experience developing GTM strategies for PE-backed companies. The client immediately engaged with this group and was able to start the project within 24 hours. The service provider we connected them with began by assessing the current sales processes and team members within the portco’s two verticals and then worked with them on developing an improved strategy.

Event Recap: PEI Operating Partners Forum 2022

Last week, I had the pleasure of moderating  the “Unlocking the Transformative Due Diligence Imperative” panel at the PEI Operating Partners Forum in San Francisco. The panel included operating partner leaders Deborah Gallegos of Palladium Equity Partners, Drew Scielzo of ACON Investments, and Sheheryar Shah of ZT Corporate.

It was refreshing to be back in person with hundreds of PE ops partners to learn from their first-hand perspectives. Key takeaways included:

Executing value creation means that human capital remains a top priority for PE firms.

  • Ensuring the right management team and board leadership are in place allows for efficient execution against the value creation plan. Resource scarcity has had an immense impact on firms’ abilities to implement and execute plans. Industry leaders discussed tips for how PE firms can source and retain the right people at our recent human capital forum.

Leveraging technology to increase efficiencies is non-negotiable.

  • The aforementioned human capital challenges have tremendously accelerated digital transformation plans. PE firms are laser-focused on leveraging technology to increase efficiencies and reduce manual tasks to align with value creation plans. This allows portcos to reallocate resources to higher impact areas and rely on technology to solve for the monotonous, repeatable workflow.

Building trust with portcos’ management teams early on is essential.

  • Trusted partnerships between PE firms and their portfolio companies are vital to a successful investment. Building executive buy-in earlier on in the diligence process with a people-centric approach puts PE firms in a win-win situation. When the (right) management team has ownership in the decision-making process, this creates invaluable efficiencies between the PE firm and portco leadership teams.

If you’re interested in learning more about any of these, contact us here. You can also check out some of these resources:

Urgent Digital Marketing Consultant for Entire Portfolio

Portfolio-wide need for digital marketing consultant

A PE VP of Operations came to us with a critical need for a digital marketing consultant for their entire portfolio. Each company within the firm’s portfolio was experiencing similar problems around communicating digital marketing spend. They saw this as an opportunity to bring in a team that could conduct a portfolio-wide digital marketing assessment and consult the portcos on their current processes, if they were good or bad, where to spend their budget, & more. Given the importance of digital marketing in today’s world, they were looking for an team that was available to start that same month.

BluWave assessed need and presented exact-fit digital marketing consultant

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade digital marketing needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of digital marketing consultancies that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria and then connected the client with the select pre-vetted digital marketing consulting team from our invitation-only Intelligent Network that fit their exact needs.

PE firm confidently engaged provider to assess all companies in the portfolio

Quickly after the initial scoping call, the PE firm and portfolio company were introduced to a select few digital marketing consultancies that specialized in working with PE-backed companies to get their digital marketing up to snuff. The client selected their ideal choice. The PE firm was able to assess the digital marketing capabilities across the portfolio and provide them with the resources they needed to roadmap a plan for improvement.

In The Know: Procurement

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, one of our Managing Consultants, Scott Bellinger, talks about how leading PE firms are utilizing third parties to manage procurement issues that have been brought on due to inflation and supply chain issues roaring out of control.

Learn more about the unique ways in which PE firms are utilizing third-party procurement groups by watching the video below.

Interested in connecting with a third-party procurement group or any other type of third party? Contact us here. You can also learn more about the specific ways we drive value for PE firms by connecting them to the exact-fit resources they need by reading our case studies.

Operating Partners’ Forum Recap | April 2022

Every quarter we gather Operating Executives in PE to discuss current industry topics and to offer peers the chance to gather, share information, and decompress with one another. In our most recent event, we gathered to discuss optimal operating team structure, how firms are tackling ESG, as well as GTM and growth strategies.

These forums are for PE Operating Executives only and follow Chatham House Rules, so listed below are high-level takeaways only. Are you in private equity and interested in joining fellow Operating Executives during our next Operating Partners’ Forum? RSVP for the August 23rd forum.

  • Optimal Ops Team Structure: Every ops team continues to look slightly different—varying between hiring full-time functional/industry experts and/or “athletes”/generalists. Generalists can be dropped into any portco situation, analyze it, and pull in the right third parties when needed. On the other hand, specialists can insource the work by adding niche expertise and credibility. When making the decision between a generalist and a specialist, consider the ramp-up cycle and strategic value. If the project has a high strategic value, many firms choose to use specialists and keep the work in-house. General rule: Have enough capability (in-house or outsourced) to own and execute the value creation plan.
  • ESG: Even without a mandate, ESG is coming up in more and more conversations and firms are leaning into creating a plan. These plans can look like a lot of different things, but a simple first step is to gauge where you are on various ESG factors at that given moment, and then start to measure (and report) progress. Pick your shots, and don’t feel compelled to tackle every aspect under the ESG umbrella. On the DEI front, some firms have developed a baseline to measure progress on diversity in recruiting, board composition, internal fund composition, and recruiter candidate presentation. Some firms, such as Sumeru, have developed a GP-level DEI strategy by recruiting candidates from underrepresented backgrounds and creating mentorship/fellowship programs.
  • GTM/Growth Strategy: Go to market strategy is one of the biggest value creation levers a PE firm can pull. In the “new now,” industries and supply chains are meaningfully changing their pricing structures. For many, pricing has become a top initiative at every portco in the portfolio. The top tips in this category were: 1) decrease portcos’ reliance on a single supply contributor in case that person leaves; 2) over-assign sales quotas, knowing you will likely have more attrition than historically; 3) lean more into digital channels to stay relevant.

We thoroughly enjoyed getting to gather with PE Operating Executives to discuss these current hot topics. If we can be of help sourcing needed specialists, developing your ESG strategy, or connecting you with pricing expertise, please contact us.

Interested in learning more about BluWave? Check out our Introduction to BluWave video to learn more about us and how we can help you.

Immediate Board Member for CEO Support with Niche Expertise

Service Area: Board Member

Client Type: Lower-Middle-Market PE Firm

Service Provider Type: Senior Advisor

Industry: Manufacturing

The Need
Manufacturing Company Board Member

A Partner at a LMM PE firm came to us with an immediate need for a board member for the manufacturing company they recently closed on. The PE firm bought the company from the founder and was in need of an experienced outside board member that could serve as a sounding board for the CEO, work on strategy to improve growth and help professionalize the organization.

The Challenge
Connect with Local Expert

They were in urgent need of an individual local to the area with experience in the industry, experience in transitioning a family-owned business to a professionally managed organization and the ability to commit to more than quarterly board meetings.

How BluWave Helped
Select Pre-Vetted Board Members Presented

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade board member needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor and maintain deep pools of board members that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria and then identified a select few pre-vetted board members from our invitation-only Business Builders’ Network that fit their exact needs.

The Result
Accelerated Profitability, High-Valuation Sale

Quickly after the initial scoping call, the PE firm was introduced to the first identified exact-fit board member for their needs. After being presented with the select few options, the client selected their ideal choice. The PE firm was able to confidently engage the individual who provided the coaching and support the portco’s CEO needed, helping professionalize the organization and providing support for their strategy and growth needs.

We are uniquely equipped to move quickly for midmarket companies. We have a network of thousands of PE-grade individuals, specifically geared for midmarket companies, that we can tap into in order to connect a firm with the exact-fit board member they need.

-BluWave Consulting Manager

Event Recap: PEI Operating Partners Human Capital Forum 2022

Our team recently had the pleasure of sponsoring the 2022 PEI Operating Partners Human Capital Forum in New York. In the below video, Katie Marchetti, BluWave Managing Director, recaps her key takeaways from the conference as a whole as well as the panel she moderated. Key takeaways include:

  • CHROs are on the rise at both the portco & firm level
  • Human capital leaders are working with deal teams more in diligence to ensure alignment
  • Many firms are leading with data on the human capital front

We support more than 500 leading private equity firms in their human capital needs by placing interim CHROs, connecting them with specialized recruiters, introducing them to HR diligence providers, & more. To learn more about how we support PE human capital needs, visit our PE Human Capital Resources hub.

If you have a human capital need or any other need we can support, contact us here. Additionally, if you are a PE talent professional, be sure to join us and other leading PE talent professionals at our next virtual PE Human Capital Forum on May 4th by registering here.

Case Study | Implementing Sophisticated Data Analytics to Drive Efficiency & Improved Decision Making Across Portfolio

When PE firms purchase a new portfolio company, there are specific reasons for doing so, leading to a specific set of metrics in mind that the firm wants to report on and monitor, such as customer acquisition cost, profit margins, and customer churn. The PE firm’s operations team focuses on optimizing and improving these key metrics by making changes as needed in the company’s operations, marketing, finance, and other functions. Real-time reporting on the key metrics allows an operating partner and key leaders within the business to proactively see situations coming that may require an adjustment.

Detailed reporting on each company within a portfolio, which each have different reporting systems, is a time-consuming task that inhibits the ability to look at metrics across the board in real-time as needed. In order to seek a solution to this problem, a PE firm came to us.


A PE firm operating partner came to us challenged by the lack of integrated systems his portfolio companies had for reporting on key metrics. Each company had different reporting measures for each of its different KPIs and digging into these metrics across each company in the portfolio was inefficient, inhibiting quick decision making, and consuming valuable time.

In order to win back time and monitor his portfolio companies with ease, he came to us in need of a third party that could ultimately create one dashboard that would report on all of the same metrics for each company across the portfolio. Immediately, they were looking for a group that could start by doing this for one portfolio company as a pilot, in order to see if it would be useful if scaled across the entire portfolio.


Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade data analytics needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of data analytics resources that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria and then connected them to a select pre-vetted data analytics group from our invitation-only Intelligent Marketplace that had the capabilities that fit their exacting needs.


The selected data analytics group got to work on providing the PE firm with the needed dashboards by first implementing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) software that could tie all of the pilot portfolio company’s systems into a single source of truth. Once this initial step was done, they were able to begin developing dashboards through a data visualization tool. By first combining all of the systems into a single source of truth, the dashboards were created in a way that would allow them to update in real-time, allowing the PE firm to access key data points for the portfolio company at the click of a button.

This was such a success with the first portfolio company that they were able to implement the ETL software across the portfolio, bringing each company’s data to the same point of maturity and combining it into a single source of truth. This allowed dashboards to not only be created for each separate company, but also allowed for dashboards to be created that connected all of the portfolio companies’ data together in order to analyze portfolio-wide trends. This resulted in time being saved at both the portco and PE level, as well as resulted in significant business improvements being made throughout the portfolio due to trends that the dashboards highlighted.

Download a copy of this case study.

View more case studies to learn how we are helping other leading PE firms drive success with ease.

Interested in connecting with us on your need? Contact us here.

Immediate Interim CTO To Remediate Portco’s Tech Stack

Recent healthcare TPA acquisition needs interim CTO

A PE firm VP came to us with an immediate need for an interim CTO for their recent healthcare TPA acquisition. Having recently closed on the portco, they were looking for an individual that could help them remediate and roadmap the company’s tech stack. They urgently needed an individual that could modernize the tech stack and focus on cyber remediation so that the PE firm could then move forward with other value creation plans at the portco. They were in need of someone with coding skills, experience working with TPAs, experience working under HIPPA compliance, and availability to work on site.

Using pre-vetted network, BluWave identified interim CTO’s that met the exact needs of the firm

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade interim CTO needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of interim CTOs that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria and then identified three select pre-vetted interim CTOs from our invitation-only Intelligent Marketplace that fit their exact needs.

PE firm connected to exact-fit interim CTO for the portco

Within 24 hours of the initial scoping call, the PE firm was introduced to the first identified exact-fit interim CTO for their needs. After being presented with the select few options, the client selected their ideal choice. The PE firm was able to confidently engage the individual who immediately began road mapping and remediating the portco’s tech stack, allowing the PE firm to quickly move forward with further value creation plans.

In The Know: Interim Executives

As part of an ongoing series, we’re sharing real-time trending topics we are hearing from our 500+ PE firm clients. In our most recent installment, one of our Managing Consultants, Keenan Kolinsky, talks about one of the ways private equity firms are responding to The Great Resignation – Interim Executives. He shares why the need for interim executives is rising in private equity, how they can be used, and why they are beneficial especially to PE firms.

Interested in learning more about interim executives, how our clients have utilized them, and how we help? Check out our Interim Executives Hub to find case studies, scorecards, and more.

You can also learn more from Keenan in the video below.

Interested in connecting with an interim executive? Contact us here or click the “start a project” button above. We would be happy to promptly begin assisting you.