How We Did It: Targeted Survey Case Study

With COVID-19 drastically altering the healthcare landscape, our PE fund client needed to quickly understand the effects these changes were having on a healthcare provider of interest — and they needed to know across geographic areas spanning six states in two weeks. Based on our proprietary approach, from our selection of vetted candidates the PE fund hired a group of resources with the exact market experience they needed, as well as key relationships with manufacturers. The information gleaned armed the PE fund with the insights they needed to make an informed decision.

For the full story, read the case study here.

Interim CFO Needed to Quickly Integrate New PE Platform Portco

An interim chief financial officer with relevant niche experience was needed

A private equity firm purchased multiple IT managed services companies with the intention of integrating them into one streamlined platform. The firm needed an interim chief financial officer immediately, but they did not have time or patience to sift through scores of unvetted, mixed-quality candidates. Rather, they wanted a candidate from a targeted subset of pre-vetted, PE-grade interim CFOs that fit their specific needs by company size, budget, industry, culture and geography. Crucially, the firm also needed an interim CFO who both understood the IT MSP environment and had a proven track record of successful financial integrations.

BluWave learned the need and matched the requirements to our pre-vetted resources

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade interim CFOs. We utilize these frameworks to map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of the select interim professionals that meet the private equity standard. In this instance, we interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria, and then matched these criteria to the right pre-vetted candidates from our invitation-only network.

The PE firm was quickly introduced to a targeted selection of interim CFOs that fit their exact needs

After interviewing a discrete number of custom-fit candidates, the PE firm chose their preferred candidate. This person started working within two weeks of the firm’s initial outreach to us. This interim chief financial officer quickly gained the trust of the portfolio companies’ leadership, successfully consolidated financial reporting across the two separate companies, and ultimately paved the way for the new permanent CFO. The PE firm was able to drive an excellent outcome without wasting time and opportunity costs.

We pride ourselves on our ability to know the market of the niche expert resources our clients need before they need them.

Executive Recruiter Critically Needed for New Portco

Firm needed executive recruiter to place CEO with industry expertise

Having recently invested in a sector for the first time, a PE firm came to us with an urgent need for an executive recruiter. Knowing that they needed to place an industry expert as CEO in their new power solutions portfolio company, the firm was in need of a specialized executive recruiter that had experience and deep network connections in the nuanced sector. Ultimately, the PE firm was seeking an executive recruiter that could quickly place an experienced CEO with a background in the power solutions market in their new portfolio company.

BluWave identified PE-grade executive recruiter from pre-vetted network

Leveraging our founder’s 20 years in private equity, we have extensive frameworks for assessing PE-grade executive recruiter needs. BluWave utilizes technology, data, and human ingenuity to pre-map, assess, monitor, and maintain deep pools of specialized executive recruiters across various industries that uniquely meet the private equity standard. We interviewed the PE firm to understand their specific key criteria, and then quickly connected the client with two select pre-vetted executive recruiters from our invitation-only Intelligent Network that fit their exacting needs.

Firm engaged provider and successfully recruited CEO

The PE firm selected their ideal recruiter who started sourcing candidates immediately. With their deep network connections and intimate understanding of the industry, the recruiter was able to identify exact-fit candidates faster than generalist recruiters the PE firm had previously used. The executive search firm successfully recruited a CEO for the portfolio company who had decades of experience in the power solutions industry, prior business experience as an executive within a PE-backed company, and demonstrated financial acumen in similarly-sized companies.

PE Firm in Need of Short-Term Resource

PE firm needed short-term resources after unexpected loss

A private equity firm in our network unexpectedly lost two mid-level investment team members within a few weeks of each other. In order to avoid missing out on active deal opportunities, the PE firm needed to quickly find a short-term resource who could meet its team standards and bridge the gap while it searched for a full-time hire.

Bluwave connected firm with top-tier candidates

With our extensive private equity knowledge, rooted in our founder’s 20 years of PE industry experience, we use time-tested frameworks to assess PE-grade investment professionals for interim work opportunities with our clients. We quickly identified several candidates whose experience matched the exacting needs of the PE firm based on specific criteria outlined during the initial assessment.

Client engaged candidates and found stability during the transition

Within two weeks, a top-tier MBA with four years of relevant PE experience joined the team. The independent consultant was integrated into the core team quickly to ensure that projects stayed on course. He stayed for three months, giving the PE firm client stability and a much-needed resource while it searched for a full-time candidate.

How We Did it: Private Equity Associate Case Study

With our extensive private equity knowledge, we use time-tested frameworks to assess PE-grade investment professionals for interim work opportunities with our clients. This means when clients have a need, we can move swiftly to connect them with viable, third-party resources. When a private equity fund in our network unexpectedly lost two mid-level investment team members within a few weeks of each other, they needed to quickly find a short-term resource who could meet its team standards and bridge the gap while it searched for a full-time hire. 

For the full story, read the case study here. 

How We Did It: Cost Reduction Case Study 

PE funds across a broad spectrum of industries often approach us with specific, episodic needs. Our first step for matching them with best-in-class, third party resources is to understand the nuances and unique challenges they face. When a private equity firm acquired a leading plastics company that designed and manufactured innovative plastic-injection-molded products, the firm believed there was room for improvement and cost reductions in the company’s supply contracts. We quickly matched these criteria to the pre-vetted candidates from our invitation-only network, rooted in our founder’s 20 years of PE industry experience.

For the full story, read the case study here.

How We Did It: Executive Search Case Study

Finding specialized executive search firms is an area PE funds often seek our assistance, because instead of spending countless hours trying to find the right fit we can quickly match the funds with a series of vetted candidates. So, when our PE fund client acquired a founder-owned business that provides services to the niche power solutions market, they needed deep network connections beyond its immediate purview to source a highly capable CEO with industry experience. 

For the full story, read the case study here.

How Companies Can Leverage Interim Leadership for a World in Flux

A rapid transformation of the global workforce has been taking place, fueled by digital transformation, specialization, and an increasingly on-demand labor pool. This transformation will only accelerate in light of the Coronavirus pandemic. Your company can’t afford to be paralyzed. In fact, when the world starts rotating again, now more than ever you and global workers need to proactively embrace these changes and be ready to act.

Just look at what’s happening at the government level: a task force appointed by the President in order to tackle COVID-19. These experts have backgrounds in healthcare, infectious disease, economics, and infrastructure. Within a few months, they will have done their duties and will likely be off to fight the next battle. Perhaps a few will stay on longer-term to help rebuild critical healthcare infrastructure that was so clearly lacking.

In other words, having a leadership team that’s dynamic and flexible—given the rapidly changing needs of businesses—is going to be more important than ever within the next three to six months and beyond. The emerging alternative work arrangements are a win-win for both businesses in need and interim leaders with specialized skills. Highly trained professionals will embrace the opportunity to stay relevant, add value, and keep their options open while the economy comes back to life, and companies will be able to stay agile and bring in exacting expertise. Both will be able to see if a longer-term, full-time role is mutually attractive without the expectation and challenge of making a commitment in a highly fluid environment.

These interim leaders can focus on having the maximum positive impact on the company for however long they’re in their role. And the good news for organizations: as everyone is becoming more equipped to work virtually, you don’t have to wait for these people in person. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you leverage interim leaders in the coming months.

Have a specific idea of what you want interim leaders to accomplish
Companies shouldn’t measure the performance of interim leaders in the same way as full-time employees. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t have high expectations (you absolutely should), but it’s essential to recognize how their roles are unique. The first principle with interim leaders should be: do no harm. No matter what, you want the ship to keep moving forward and not disrupt momentum, which means having a tight focus on what you want done within a specific timeframe. For example, what are your top three goals within the first three to six months? By emphasizing well-defined tactical targets instead of overarching strategic goals, you’ll be deploying interim leaders as efficiently as possible.

Transparency and accountability are two of the most important traits for interim leaders, which is why interim leaders and their managers should have an open discussion about what goals they’re trying to accomplish right at the outset. When interim leaders help their colleagues develop a set of concrete outcomes to pursue and metrics for measuring success, this won’t just increase performance – it will also improve morale by giving team members a clear idea of what they’re working toward.

According to Gallup, “mission-driven workgroups suffer 30 percent to 50 percent fewer accidents and have 15 percent to 30 percent less turnover.” However, only 40 percent of employees “strongly agree that the mission or purpose of their company makes them feel their job is important.” This is why it’s vital to outline what the mission is and what steps the company is taking to accomplish it. If anything, interim leaders are under even more pressure to outline exactly what outcomes their teams are trying to achieve – they’re hired with specific targets in mind and they typically have to rigorously adhere to set timeframes.

Without establishing well-defined goals, it’s impossible to hold interim leaders accountable. The alternative workforce is built around accountability, for both independent workers and the companies that hire them. Just as companies want to know if potential leaders have a proven record of finishing projects on time and under budget, good leaders want the ability to prove what they’re capable of by pointing to what they’ve accomplished.

Treat interim leaders like full-time teammates
Interim leaders are recruited because they offer a specialized set of skills that a company’s current workforce can’t provide. To be as effective as possible, however, these leaders should work within the existing protocols and expectations – as well as the current structure and culture of the company – to be as productive as possible without becoming disruptive. They should be treated like full-time resources.

Many organizations hire interim leaders with the expectation that these professionals have specialized expertise and thus should know what to do or will require little management. This approach doesn’t work with full-time executives and will also not work with interim leaders. You still need to manage them with care to enable them to support your organization’s success and achieve desired objectives.

According to Deloitte, despite the fact that American employers are increasingly reliant upon alternative workers, only 28 percent say they’re “ready or very ready” to manage these types of workforces. While just 8 percent of companies report that they have “established processes to manage and develop alternative workforce sources,” almost a quarter have “little to no processes.” The rest are somewhere in between.

This means interim leaders will also have to step up to address this lack of capabilities and processes by proactively engaging with permanent team members right away (asking what they need and what major obstacles they face, for example), starting conversations about reasonable goals and how to achieve them, and familiarizing themselves with the company’s culture and operations as quickly as possible. Companies will be on a steep learning curve with the alternative workforce for years to come, so alternative workers themselves need to equally take responsibility in the meantime.

Why flexibility should be a top priority across the company
The most common mistake people make when they think about the alternative workforce is to reduce it to the gig economy. A surging number of highly trained specialists like the flexibility that alternative work arrangements provide. CFOs, CTOs, and other members of the C-suite want to be more selective with the types of work they do and are open to moving from project to project while waiting to find the right long-term opportunity. This allows them to expand their skill sets, network, and secure long-term positions that will ultimately be better for them and the companies they work for.

And this demand for flexibility extends to other workers as well. According to a 2019 survey conducted by FlexJobs, 80 percent of employees said they would be more loyal to their companies if they had flexible work options, 65 percent said they would be more productive if they could work from home, and almost one-third reported that they had actually left a job due to a lack of flexibility.

None of this will come as a surprise to interim leaders – after all, they likely decided to join the alternative workforce for similar reasons. This is why they should be especially sensitive to the changing demands of American workers and do their best to provide flexibility wherever possible. This could mean any number of things – from providing remote work opportunities to instituting intelligent flexibility that allows for less rigid scheduling while not sacrificing productivity.

Specialized leaders from the alternative workforce are uniquely positioned to address the new normal that will require on-demand expertise in rapidly changing environments. If they combine their needed capabilities with an outcome-oriented mindset and the ability to merge their talents with a company’s existing culture and operations, they’ll be a powerful productive force for the future of work while simultaneously helping to rebuild the global economy.

Bain’s Global PE Report 2020: High Prices and Higher Stakes

Oh, what a difference a month makes.

Prior to the coronavirus sending the world into a health pandemic and a global economic downturn, Bain & Company released its annual “Global Private Equity Report” to provide context and insights for the current year. While these reports often top 100 pages (which makes them somewhat cumbersome to digest), they are filled to the brim with useful information.

I took a dive into this year’s report and pulled out some highlights. While it’s interesting to look at these insights now through the COVID-19 lens, the key takeaway is the same: higher stakes for value creation.

In a time like no other in modern history, companies will need to create value quickly, efficiently, and with little margin for error. In our experience, this is where expertise comes in. This isn’t the time to be “learning on the job.” Rather, it’s the right time to create your own “value creation task force” powered by individuals or groups who know exactly what to do.

Here are the top 10 things to know, along with page references:

  1. PE buyout deal value remains robust at $551B in 2020 (page 5).
  2. Deal multiples reached an all-time high (average of 11.5x EBITDA) fueled by robust debt markets (pages 6, 7).
  3. Uncalled capital (aka “dry powder”) has been rising since 2012, hitting $2.5 trillion in December 2019 (page 11).
  4. The largest exit channel for PE is strategic buyers (pages 14,15). Judging by our experience at BluWave, strategics typically get aggressive for cleaned-up companies and they’re much less willing to buy fixers.
  5. Private equity is still outperforming public equity over the long term, but the spread is decreasing as absolute returns in PE decline due to industry maturation and related supply/demand dynamics (pages 24, 25).
  6. Fundraising had been robust, but we’re moving toward a world of haves and have nots with fewer funds raising larger sums. Meanwhile, fundraising is taking longer (page 20).
  7. Winning firms tended to be buyout firms with strong track records (top 1 or 2 quartiles), a clear strategy, a high degree of specialization, and strong value creation capabilities (page 22).
  8. Funds are distinguishing themselves by focusing and recognizing patterns for value creation (page 89).
  9. PE funds must aggressively deploy new levers for value creation to continue making things economically interesting and attracting investment as the LP world bifurcates.
  10. Bain believes PE is still best positioned for long-term success, but like always, business gets harder, participants must evolve, and the proactive players will continue to thrive while others will increasingly struggle.

Here’s how the developments we’re seeing at BluWave align with this report: We are seeing a massive shift towards value creation in private equity.  As noted in our BluWave Index, PE Fund clients are using us to support value creation more than 60% of the time (ask us for a copy).  Value creation is also increasingly being pulled into due diligence streams.  PE funds are using BluWave to drive value creation insights during due diligence so they can acquire the company based upon what it could or should be versus what it is or is portrayed to be in the offering memorandum.

Click here to reference Bain’s 2020 report.

5 Value Creation Ideas for Private Equity Funds

The business of private equity is getting more business-like. Today, most private equity funds are largely managed like partnerships, not like the companies they own. However, many firms have realized the private equity industry has now matured into an industry and are starting to manage their own companies like their portfolio companies.

Here are some value creation ideas being implemented with our other PE fund customers that can help you get the ball rolling on maximizing the effectiveness and competitiveness of your private equity fund operations.

Get Digital Marketing Going
Amazingly, many B2B businesses still aren’t reaching their full potential because they don’t understand or appreciate the power of digital marketing. Nearly all private equity funds fall in this bucket and are not taking advantage of this low-hanging fruit because they don’t see it as particularly relevant or appropriate for their model.

However, there are only so many hands that you can shake during the course of a year. With digital, you can regularly speak to thousands of intermediaries, business owners, and other influencers at the click of a button.

To do digital well, you need to do more than an update of the creative on your website or a quarterly deal announcement email. You should be using an integrated approach leveraging not only email, but also paid search, SEO, and regular content that is interesting and relevant.

The good news is that digital can now be done well with a relatively reasonable budget. Don’t try to brute force this with internal resources. You can outsource this to professionals who can help you get it done right and allow your team to leverage their strategic strengths rather than taking precious time to sub-optimally recreate the wheel.

Never Say Small When You’re Talking About Your Money
Most private equity funds don’t think meaningfully about the spend within their own organizations after compensation, real estate, and deal-related expenses. However, you’re spending money on all sorts of other things that add up. You don’t want to let the tail wag the dog by any means, but there are some relatively easy tools you can use to drive savings and free up some cash to invest elsewhere in your organization. One such tool that both you and your portfolio companies should use is a group purchasing organization (GPO). You’ll likely find savings in travel, office supplies, and data and telephony. It may not change your world, but it’s free money that’s relatively easy to get.

Stop Getting Bogged Down With Post-Closing Tactics
PE funds typically come up with a differential strategy, use it to prevail in a process, and then get swamped out of the gates with the minutiae of the 100-day plan. Rent an independent consultant hailing from a top PE ops improvement consulting firm to drive tactics that are important but not the best use of your teams’ scarce time, such as:

  • Reporting
  • KPIs & dashboarding
  • 13-week cash flow forecasting
  • Ad-hoc onboarding analyses

And other similar tactics. Groups who use these resources also typically ask for and get baskets in their debt agreements and push these costs below the bottom line (P.S., they’re also great for preparing for sale).

Use the Robots
Your team’s opportunity costs are in the $1,000s per hour. We’re regularly asked at BluWave how many employees we have. Our answer is always “as few as possible.” Like you, each hour is precious for us and we use technology, automate, and outsource whenever possible so we can as optimally as possible focus resources on our strategic cores. PE funds should do the same by using and getting the most out of the latest CRM software, portfolio company reporting solutions, strategic planning tools and the like.

Get Leverage
Using variable resources is a necessity in this day and age in PE. Groups who use them well can accelerate growth, development, and value creation in profound ways. However, it’s hard to know who is good; as soon as you like them, they change or aren’t available, and as a single fund it’s hard to hold third party resources accountable. Shameless plug: Use BluWave. Our business is to be the expert of experts, so you can focus more on your strategic priorities.

You can’t do it alone. Value creation is, in large part, about the people and resources you leverage to help, especially for private equity funds. Take advantage of the pre-vetted network of experts available through BluWave today. Get in touch with us.

Why Your Company Needs a Fully Realized Digital Marketing Strategy

As a player in the private equity space, you know the struggles of growing a company under tight deadlines and budgets. While you may think that digital marketing is better suited for “the other guys,” e.g. B2C firms, larger companies, groups targeting millennials, this isn’t the case. Middle market businesses across verticals can harness the power of digital marketing for business growth.

Digital marketing is one of the most underused tools in the toolbox.  By not implementing these methods and realizing how important a digital marketing strategy is, your leadership teams are leaving money on the table.

Here are a few things you should know:

  • Per McKinsey, companies with strong B2B digital marketing plans/brands see 20% increased performance
  • Per CEB, B2B buyers are now nearly 70% through their buying process before contacting a provider
  • Per Google, B2B buyers are typically willing to consider two options by the time they engage a potential provider

Marketing now plays a much more important role in your selling process.

Digital Marketing is More Affordable Than You Think
Despite the number of acronyms thrown around and the ever-changing stream of marketing platforms, executing against a digital marketing plan is more attainable than many lower middle-market and middle-market firms may expect.

You don’t need high-end, expensive software: there are now a number of powerful, simple to use, and cost-effective tools available.

You can also start by renting a fully capable digital marketing team before investing in an internal one or simply outsource certain roles to augment your existing team’s efforts.

Implementing a multi-dimensional digital marketing strategy may seem like it will stretch your company’s already tight budget, but overspending on a digital marketing budget isn’t necessary. Working with a marketing services agency instead of hiring internal staff gives you the resources you need at a price that makes sense for the bottom line.

Key Elements of your Digital Marketing Demand Generation Plan
Once your company is ready to work with an agency, here are a few items they should concentrate on to gain the benefits of digital marketing:

  • Data – It’s hard to do digital marketing effectively without good data. Make sure you have it and treat data as a resource that needs to be invested in and maintained like any other asset in your business.  B2C data can be relatively robust over time, but B2B data degrades at about 5% per month.
  • Content — Bottom line: your company needs to attract potential customers to its website. Quality content, including blog posts, infographics, and other well-written ad engaging copy can help increase credibility and your position within your industry while intriguing prospects, causing them to stay on your site for longer periods of time, and reach out to you for more information. Make this content targeted:  Per Hubspot, 96% of B2B buyers want content targeted to their own industry.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) — Many people think SEO is cost-prohibitive, but it doesn’t have to be. A technical SEO expert, combined with in-depth content, can effectively raise a website’s ranking in a short time with minimal cost.
  • Social Media — For a company looking to increase their visibility, social media is key. For B2C companies, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram help your company connect with customers and prospects. Social media is also becoming critical for B2B customers who are finding their customers in both traditional social platforms as well as business focused platforms like LinkedIn. There are also a variety of analytics from these platforms to demonstrably show how your firm is performing, both over time and against competitors.
  • Paid Search Marketing — While there is a financial barrier to paid search, your portco doesn’t need a huge budget to be successful. Even small companies utilizing well-targeted campaigns with the right keyword strategy can yield powerful results that pay for themselves.
  • Email – Most companies already do email marketing in one form or another. It’s the easiest way to get started.  You shouldn’t do email alone, though, as its increasingly hard to get through the noise in the inbox. Use this tactic in concert with all of the approaches above and you’ll see profound results.

A fully-realized digital marketing strategy is a key step in your company’s continued development.  Once a marketing plan and the resources are in place, you should set clear goals and expectations for growth with your internal and external teams and hold them accountable.

Ensure Your Portfolio Companies Have the Resources They Need
Don’t let your company’s digital-fueled growth stagnate or never get off the ground. Your portfolio company can get started quickly by leveraging the skills of a top outsourced agency that has the functional capabilities you need, the industry experience you require, and the budget you have.

Rent 10% of a bunch of A’s versus owning 100% of the B or C capabilities your budget will support: you’ll get better results and save time, money, and the struggle of hiring for a specific set of scarce skills.

Finding the right resources should never be a barrier to success. Learn more about how we help your portfolio company build value by working with PE-tested expert service providers.

3 Ways to Increase Your Company’s Value

After nearly 20 years in private equity, I appreciate how hard it is to build and grow businesses in a constrained environment.  Nothing is easy, but most things are possible with the right people and resources.

Top private equity funds regularly ask us about ideas to help drive growth and reduce costs.  Here are a few growth, organizational development, and cost reduction strategies that can be applied to build your business and drive value creation:

Reach 1,000s of customers at a click of a button:  Digital marketing is the most underused tool in the middle market: every business should be doing at least the basics (particularly in underutilized B2B markets).  This starts with good data (you should think of this as a business asset), requires market segmented content, and systems capabilities. It’s really hard, and expensive, to internally be good across SEO, paid search, content, email, PPC ads, etc.  You should outsource this to a middle market agency who will do this better and at lower cost than you can.  Committed digital marketing programs can lift revenues by more than 20%.

Rent “A” Players:  Sometimes it’s better to rent 10% of a bunch of A’s rather than own 100% of the B or C you can afford in your budget: the future of work is now (just ask some of the best younger workforce members who won’t work full time).  There are great variable resources that you can use across the functional areas of your organization to more optimally inform strategies and execute on your plans.  Use them.  Plus, if it is a one-time project, you often can get an add-back for it, enabling you to present stronger numbers when it comes time to sell your business.

Your costs are rising, you should be fighting it more: In the current world climate, all sorts of input costs are on the rise, from metal to plastics to fuel. Most companies (including very large ones), don’t have the internal expertise or the free resources to understand and aggressively combat today’s volatility. Bring in a specialized procurement group that lives and breathes in these markets to reduce costs, diversify supply chains, and/or hedge risks. While you’re at it, go after your indirect spend. If you’re not ready for a procurement group, at the very least you should be using plug and play Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs). Expect some push back as the savings can be embarrassing and/or preemptively tap into rainy day savings buckets. However, when you apply a valuation multiple to the savings you’ll achieve, these tools are no-brainers.

Finding the superior groups isn’t easy. BluWave seamlessly connects you with the best vetted and private equity tested practitioners that specialize in your areas of need and fit your budget. We also make it remarkably easy on you: we don’t charge you anything to use our service.

Start talking with us about your needs today. Help is a call or email away.