Targeted Market Research for a Software Technology Company

Industry: Technology – Software

Service Area: Voice of the Customer

Client Type: Portfolio Company – B2B Data Management

Service Provider Type: Market Research Firm

The Need
Specialized Market Research for Master Data Management

A B2B data management portfolio company sought a market research firm to conduct an in-depth survey. Their objective was to delve into market awareness, trends in Master Data Management (MDM) and the perception of various brands in the software industry. With MDM being a pivotal enterprise software tool, understanding its market positioning was paramount.

The Challenge
Quality Insights Within Budgetary Limits

Having previously approached another market research firm, the company found their offerings too costly for the intended survey. The challenge lay in identifying a service provider with profound knowledge of MDM and the capability to target specific roles such as IT, Data Architecture Management and Data Cleaning, all while staying within the budget.

How BluWave Helped
Bridging the Gap with Expert Market Research

BluWave swiftly navigated its vast network to pinpoint a market research firm that not only had a deep-rooted understanding of MDM but also boasted expertise in conducting brand-centric surveys. The chosen firm’s proficiency in targeting the desired roles ensured the survey would resonate with the right audience, making them an ideal match for the portfolio company’s requirements.

The Result
‘Good Partner’ for Great Value

With the support of the handpicked service provider, the portfolio company executed a survey that furnished them with invaluable insights into market awareness, MDM trends and brand evaluations. The research was not only enlightening but also adhered to the company’s budgetary constraints, providing optimal value.

The service provider you selected was both affordable and a good partner for our portfolio company.

-Partner at PE Firm

Manufacturing in the Modern Age: Data-Driven Insights into Challenges, Solutions

The manufacturing sector, historically a cornerstone of economic prosperity, is going through a transformation. As we navigate the intricacies of this evolution, data is our compass.

Industry professionals grapple with sourcing specialized talent, particularly on a geography-specific basis. They’re also navigating complex supply chain dynamics, which require both regional and global considerations, and are affected by disruptions and economic fluctuations.

There’s also a pressing need to balance operational challenges with long-term strategic growth, all while integrating technological advancements and ensuring optimal production processes.

Since 2021, BluWave has seen an increase from 61.3 percent of manufacturing activity in value creation (versus due diligence) to 78.6 percent – the highest it’s been since 2017.

Let’s dive into some of the trends driving this and other changes.

The Talent Conundrum in Manufacturing

The manufacturing landscape is shifting, and with it, the demand for specialized talent. A staggering 74 percent of manufacturers cite “attracting and retaining a quality workforce” as a top challenge, according to the National Association of Manufacturers. As the manufacturing sector becomes more specialized, the demand for niche talent has skyrocketed.

Human capital activity is at an all-time high within the manufacturing activity index, accounting for 45.5 percent of all industry projects in 2023. That’s a more-than 500 percent increase since 2017, due to use cases like interim executive searches and specialized recruiters.

Beyond the numbers, there’s a qualitative challenge, too. It’s not just about filling positions but hiring visionaries who can lead in an era of rapid change while balancing granular details with a broader strategic perspective.

In the face of these challenges, manufacturers are seeking partnerships with specialized firms, emphasizing the importance of regional expertise and industry-specific knowledge. The goal is to secure leaders who can drive innovation and navigate the complexities of the modern manufacturing world.

Navigating the Supply Chain Labyrinth

Supply chain disruptions have become the bane of the manufacturing sector, with 45 percent of professionals identifying it as a top challenge, per NAM. The intricate dance of sourcing raw materials, managing inventory and ensuring timely deliveries has become even more complex.

Supply chain management is one of the top use cases BluWave sees within manufacturing operations, with make up more than 18 percent of industry activity.

Effective supply chain management is no longer just about logistics; it’s about ensuring a seamless flow of materials, information and services, all while mitigating risks.

Supply chains have evolved into intricate global networks. Data indicates that disruptions, whether due to geopolitical tensions or unforeseen global events, can have cascading effects. Manufacturers are now tasked with not just managing but optimizing these complex systems, ensuring resilience and adaptability.

The emphasis is shifting from reactive measures to proactive strategies. By leveraging data analytics and predictive modeling, manufacturers can anticipate disruptions, adjust in real-time and ensure that the supply chain remains a strength rather than a vulnerability.

Economic Realities: The Balancing Act

In a world where 56 percent of manufacturers (per NAM) are wary of a “weaker domestic economy,” economic agility is paramount. Manufacturers must be adept at navigating economic headwinds while capitalizing on opportunities. The insights from BluWave’s client interactions reveal concerns ranging from revenue challenges to market dynamics.

That makes agility paramount. With fluctuating markets and the ever-present specter of global events, manufacturers are in a constant state of adaptation.

By understanding market trends and leveraging data-driven insights, manufacturers can identify growth areas, optimize production and ensure they remain at the forefront of industry innovation.

READ MORE: Industrial Pricing: Strategies for Manufacturing Businesses

The Digital Transformation: Beyond the Buzz

The future is digital. A significant 43 percent of manufacturers planned to ramp up their technology spending in 2023, according to Alithya. From optimizing operations to strategic decision-making, technology is reshaping the manufacturing landscape. The emphasis on IT strategy and diligence in client interactions underscores the sector’s tech-driven trajectory. Manufacturers that fail to embrace this digital shift risk being left behind.

Among the top technology-related manufacturing use cases we’re seeing are system selection & implementation, and IT strategy and diligence.

Successful digital transformation, however, requires a holistic approach. It’s not just about technology but about aligning organizational goals, processes and culture with these digital initiatives. Manufacturers must ensure that their teams are equipped with the skills and knowledge to leverage these tools effectively, driving both efficiency and innovation.

READ MORE: Manufacturing Equipment Financing: Machine Loans, Leases

Growth in the Face of Uncertainty

Growth remains a top priority for manufacturers, but it’s a goal fraught with challenges. Data highlights the importance of strategic expansion, ensuring that growth is sustainable and aligned with broader market trends. In an era of uncertainty, it’s not just about growing but growing smartly.

Strategic partnerships play a crucial role in this growth narrative. By collaborating with experts, whether in technology, supply chain management, or market research, manufacturers can tap into specialized knowledge, ensuring their growth strategies are both data-driven and future-focused.

The manufacturing sector is at a crossroads, shaped by technological innovations, economic challenges, and global trends. But with challenges come opportunities. By leveraging data-driven insights and forging strategic partnerships, manufacturers can navigate this complex landscape, driving growth and innovation.

For a deeper exploration of how data-driven insights can shape your manufacturing journey, reach out to our team.

VP of Services Recruitment for Roofing Expansion

Service Area: Executive Search

Client Type: Portfolio Company

Service Provider Type: Specialized Recruiter – Sales

Industry: Construction – Roofing

The Need
Propelling Growth in Roofing Services

A prominent portfolio company in the roofing industry sought rapid expansion after acquiring three roofing firms, pushing their collective revenue to $50 million. To fuel this growth, they needed a visionary VP of Services who could lead their service business, enhance their commercial roofing endeavors and expand their service offerings.

The Challenge
Finding Industry-Savvy Leadership

The portco struggled to find a candidate with a deep understanding of the roofing industry. They wanted someone with a background in their same business with the ability to scale services. This leader also needed to contribute strategically to open new markets and fuel business growth.

How BluWave Helped
Strategic VP Recruitment

BluWave connected the portfolio company with a short list of exact-match candidates in the Business Builders’ Network. From those, the company chose a VP of Services with a proven track record in roofing operations and expansion.

The Result
Strengthening Business Expansion

The client secured a VP of Services with a strong industry-relevant background who also had experience with market expansion. This leader injected new energy into the roofing services business, fortifying existing operations and paving the way for successful expansion into untapped markets.

Interim CHRO Leads Complex Carve-Out Transition in Consumer Products Industry

Service Area: Interim Executives – Carve-out

Client Type: Lower-Middle Market PE Fund

Service Provider Type: Interim Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)

Industry: Consumer Products

The Need
Complex Carve-Out Transition

A lower-middle market PE fund was on the brink of closing a significant deal involving the carve-out of a global consumer products business. This would involve separating various entities from a large, global corporation. The challenge was compounded by the need to rely on a Transition Services Agreement (TSA) for critical support in the immediate aftermath of the deal.

The Challenge
Global Intricacies and TSA Reliance

The carve-out encompassed 11 entities distributed across several countries. With each entity presenting unique operational and regulatory challenges, the client required an experienced interim chief human resources officer (CHRO) with global expertise. The interim CHRO would not only have to manage the carve-out but also work within the framework of a TSA for an extended period. The client aimed to ensure business continuity, adhere to regulatory compliance and efficiently transition into operating independently from the TSA.

How BluWave Helped
Expert Interim CHRO Matching

BluWave sourced from its invite-only network an experienced interim CHRO who had a history of successfully executing complex carve-outs and global entity setups. The candidate possessed a deep understanding of setting up new practices, processes and HR functions from scratch. With a strong track record in change management and communication during transitions, the interim CHRO was well-equipped to manage the TSA and oversee the carve-out’s myriad challenges.

The Result
Seamless Carve-out and Transition

Under the guidance of the interim CHRO, the client’s carve-out was executed smoothly and within the expected timeframe. The interim CHRO’s expertise in payroll setup, change management and compliance ensured that all 11 entities were operational and aligned with regulations from day one. The outcome was attributed to the interim CHRO’s ability to effectively communicate with employees and manage expectations during a significant change.

Strategic Diligence Insights for Life Sciences Expansion

Service Area: Commercial Due Diligence

Client Type: Upper-Middle Market PE Firm

Service Provider Type: Life Sciences/Healthcare Strategy Consulting Group

Industry: Life Sciences

The Need
Clinical Research Expansion

A healthcare-focused upper-middle market PE firm needed in-depth insights into the clinical research sector as part of a commercial due diligence project. Seeking a life sciences strategy consulting group’s expertise, they aimed to assess sustainable margins, therapeutic expansion opportunities and industry trends within Clinical Research Organizations (CROs) and Site Management Organizations (SMOs).

The Challenge
Analyzing Complex Market Dynamics

The clinical research sector’s intricacies demanded a holistic understanding. The PE firm sought to understand margin sustainability, predict therapeutic advancements and evaluate industry consolidation’s influence on partnerships. Amid diverse site portfolios and rapid revenue growth, they aimed to grasp sector intricacies to make informed investment choices.

How BluWave Helped
Expert Life Sciences Guidance

BluWave connected the PE firm with a seasoned life sciences/healthcare strategy consulting group, well-versed in CROs, SMOs and drug development pipelines. This firm brought profound insights to address margin profiles, therapeutic prospects and industry shifts. Their comprehensive analysis empowered the PE firm with a thorough grasp of clinical research dynamics.

The Result
Informed Investment Strategy

Collaborating with the life sciences/healthcare strategy consulting group, the PE firm acquired vital insights for their clinical research sector investment. Armed with a comprehensive understanding of sustainable margins, therapeutic potentials, and industry trends, the PE firm made informed decisions that aligned with their investment objectives.

Comprehensive IT Assessment Interim Leadership Sought

Service Area: Executive Search

Client Type: Lower-Middle Market Private Equity Firm

Service Provider Type: IT Director

Industry: Manufacturing

The Need
Urgent IT Leadership and Strategic Analysis

When faced with a sudden void in IT leadership, a manufacturing portfolio company urgently sought an experienced IT director. Tasked with immediate on-site presence and future planning, the IT director’s role would encompass interim management and a comprehensive IT infrastructure and security assessment.

The Challenge
Managing Unforeseen IT Leadership Gap

The manufacturing company, generating more than $100 million in revenue, encountered a critical challenge as its IT director and key personnel departed unexpectedly. This abrupt leadership gap and outdated technology necessitated rapid action. Identifying an interim IT director capable of operational management and thorough assessment was a complex task.

How BluWave Helped
Seamless Interim Leadership and Comprehensive Insight

BluWave facilitated the collaboration between the manufacturing portfolio company and a seasoned IT director who specialized in manufacturing industry solutions. This adept professional swiftly assumed on-site responsibilities, providing strategic IT leadership during the transitional phase.

The Result
Immediate Operational Continuity and Strategic Enhancement

The new IT leader hit the ground running with a comprehensive plan, bringing the manufacturing portfolio company operational stability. His expertise enabled a detailed IT infrastructure and security assessment, paving the way for future technological advancements. By addressing interim leadership needs and conducting an assessment in tandem, the company positioned itself for elevated IT functionality and enhanced security.

5 Steps to an Effective Voice of Customer (VoC) Strategy

In today’s competitive market landscape, understanding your customers’ perceptions and needs is paramount. This is where an effective voice of customer (VoC) strategy comes into play, allowing businesses to capture and analyze customer feedback for informed decision-making.

But without a strategic approach based on proven voice of customer best practices, deciphering customer pain points and optimizing your business operations can be challenging.

This guide will take you through five essential steps to building and implementing a successful VoC strategy.

Building a Customer-Centric Company Culture

An effective VoC strategy begins by cultivating a customer-centric culture within your organization. This involves adopting a mindset where customer needs and feedback are the driving force behind every decision. From the C-suite to the front-line employees, every team member should understand the value of the customer’s voice and its impact on business success.

The integration of a VoC strategy extends across all departments, with each having a unique role and benefiting differently. For instance, the marketing department might prioritize understanding customer preferences for promotional channels, while the product development team might focus on feedback about product usability.

Building a Robust VoC Data Collection Framework

Your VoC strategy is only as good as the data you collect. Diverse methods of data collection provide a multifaceted view of customer preferences, expectations and pain points. As you adopt different VoC methodologies, you’ll gain a more comprehensive understanding of the customer journey.

Select feedback channels that align with your customer’s preferences and your business sneeds. Whether it’s through direct interviews, surveys, social media or customer support interactions, diversifying your feedback channels is crucial. Continually assess the strengths and weaknesses of your current channels to fine-tune your data collection strategy.

Transforming VoC Data into Actionable Insights

Collecting VoC data is just the beginning. The power of your VoC strategy lies in transforming this raw data into actionable insights. Analytical tools are indispensable for interpreting the data and identifying patterns that signify customer sentiment, preferences and pain points.

READ MORE: The Power of AI and Data Analytics

For instance, you may notice a recurring theme of customers struggling with a particular feature of your product. Grouping similar feedback points helps you identify and prioritize areas for improvement. By mapping these themes against customer personas and journey stages, you can gain a deeper understanding of specific customer experiences and expectations.

Prioritizing and Implementing VoC-Driven Initiatives

Having extracted insights from your VoC data, the next step involves implementing VoC-driven initiatives. Prioritization of these initiatives depends on several factors, including the feasibility of implementation, expected impact and alignment with business objectives.

A VoC roadmap can help you systematically execute prioritized initiatives over time. Transparent communication is key during this phase, ensuring everyone understands the changes and is on board with the new initiatives. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be set to measure the effectiveness of these initiatives, providing tangible proof of your VoC strategy’s success.

Enhancing Customer Engagement and VoC Program Evolution

A successful VoC strategy doesn’t stop at implementation—it’s an ongoing process that evolves with your customers’ needs and expectations. Keep your customers informed about the changes you’re making based on their feedback. This not only shows your commitment to their satisfaction but also encourages their continued participation in your VoC program.

Regular reviews and updates to your VoC program are essential to stay in sync with changing customer needs. Your VoC strategy should be flexible, allowing for continuous improvement and adaptation.

Building and implementing an effective VoC strategy may seem like a daunting task, but the rewards of increased customer satisfaction and business growth are worth the effort.

Working with a trusted third-party expert can help ease this process, and BluWave is here to connect you with the perfect resource.

“There are providers with networks of contacts across different industries,” says Keenan Kolinsky, BluWave co-head of research and operations. “Not only is it interesting to survey existing customers, but also potential customers to gain their insights and perspectives, and that’s really where these third parties can add value, is helping businesses get insights from potential customers – not just the ones they already have.”

Whether you need help refining your data collection methods, analyzing VoC data or implementing VoC-driven initiatives, our research and operations team is ready to assist. Contact us today and let us guide you to success in your VoC journey.

‘A Player’ Needed To Lead Portco’s People Operations

Service Area: Executive Search

Client Type: Portfolio Company

Service Provider Type: Vice President of Human Resources/People Operations

Industry: Technology – Software

The Need
High-Performing Executive To Lead HR Department

A portfolio company engaged BluWave to orchestrate a targeted search for a vice president of people operations to lead a technology software company’s HR endeavors. The company’s vision to maintain high employee engagement, foster a growth-oriented culture and optimize the recruitment process necessitated a skilled HR leader.

The Challenge
Cultivating Culture and High-Performing Teams

The primary challenge was to find a VP of HR who could uphold the existing culture’s vibrancy while growing it. The candidate needed to blend strategic HR expertise with an ability to manage and integrate a dynamic culture within a growing technology company.

How BluWave Helped
Tailored Search for People-First Leadership

BluWave collaborated with the portfolio company to craft a tailored executive search strategy that aligned with the software company’s values-driven culture. This approach identified a rising star – the “A player” the company sought – capable of not only driving HR strategies but also contributing to organizational health, diversity and inclusion, and talent acquisition.

The Result
Empowering Organizational Transformation

The transformative HR leader resonated with the company’s values and growth mindset. He brought a blend of high-tech experience and a strategic yet hands-on approach. With the new leader in place, the company is poised to enhance its employee engagement, build a robust hiring system and propel its organizational excellence journey.

BluWave’s tailored approach to executive search ensured a seamless integration of an HR leader who shares the company’s vision, values and goals.